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Doped semiconductor nanocrystals (dSNCs) are an exciting emerging material. Carrier densities in the range of 1020-1021cm-3 lead to localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) in the near infrared (NIR). Prominent examples are copper chalcogenides, where doping occurs via vacancy formation, and metal oxides (MOs) that show plasmonic response due to impurity doping. Excitingly, both materials disp ...
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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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Knowledge regarding the complex interplay between agricultural land use and management and soil quality and function is fragmented and incomplete, in particular with regard to underlying principles and regulating mechanisms. The main aim of iSQAPER is to develop an interactive soil quality assessment tool (SQAPP) for agricultural land users that integrates newly derived process understanding and a ...
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Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder (MoveCare)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

MoveCare develops and field tests an innovative multi-actor platform that supports the independent living of the elder at home by monitoring, assist and promoting activities to counteract decline and social exclusion. It comprises 3 hierarchical layers: 1) A service layer provides monitoring and intervention. It endows objects of everyday use with advanced processing capabilities and integrates th ...
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IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes (IMPREX)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremesFor a better anticipation on future high impact hydrological extremes disrupting safety of citizens, agricultural production, transportation, energy production and urban water supply, and overall economic productivity, prediction and foresighting capabilities and their intake in these strategic sectors need to be improved. IMPREX will im ...
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Industrial scenarios for connected factories (ConnectedFactories)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

There is a consensus among industry and policymakers that Europe is currently in the middle of an industrial revolution initiated by the digitisation of industrial processes. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), the Industrial Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) connect people, devices, machines and enterprises like never before. For many years companies and research organisations have been address ...
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The project aims at improving our understanding on behavioural mechanisms in energy efficiency, following an interdisciplinary and broad behavioural science approach. The project will provide an empirical and numerical assessment of the psychological, social, economic and financial factors that influence energy efficiency in the residential and industry sectors By paring with energy utilities and ...
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The objective of this project is to quantify the role of consumers’ behaviour on the design and assessment of policies aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and conservation and at promoting climate change mitigation. The project brings together different disciplines –namely energy policy, environmental and ecological economics, behavioral public finance, experimental economics, and technology poli ...
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Society as a whole is increasingly exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters because extreme weather events, exacerbated by climate change, are becoming more frequent and longer. To increase the resilience of European citizens and assets to natural disaster we propose I-REACT: Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies. The proposed system targets public administrati ...
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"Cancers of the Head and Neck Region (HNC) are the 6th more deadly cancers worldwide: in Europe ~150.000 new cases are detected and ~70.000 patients die every year. The main reasons for high mortality are the fact that the majority of cases are diagnosed in advanced Stage and the intrinsic heterogeneity of such tumors. At present the only adopted treatment decision method is based on TNM (Tumor-ly ...
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Disconnected, discouraged, disenabled? Let’s code!

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

CONTEXTSThe DIS-CODE project aims to train students at drop out risk on improving digital skills and learning maths by studying coding, the 21st century language developing transversal skills such as abstract and analytical thinking, logic and problem solving. The used method will be mainly the one of the flipped classroom, where the traditional lesson method is flipped, meaning that class lecture ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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e-CF COUNCIL will build a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector to foster ICT professionalism at European and international level. There will be employer and professional associations, social partners, companies, Small-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), public authorities, training institutions and certification bodies. The development of recognised and joint ICT VET programme ...
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Human Cities_Challenging the city scale

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Human Cities is shaped as a multidisciplinary European network composed of various profiles: universities, design centers and design weeks, ICT platforms, service design and creative design consultancies. Led by Cité du Design de Saint-Etienne [FR], the partners share their know how in innovating with people in the urban space using design as a creative and sustainable tool. The focus of Human Cit ...
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European cooperative framework for Dual LEarning

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

EuroDuaLE want to open the road for transnational cooperation for the provision of dual learning programmes. HEIs are asked to strenghten the quality of the education provided, for example with the use of ICT solutions and more innovative training approaches, open up to cross-national cooperation and relate more efficiently with the labour market (EU Modernisation Agenda for HE, 2011) . With Euro ...
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With the development of powerful real-time imaging modalities, the sector of minimally invasive surgery has grown massively in the last decades. The easy and reliable navigation of the medical devices used in these environments is one of the key aspects for the success of such an operation. Currently, only a limited spectrum of devices for these interventions is available defined by the medical de ...
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Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion (DECI)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

The average human lifespan increase has significant impacts on healthcare organizations and on every aspect of citizens’ wellbeing. One of the main areas of intervention focuses on elderly people affected by Cognitive Impairment (CI). These people, especially when living alone, are significantly exposed to undeniable risks that can affect their health (falling, malnutrition, hygiene issues, etc.). ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

This project is the second in the series of EC-financed parts of the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a 10 year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of 1,000,000,000 euros, funded jointly by the European Commission and member states and associated countries. The first part of the Flagship was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CS ...
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EUrope-BRAzil Collaboration on BIG Data Scientific REsearch through Cloud-Centric Applications aims at providing services in the cloud for the processing of massive data coming from highly connected societies, which impose multiple challenges on resource provision, performance, Quality of Service and privacy. Processing those data require rapidly provisioned infrastructures customised to Big Data ...
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Many reports issued by the European Union, by University researchers and human resources experts point out that the so called “soft” skills are closely connected with employability of young people entering the labour market. Further studies argue that companies are in vital need of the digital skills the generation that grew up with the internet have. OERs (Open Educational Resources) and MOOCs ( ...
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Entrepreneurship has never been more important than it is now: Entrepreneurs are the driving force of Europe’s economy and a cornerstone to sustainable recovery. Europe needs to create an entrepreneurial culture that permeates our schools and universities. After all, 37% of Europeans want to be their own boss, but only 10% actually are. If this potential could be tapped, millions of new businesse ...
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Obesity and other lifestyle-related illness are among the top healthcare challenges in Europe. Obesity alone accounts for up to 7% of healthcare costs in the EU, as well as wider economy costs associated with lower productivity, lost output and premature death. Obesity in younger age is an alarming predictor for obesity in adulthood, but also entails short term health complications in juvenile age ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The overall goal of the project EPHEMERAL HERITAGE OF THE EUROPEAN CARNIVAL RITUALS (CARNVAL) is to promote the variety of Europe’s historical and social realities by disseminating some of its most European Carnival rituals and the cultural and creative sectors associated with them. These events are an important part of Europe’s intangible cultural heritage. Our project, therefore, aims to dissemi ...
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"The purpose of the project INSERT is to provide clinically relevant stratification and improved personalized radio-chemo therapy for brain tumour patients using a specifically developed multi-modality imaging tool. The system will also be used for early assessment of treatment efficacy. The initial focus will be on patients with glioma but there is future potential to target a range of tumours in ...
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European Roadmap for Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing (sCorPiuS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The worldwide economic downturn forces the Western companies to cut costs and enhances the performances of their processes in order to maintain the European leadership and excellence in manufacturing. Effectively, European businesses cannot compete anymore on workforce costs with Eastern countries: as a result the manufacturers have to leverage on more sustainable and efficient production systems. ...
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LEVER aims at “Modelling informal learning and transversal competences in the voluntary service experience to increase employment and mobility of citizens”, fostering volunteers’ competence/transversal skills certifications, according to common transnational schemes and reference frameworks. In fact, the voluntary service can be seen as a relevant learning set/experience for the world of work and ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Game Jams have been organised for several years around the world and are a powerful instrument to stimulate innovation in the creation, development and deployment of educational games. Game Jam events are typically organised for 48 hours and simultaneously conducted in various locations. They offer the possibility to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes wh ...
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The project POst-CArbon CIties of TOmorrow – foresight for sustainable pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context (POCACITO) will develop an evidence-based 2050 roadmap for EU post-carbon cities. POCACITO facilitates the transition of EU cities to a forecasted sustainable or “post-carbon” economic model. The project focuses on towns, cities, megacities, metropol ...
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The BabyLux project aims to provide a precise, accurate and robust integrated system to continuously monitoring cerebral oxygen metabolism and blood flow in critically ill newborn babies. Over the last two decades, the percentage of preterm births in the Western hemisphere rose by 20%. During early stages of brain development, injury from lack of blood flow and oxygen delivery may induce cognitive ...
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Traditional security solutions based on custom hardware like smart cards, set-top boxes, and dongles, are not convenient on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Software protection is therefore utterly important; it can be a maker and breaker in domains like multi-screen mobile TV, software licensing, and credentials and sensitive data stored on mobile devices. However, current software pr ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Early school leaving is the result of a mix of individual, educational and socio-economic factors. Many triggering effects make ESL a complex multisector phenomenon: school failure (disengagement, low achievement, transition between schools and school levels), pull effects from labour market, social and family situation. If it differs from country to country and from region to region, there are s ...
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Critical System Engineering Acceleration (CRYSTAL)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

CRYSTAL aims at fostering Europe’s leading edge position in embedded systems engineering in particular regarding quality and cost effectiveness of safety-critical embedded systems and architecture platforms.Its overall goal is to enable sustainable paths to speed up the maturation, integration, and cross-sectoral reusability of technological and methodological bricks of the factories for safety-cr ...
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World Manufacturing Forum 2015 (WMF2015)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The aim of this supporting action is the planning and the organization of the World Manufacturing Forum 2015 (WMF2015) to be held in the second semester of 2015. Keeping the WMF2015 in Europe is pivotal in order to retain the European leadership in key Manufacturing enabling technologies. The aim of this specific proposal is the planning and the organization of an event that can represent the flag ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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The Institute for International Politics and Economics (named Haus Rissen) together with Villa Vigoni (seated in Italy) will realize a German - Italian seminar on the topic "Integration of young migrants in European agglomerations". In the project seven other political, administrative and migrants organisations from Milan and Hamburg will participate, which have special experience in the topic. T ...
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European IC manufacturers are on the way to become suppliers of customized products for OEM companies, which means high flexibility and product diversity. The project aims at conducting research to support the development of new manufacturing procedures, new organizations and new information and control tools to enable IC production lines to efficiently manage a high product and technology mix and ...
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The ubiquity of Internet access, and the wide variety of Internet-enabled devices and applications, have made the Internet a principal pillar of the Information Society. Decentralized and diverse, the Internet is resilient and universal. However, its distributed nature leads to operational brittleness and difficulty in identifying and tracking the root causes of performance and availability issues ...
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The European Manufacturing Industry competitiveness and sustainability strongly depends on Innovation, targeting new consumer needs and societal challenges. This calls for significant public and private investments in R&D, but also a growing capability to transform the created knowledge into new products, processes, services and business models.Many of these challenges are multi-sectorial as the t ...
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