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QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (QuantERA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum TechnologiesQuantum Technologies (QT) has become a new and fast developing area of research initiated by a realisation that quantum physics opens up radically new modes of quantum information processing and communication. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technolog ...
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ERA-NET for materials research and innovation (M-ERA.NET 2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

M-ERA.NET 2 aims at coordinating the research efforts of the participating EU Member States, Associated States and Regions as well as of selected global partners in materials research and innovation, including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies.A large network of 43 national and regional funding organisations from 23 EU Members States and Associated St ...
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Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe (RadioNet)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

RadioNet is a consortium of 28 institutions in Europe, Republic of Korea and South Africa, integrating at European level world-class infrastructures for research in radio astronomy. These include radio telescopes, telescope arrays, data archives and the globally operating European Network for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (EVN). RadioNet is de facto widely regarded to represent the interests o ...
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Europe actively engages internationally to strengthen its leadership in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in the global scene and improve synergies between Member States. Europe aims to foster international cooperation and strengthen its STI presence in China due to its growing importance and STI opportunities for European actors. ERICENA (European Research Innovation Centre of ...
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Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur ...
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The objective of the AENEAS project is to develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The scientific potential of the SKA radio telescope is unprecedented and represents one of the highest priorities for the international scientific communit ...
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European Security in Health Data Exchange (SHiELD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

SHiELD will unlock the value of health data to European citizens and businesses by overcoming security and regulatory challenges that today prevent this data being exchanged with those who need it. This will make it possible to provide better health care to mobile citizens across European borders, and facilitate legitimate commercial uses of health data.The exchange of health data is already possi ...
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We propose an interdisciplinary collaboration network involving leading groups in Astrophysics (Astrophysics Group in Crete, Geneva Observatory, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Ohio State University. and Nortwestern University), and Statistics (Imperial College, University. of California Davis). The goal of this project is to share expertise between the different fields and geographical ar ...
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Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

The main goal of the VIP4SME project is to sustainably enhance Intellectual Property (IP) support services to SMEs in order to allow them to understand the value of the intellectual capital they create and own, and to define strategies and management practices allowing them to better turn this capital into commercial values and competitiveness. This challenge will be jointly addressed by 31 Nation ...
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LASERLAB-EUROPE is the European consortium of major national laser research infrastructures, covering advanced laser science and applications in most domains of research and technology, with particular emphasis on areas with high industrial and social impact, such as bio- and nanophotonics, material analyses, biology and medicine. Recently the field of advanced lasers has experienced remarkable ad ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

NFFA-EUROPE will implement the first open-access research infrastructure as a platform supporting comprehensive projects for multidisciplinary research at the nanoscale extending form synthesis to nanocharacterization to theory and numerical simulation. The integration and the extension of scope of existing specialized infrastructures within an excellence network of knowledge and know-how will ena ...
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...odels. Through a user-led approach CORBEL will develop the tools, services and data management required by cutting-edge European research projects: collectively the BMS RIs will establish a sustained foundation of collaborative scientific services for biomedical research in Europe and embed the combined infrastructure capabilities into the scientific workflow of advanced users. Furthermore CORBEL ...
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The project 'STI International Cooperation Network for EaP Countries Plus (EaP PLUS)' aims to stimulate cooperation between researchers from the EaP countries and EU MS and enhance the active participation of the Eastern Partnership countries in Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.Building on the results of the predecessor FP7 project 'IncoNet EaP', the project will eliminate remaining obstacles to E ...
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Terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide essential services to human societies. Anthropogenic pressures, however, cause serious threat to ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation, increased risk of collapse and loss of ecosystem services. Knowledge-based conservation, management and restoration policies are needed to improve ecosystem benefits in face of increasing pressures. ECOPOTENTIAL makes ...
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...ficient energy use. VINEYARD will foster the expansion of the soft-IP cores industry, currently limited in the embedded systems, to in data centre market.The VINEYARD consortium has strong industrial foundations, and covers the whole value chain in the data-centre ecosystem; from the data-centre vendors up to the data-centre application programmers. VINEYARD plans to demonstrate the advantages of ...
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The STI cooperation between the EU and South Africa as originally framed by the South Africa-EU Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement and as constantly steered by the JSTCC requires a support mechanism which can translate and facilitate policy decisions, and provide intelligence and information services to various actors and stakeholders. In previous years the ESASTAP project series ( ...
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Future Sky Safety

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The EC Flight Path 2050 vision aims to achieve the highest levels of safety to ensure that passengers and freight as well as the air transport system and its infrastructure are protected. However, trends in safety performance over the last decade indicate that the ACARE Vision 2020 safety goal of an 80% reduction of the accident rate is not being achieved. A stronger focus on safety is required. T ...
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The TBVAC2020 proposal builds on the highly successful and long-standing collaborations in subsequent EC-FP5-, FP6- and FP7-funded TB vaccine and biomarker projects, but also brings in a large number of new key partners from excellent laboratories from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia, many of which are global leaders in the TB field. This was initiated by launching an open call for Express ...
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Chromatin Dynamics in Development and Disease (Chromatin3D)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The cell nucleus is organized and compartmentalized into a highly ordered structure that contains DNA, RNA, chromosomal and histone proteins which make up a structure called chromatin. The dynamics associated with these various components are responsible for regulating physiological processes and the overall stability of the genome. The destabilization of such regulatory mechanisms that act on the ...
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Description (EN): The Alps are Europes WATER-TOWERS, providing MULTIPLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES such as water for human consumption, agriculture, industry, energy and maintaining tourism, recreation & quality of life not only for the residents but also for surrounding lowlands & big metropolitan areas. Alpine rivers are the BLUE BACKBONES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but only healthy rive ...
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Research and training in TheLink spans the material development chain for nanostructured polymers. These materials, including phase separated polymers and composites, are attracting scientific and industrial interest due to the outstanding properties and functionalities that can be achieved. However, to exploit the potential of these materials an in-depth understanding of the relationship between ...
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The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Techn ...
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Establishment and development of a new Master on “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS” in 3 RU and 2 AM Universities with affiliation of other 2 RU Universities, according to features and learning outcomes delivering graduates environmental and “green buildings” technological issues’ skills. 1. Curricular reform: to implement an effective curricular development oriented towards ...
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Contemporary research endeavours aim at equipping artificial systems with human-like cognitive skills, in an attempt to promote their intelligence beyond repetitive task accomplishment. However, despite the crucial role that the sense of time has in human cognition, both in perception and action, the capacity of artificial agents to experience the flow of time remains largely unexplored. The inabi ...
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Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 (OpenAIRE2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

OpenAIRE2020 represents a pivotal phase in the long-term effort to implement and strengthen the impact of the Open Access (OA) policies of the European Commission (EC), building on the achievements of the OpenAIRE projects. OpenAIRE2020 will expand and leverage its focus from (1) the agents and resources of scholarly communication to workflows and processes, (2) from publications to data, software ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

This project is the second in the series of EC-financed parts of the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a 10 year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of 1,000,000,000 euros, funded jointly by the European Commission and member states and associated countries. The first part of the Flagship was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CS ...
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Research and Innovation Support for Europe and Africa (RINEA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

In response to the present objectives of the EU-Africa partnership in science, technology and innovation, and addressing the STI priorities of the 2014 EU-Africa Summit, RINEA addresses three specific and complementary objectives by a range of targeted activities:1. Strengthening the quality and quantity of partnerships between research and innovation actors in EU Member states, in Associated Coun ...
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China is already an important global actor in the fields of research and innovation, and has the potential of becoming a leading force in the next few decades. The shift in China’s strategy focusing towards R&I and transforming the essence of its economy has been complimented with massive public investments in research and technology. The EU having recognised the leading role China is expected to ...
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...cations. The applications have been chosen from three different domains, medical, cloud and automotive, to demonstrate the platform independence capabilities of SHARCS. SHARCS will provide a powerful foundation for designing and developing trustworthy, secure-by-design applications and services for the Future Internet.
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Stem-cell based therapy for kidney repair (STELLAR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects 8% of the European population and ultimately results in renal failure due to progressive fibrosis. CDK carries a high mortality risk and the number of affected people rises, increasing the demand on renal replacement therapies while the number of available donor organs stays stable.The STELLAR consortium proposes to develop an alternative to renal replacement ...
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Background Greece is Europe's number one producer of pistachios and the sixth largest producer worldwide, with an annual production volume of about 9,500 tonnes. The variety of pistachio produced on the island of Aegina is the most famous in Greece, and has been awarded a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). However, little is known about the management ...
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Since its inception the IMI has funded over 30 public-private partnership projects. Many of these projects are centered upon data intensive translational research and are employing integrative analysis approaches to achieve their goals. Although a common KM platform for IMI projects was envisioned in the original IMI Strategic Research Agenda it has not yet been implemented. The lack of a common p ...
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The main aim of the Project is to contribute to the quality of the Euro-Mediterranean research area, with a particular focus on the bi-regional Euro-Mediterranean S&T cooperation, research & innovation, policy dialogue and cooperation monitoring. The proposal aims at tackling the key issues and policy objectives outlined in the Work Programme by creating a dialogue and coordination platform of gov ...
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To contribute to the development of vaccines against Shigella and ETEC for children of the developing world, STOPENTERICS will provide novel solutions by imposing a two-fold paradigm switch: (i) to break the dogma of serotype-specificity by inducing a cross-protective immunity (ii) to improve the immunogenicity of Shigella glycoconjugates by using synthetic oligosacharides mimicking the lipopolysa ...
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The KONNECT project will strengthen STI cooperation between the EU and Republic of Korea, promoting innovation and the enhancement of communication for technology-related policy dialogue. This project brings together seven organizations from the EU and the Republic of Korea to improve and sustain communication between the two regions at the research and policy level and increase the expand the sco ...
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iSocial: Decentralized Online Social Networks (ISOCIAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The rapid proliferation of Online Social Networking (OSN) sites, like Facebook and MySpace, is expected to reshape the Internet’s structure, design, and utility. Industry experts believe that OSNs create a potentially transformational change in consumer behavior and will bring a far-reaching impact on traditional industries of content, media, and communications. Nevertheless, at a European level, ...
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Equipping the Next Generation for Active Engagement in Science (ENGAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The key to engaging the next generation to participate in scientific issues is to change how science is taught. Students gain an image of science as a body of content whereas RRI deals with uncertain areas of knowledge is uncertain, where values and argument matter as much as facts. The shift is hugely challenging. High stakes education systems marginalise teaching about the nature of science. Th ...
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ARIADNE is a proposal to bring together and integrate the existing archaeological research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets and new and powerful technologies as an integral component of the archaeological research methodology. There is now a large availability of archaeological digital datasets that altogether span different periods, domains and reg ...
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INCONET-GCC2's overall goal is to support the institutional bi-regional policy dialogue in Science, Technology and Innovation, to strengthen the bi-regional cooperation between research and innovation actors, especially in the context of the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme and finally to monitor progress in the bi-regional STI cooperation.INCONET-GCC2 builds on the results of previous cooperation ...
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Mathematics and science for life (MASCIL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

This project aims to promote a widespread use of inquiry-based science teaching (IBST) in primary and secondary schools. Our major innovation is to connect IBST in school with the world of work making science more meaningful for young European students and motivating their interest in careers in S & T. To this end, we will run training courses in which pre- and in-service teachers will learn about ...
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