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Inference in Microeconometric Models (MiMo)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Unobserved differences between economic agents are an important driver behind the differences in their economic outcomes such as schooling decisions, wages, and employment durations. Allowing for such unobserved heterogeneity in economic modeling equips the specification with an additional dimension of realism but presents major challenges for econometric practice. Hence, reconciling heterogeneit ...
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Is there a crisis in the legitimacy of the European Union? That research question is timely and important. Investigating it is also an ideal way of training research leaders of tomorrow to rethink our assumptions about the study of legitimate political order. Whilst, however, the financial crisis has raised new questions about the legitimacy of the EU, existing theories of legitimacy crises are la ...
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The Paris Agreement substantially increased the need for countries and regions to understand the full economic, social and environmental implications of the deep decarbonisation to which the global community is now committed. The EU has long had decarbonisation ambitions, but there remains considerable uncertainty as to precisely how these ambitions will be achieved, or what the impacts of such ac ...
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Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy (SOWELL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

"The goal of my project is to develop advanced research into the foundations of social preferences and well-being. If high value is placed on social cooperation and well-being for human development, then it becomes an urgent task to elaborate appropriate theories and measures, to understand their foundations, and to identify policies that will enhance them. I will advance this research in three s ...
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The proposed project aims to study the relations between inequalities and young people's ways of doing politics as well as to advance scenarios for future democratic models and political systems in Europe that are more inclusive for young people. It has three main objectives: (1) To provide systematic evidence on the ways in which inequalities are lived by young people and (re)acted upon, explorin ...
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"The INCLUSIVE project aims at challenging our very perspective of property by adding an innovative notion, the ‘inclusive right’, in the toolbox of legal and economic theory. Whereas exclusivity is conventionally considered as the core element and purpose of property right, sharing and collectively using resources, either tangible or intellectual, is an increasing practice and a new field of rese ...
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Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics (EDGE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

This proposal seeks to increase and reinforce the cooperation that has been initiated between the University of Economics in Bratislava, Sciences Po and the University of Liège in the field of Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics. This field of international relations is gaining increasing importance, as environmental issues have become an increasingly important matter in international politics ...
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The 1970s are widely considered in historiography as a turning point in European and international history. Amid major social and cultural shifts, the decade witnessed the crisis of the post-World War II patterns of ‘embedded liberalism’, economic growth and state interventionism, and set the stage for the emergence of a new globalisation process that would redefine the concept of national soverei ...
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For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move (FAB-MOVE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The project “For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move (FAB-MOVE)” brings together researchers and practitioners in order to explore the question of how social enterprises can grow and flourish. These objectives will be achieved through a carefully crafted network of academic and non-academic partner organisations co-operating worldwide.Managers and practitioners of social enterprises ...
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The aim of the SOURCE Network of Excellence is to create a robust and sustainable virtual centre of excellence capable of exploring and advancing societal issues in security research and development. The SOURCE Network of Excellence is built upon five types of activities: networking activities, research, information gathering, education and training, and knowledge-sharing. These five areas togethe ...
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FFABFORCE has the following research objectives: to assess the British approach to organising effective multinational forces during the Second World War, using the Free French as a case study, and to analyse the responses of the Free French to their host’s efforts to integrate them. My career objectives are to become a European Research Leader in the university sector and to obtain the skills to w ...
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This project offers a theoretical and empirical investigation of matching markets. Matching is, broadly speaking, the study of complementarities, which explains the formation of coalitions. Matching models are found in many applied fields within Economics: Labour Economics, Family Economics, Consumer theory of differentiated goods (hedonic models), Trade, etc. Desirable properties of these coalit ...
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Debating the European Union in Cologne and Paris

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The reason for EUCOPAS is to benefit from the expertise of two renowned universities in EU politics science and law by seeking to establish and promote a European cross-generational and multidisciplinary teaching and debating forum and to develop a joint teaching curriculum. EUCOPAS seeks to bring together experienced and young researchers as well as promising students and civil society who do not ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Using an innovative interdisciplinary approach, MIME will generate an organised body of policy-relevant propositions addressing the full range of questions raised in the call. Our aim is to identify the language policies and strategies that best combine “mobility” and “inclusion”.MIME emphasises complementarity between disciplines, and brings together researchers from sociolinguistics, political s ...
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Innovative Journalism: Enhanced Creativity Tools (INJECT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

INJECT’s objective is to transfer new digital technologies to news organisations to improve the creativity and the productivity of journalists, in order to increase the competitiveness of European news and media organisations. To achieve this objective, INJECT will extend and aggregate new digital services and tools already developed by consortium members to support journalist creativity and effic ...
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TransSOL is committed to the systematic, interdisciplinary and praxis-oriented analysis of European solidarity in times of crisis. It has three overarching objectives: (a) it will map and analyse solidarity in Europe by means of a cross-national database that comprises three surveys addressing the general population, organized civil society, and claims-making in the media; (b) it will gather syste ...
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CREATE addresses the task Tackling Urban Road Congestion, taking a long-term view of how this can be achieved, especially in cities experiencing rapid growth in car ownership and use. It deals with most of the issues set out in the recent Urban Mobility Package.Objectives:• Rigorously and systematically develop practical definitions of urban road congestion and of network performance, and identify ...
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Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth (ISIGrowth)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

ISIGrowth aims to offer comprehensive diagnostics of the relationships between innovation, employment dynamics and growth in an increasingly globalized and financialised world economy, and, on the grounds of such analysis, elaborate a set of policy scenarios and deliver a coherent policy toolkit able to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. ISIGrowth brings ...
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Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society (DOLFINS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The DOLFINS project addresses the global challenge of making the financial system better serve society by placing scientific evidence and citizens participation at the centre of the policy process in finance. The project strives to give scientific evidence and citizens participation central roles in the policy process concerning finance. DOLFINS will focus on two crucial and interconnected policy ...
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"Financial globalization has led to a large increase in capital flows together with increasing global imbalances. Understanding how investors structure their international portfolios and how such decisions interact with the real side of the economy has become a critical macro issue. Recently, policy makers have been advocating the understanding of capital flows and global imbalances as a necessary ...
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Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia (EGERA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"EGERA brings together eight research and higher education institutions in seven EU member states (Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) + Turkey, bound by a same commitment to the dual objective of achieving gender equality in research, and strengthening the gender dimension in research. Made up of five universities covering an ample array of disciplin ...
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Heterogeneity That Matters for Trade and Welfare (HETMAT)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"Accounting for firms' heterogeneity in trade patterns is probably one of the key innovations of international trade that occurred during the last decade. The impact of initial papers such as Melitz (2003) and Bernard and Jensen (1999) is so large in the field that it is considered to have introduced a new paradigm. Apart from providing a convincing framework for a set of empirical facts, the main ...
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FUTUREPOL seeks to open up a new field of historical and political enquiry around the history of future governance. As an object of governance, the future is notoriously rebellious: difficult to define, defying notions of objectivity and truth. Nevertheless, a crucial feature of modern societies is their belief in the knowability and governability of the future, the belief that through the means o ...
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Macroeconomics and Financial History (MACROHIST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"The current macroeconomic and financial crisis has given rise to a vigorous debate about the state of macroeconomics and macroeconomic training. Among the voices arguing most strongly for a change in the way that young macroeconomists are trained are those coming from employers in the private and public sector. Strikingly, many employers are also arguing that a knowledge of economic history might ...
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LOBFRAM aims to advance our understanding of lobbying and framing in foreign policy in the European Union’s (EU) system of multi-level governance. While lobbying in the EU has received a lot of attention in recent years, lobbying in foreign policy remains a largely under-researched topic. Therefore, this project will explore the activities of non-state actors (NSAs), such as business groups, NGOs ...
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Silicosis, a pathology caused by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust, is the deadly occupational disease in history. Contrary to what some may think, it does not belong to a remote past as it struck massively in the 20th century and is still present in industrial societies, and is growing in emerging countries. SILICOSIS seeks to re-evaluate the epidemiological importance of silicosis by com ...
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WASP is aimed at developing realistic empirical equilibrium search models of the labour market, with heterogeneous agents and long-term self-enforcing contracts, that• Can help better understand rent sharing mechanisms in labour markets, • Allow for multiple sources of productivity dynamics, including deterministic human capital accumulation and idiosyncratic productivity shocks, • Do not rule out ...
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"The research programme will integrate diverse levels, methods and disciplinary traditions with the aim of developing a comprehensive policy agenda for changing the role of the financial system to help achieve a future which is sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. The programme involves an integrated and balanced consortium involving partners from 14 countries that has unsurpa ...
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The proposed research deals with citizens’ reactions to economic crises and their social and political consequences. It examines in particular the ways in which European citizens have reacted to the crisis that, at different degree of intensity in different countries, struck Europe since 2008, but also how they deal with economic crises and their consequences more generally. We examine both indivi ...
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The project has four main objectives: To provide advices to stakeholders on how to foster Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation; to draft an Evolutionary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship to explain the different evolutionary paths of Social Entrepreneurship in Europe and how Social Entrepreneurship and institutions co-evolved during time; to identify the features of an enabling eco-system ...
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"GENIDMOV is based on studies of ""unlikely mobilizations"" that are emerging increasingly in a context of global economic crisis and growing social inequality. It focuses on the empowerment process of minority groups (Blacks and Latinos) through their collective action, on the main processes and specific factors allow them to participate in public space. It covers a difficult research field, a ba ...
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This proposal aims at collecting and analysing facts and figures in order to assess the current legislation on the therapeutic use of somatic cells, and to bridge it with the research infrastructure capacity building. Although EU has adopted 3 Directives on Tissues and cells between 2004 and 2006 to harmonise the procurement, storage and use of cells for therapeutic use in Europe, countries have i ...
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The main objective of this research project is to develop a new framework for the study of the informational frictions that separate investors from sophisticated traders operating in complete markets. I plan to develop a model of “generalized risk-shifting,” in which traders in complete markets can secretly take fair bets with any arbitrary distribution. The goal is to study the interplay of this ...
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"RASTANEWS intends to enhance knowledge base, at both theoretical and an applied level, on many aspects of the future of macro-economic and monetary integration in Europe thus paving the way to a revised governance of the EMU, and the EU as a whole, in the wake of the debt crisis. We see three key issues about the working of the EU macro-economy that deserve deeper investigation. The first is th ...
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Governance of REsponsible innovATion (GREAT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The GREAT project will develop an empirically based and theoretically sound model of the role of responsible research and innovation governance. The project will explore the dynamics of participation in research and innovation, and investigate the characteristics of responsible practices. It will investigate the nature of new partnerships among various stakeholders, researchers and policymakers th ...
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Overseas voting among Arab migrants in the EU (Arab Overseas Voting)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Oct 10, 2015,

The research project ‘Arab Overseas Voting’ aims to contribute to the academic literature and policy discussion on overseas voting by drawing the attention on Arab migrant communities in the EU participating in the elections of their country of origin. It adopts an interdisciplinary and comparative approach that builds on historical and current contrasts between two major Arab labour sending count ...
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In an era of global flux, emerging powers and growing interconnectedness, transatlantic relations appear to have lost their bearings. As the international system fragments into different constellations of state and non-state powers across different policy domains, the US and the EU can no longer claim exclusive leadership in global governance. Not only the ability, but also the willingness of the ...
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Accountability and Public Policy Audit in the European Union (APPLAUD)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

There is growing crisis of confidence among EU citizens in the democratic accountability of the EU and its institutions. There is uncertainty among many political actors about the added vale of EU policies paid for via the EU budget. More than ever, the EU must demonstrate the chains and mechanisms of accountability vis-à-vis its member states and their general publics as to the correct and effect ...
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An Inquiry into Modes of Existence (AIME)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

"AIME is an inquiry to make more precise what is lumped together into the confusing word ""modernization"". The work done in the field of science studies (STS) on the progress and practice of science and technology has had the consequence of deeply modifying the definition of ""modernity"", resulting into the provocative idea that ""we (meaning the Europeans) have never been modern"". This is, how ...
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Mapping European Competitiveness (MAPCOMPETE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2015,

"“Mapping European Competitiveness” (MAPCOMPETE) is a FP7 proposal by six European research centers to provide an assessment of data opportunities and requirements for the analysis of comparative competitiveness in European countries.Partners of the project are Brussels based think tank Bruegel, Budapest based research center CERS-HAS (coordinator), Milan research center LdA, Paris School of Econo ...
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