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4 European Projects Found

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CASTLE - Cooperation Among SMEs Toward Logistic Excellence (CASTLE)

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

CASTLE was born to answer regional needs to improve SMEs logistics policies. It relies on a solid past cooperation among ten partners in Italy, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Germany, Hungary & Austria, especially developed in Interreg initiatives. The CASTLE objectives and ratio are rooted in past research & study activities on the regional logistics EU status and perspectives, which elected SM ...
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Cooperation is a critical element in the triangle of Universities, Industry, and Knowledge. This is especially true when dealing with environmental issues and sustainability in a EU context. Efforts are being made to improve the preparation of students for industrial careers; examples include German Excellenzinitiativ, French Pôles de Compétitivité... The training of tomorrow's industry leaders r ...
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In its strategic plans for European cooperation on education and training (COM(2008)865), the Commission calls for improved tools and exchange of good practices between Member States to further reform education and training systems in order to meet the common challenges of skill deficits, employability and adequate response to labour needs and thus face global competition. By setting up a European ...
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The project aims to design and implement assessment tools and procedures of Labelling and scoring EU institutions and programmes in the engineering field. It will establish a Label to certify the quality of the assessed institution, a Framework of Reference for the target groups, a Methodology of assessment to determine the criteria and measurement procedure and an Agency and Foundation for the s ...
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