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23 European Projects Found

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The Critical Infrastructure Preparedness and Resilience Research Network or CIPRNet establishes a Network of Excellence in Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) R&D for a wide range of stakeholders including (multi)national emergency management, critical infrastructure (CI) operators, policy makers, and the society.CIPRNet builds a long-lasting, durable virtual centre of shared and integrated k ...
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The goal of the STREETLIFE project is the reduction of carbon emissions through a sustainable mobility concept in cities based on ICT. In particular, the aim of the project is to reduce the number of car trips by i) informing commuters about the existing transport alternatives and their real value (in terms of time, cost, carbon footprint), ii) enhancing public transport to meet the needs of the c ...
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The FI-CONTENT 2 project aims at establishing the foundation of a European infrastructure for promoting and testing novel uses of audio-visual content on connected devices. The partners will develop and deploy advanced platforms for Social Connected TV, Mobile Smart City services, and Gaming/ Virtual worlds. To assess the approach and improve these platforms, user communities in 6 European locatio ...
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The instrumentation of the world with diverse sensors, smart phones, and social networks acquires exascale data that offer the potential of enhanced science and services. In particular, a better societal management of the overall cycle of disaster monitoring and response becomes possible, citizens may now become involved in decision making and data acquisition (crowd-sourcing), and advanced planni ...
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FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (FI-WARE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. FI-WARE is designed to meet the demands of key market stakeholders across many different sectors, e.g., healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental services. FI- ...
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Data Science for Simulating the Era of Electric Vehicles (DATA SIM)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

DATA SIM aims at providing an entirely new and highly detailed spatio-temporal microsimulation methodology for human mobility, grounded on massive amounts of big data of various types and from various sources, with the goal to forecast the nation-wide consequences of a massive switch to electric vehicles, given the intertwined nature of mobility and power distribution networks.While the increasing ...
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The INFINITY Support Action will have a positive impact on the success of the FI-PPP programme. Through collaboration with organisations across Europe, INFINITY will capture and communicate information about available infrastructures and any interoperability requirements and issues. INFINITY will document any usage-related operational constraints and seek to identify and foster federation opportun ...
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The objective of this project proposal is to develop an alerting tool that(a) allows for a rapid simulation of the impact of different alerting strategies (depending on the selected media-mix and current availability of communication media), (b) supports the composition of the optimal mix of communication channels (individualized alerting channels and mass media), (c) improves alert compliance thr ...
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The REACTION project will develop an integrated approach to improved long term management of diabetes; continuous blood glucose monitoring, clinical monitoring and intervention strategies, monitoring and predicting related disease indicators, complemented by education on life style factors such as obesity and exercise and, ultimately, automated closed-loop delivery of insulin.The REACTION platform ...
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Building service testbeds on FIRE (BonFIRE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Description BonFIRE will design, build and operate a multi-site Cloud prototype FIRE facility to support research across applications, services and systems at all stages of the R&D lifecycle, targeting the services research community on Future Internet.The BonFIRE vision is to give researchers in these areas access to a facility that support ...
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Natural human-robot cooperation in dynamic environments (NIFTi)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Description Working together to assess real-life urban disaster sites NIFTi investigates how natural behavior in human-robot cooperation can arise. The project operationalizes natural cooperation as balancing operational and cooperation demands in a cognitive architecture (CA), to minimize human c ...
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Using Local Inference in Massively Distributed Systems (LIFT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

As the scale of today¿s networked techno-social systems continues to increase, the analysis of their global phenomena becomes increasingly difficult, due to the continuous production of streams of data scattered among distributed, possibly resource-constrained nodes, and requiring reliable resolution in (near) real-time.We will explore a novel approach for realising sophisticated, large-scale dist ...
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Today the ever growing visibility of the web as a medium that exhibits the potential to attract and maintain society's involvement coupled with the need for a more citizen-centric and socially-rooted policy making, calls for novel tools with the capability to analyze society's input and forecast the possible impact of policies. Thus, more citizen-centric governance arises more pressing than ever. ...
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Quality of Service and MObility driven cognitive radio Systems (QoSMOS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

QoSMOS is a 3-year Integrated Project that aims at researching, developing and integrating a Cognitive Radio (CR) framework to enable mobile broadband systems to improve utilisation of licensed and/or unlicensed bands, by adding dynamic exploitation of under-utilised spectrum. The technical focus is on opportunistic use of spectrum combined with managed Quality of Service (QoS) and seamless mobili ...
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Description Creating new technologies in the area of Machine Learning through networking and technology transfer PASCAL2 builds on the PASCAL Network of Excellence that has created a distributed institute pioneering principled methods of pattern analysis, statistical modelling, and computational l ...
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Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy (MODAP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

With the advance and wide usage of GPS enabled devices and other positioning systems, mobility behaviour of individuals can now be captured and streamed into a data warehouse for online or historical data analysis. We refer to such data as mobility data. Mobility data mining comes into picture as an emerging field which aims to extract knowledge from mobility data with a lot of opportunities as we ...
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The IMPACT project will conduct original research to develop and integrate formal, computational models of policy and arguments about policy, to facilitate deliberations about policy at a conceptual, language-independent level. These models will be used to develop and evaluate innovative prototype tools for supporting open, inclusive and transparent deliberations about public policy. To support t ...
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Simple Procedures Online for Crossborder Services (SPOCS)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

Description A European project to ease the administrative burden of businessesSimple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services (SPOCS) is a pilot project launched by the European Commission which aims to remove the administrative barriers European businesses face in offering their services abroad. SPOCS is expected to further enhance th ...
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Cooperative and Self growing Energy aware Networks (CONSERN)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

CONSERN is introducing a novel paradigm for dedicated, purpose-driven small scale wireless networks characterized by a service-centric evolutionary approach, referred here as an energy-aware self-growing network and system.In the context of CONSERN, the Self-Growing network paradigm considers (i) mechanisms for energy efficient interaction of the wireless network elements and (ii) mechanisms for t ...
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E-safety Vehicle Intrusion proTected Applications (EVITA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

Future safety applications based on car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication have been identified as a measure for decreasing the number of fatal traffic accidents. Examples for such applications are local danger warnings, traffic light pre-emption, or electronic emergency brakes. While these functionalities inspire a new era of safety in transportation, new security requirements need to ...
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Responsive Flexible Collaborating Ambient (REFLECT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

We are currently standing on the brink of a new era of computing systems: Moving on from desktop computers, computing intelligence will be woven into the "fabric of everyday life", seamlessly and near-invisibly pervading our environment, sensing our presence, mood, and intentions, thus delivering services adapted to ourselves and our context of use.The REFLECT project aims at developing new concep ...
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Self- Management of Cognitive Future Internet Elements (Self-NET)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

Self-NET aims to introduce, design and validate an innovative paradigm for cognitive self-managed elements of the Future Internet. The present Internet model is based on clear separation of concerns between protocol layers, with intelligence moved to the edges, and with the existent protocol pool targeting user and control plane operations with less emphasis on management tasks.Self-NET shall engi ...
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Description INTERSECTIONINTERSECTION (INfrastructure for heTErogeneous, Resilient, SEcure, Complex, Tightly Inter-Operating Networks) aims at enhancing the European potential in the field of security by assuring the protection of heterogeneous networks and infrastructures. The project will focus on vulnerabilities at the intersection poin ...
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