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24 European Projects Found

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Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems (SIQS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The overarching goal of our project is to develop systems based on direct and deterministic interactions between individual quantum entities, which by involving large-scale entanglement can outperform classical systems in a series of relevant applications.We plan to achieve that by improving technologies from atomic, molecular and optical physics as well as from solid-state physics, and by develop ...
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Quantum Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates (QIBEC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

We propose to realize of a new class of interferometers based on entangled states of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. These will have sensitivities beyond the shot-noise limit, potentially approaching the ultimate Heisenberg limit dictated by quantum mechanics. Our goal is to achieve an optimal control of the entanglement by means of novel experimental and theoretical tools to fully exploit its c ...
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CARBOCHANGE will provide the best possible process-based quantification of net ocean carbon uptake under changing climate conditions using past and present ocean carbon cycle changes for a better prediction of future ocean carbon uptake. We will improve the quantitative understanding of key biogeochemical and physical processes through a combination of observations and models. We will upscale new ...
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ECLIPSE aims to develop and assess effective emission abatement strategies for short-lived climate agents in order to provide sound scientific advice on how to mitigate climate change while improving the quality of air. Current climate policy does not consider a range of short-lived gases and aerosols, and their precursors (including nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, sulphate, and black ...
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Integrated Quantum Sensors (iSense)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The central aim of iSense is to deliver breakthrough enabling technologies and knowledge to push long-anticipated sensor and quantum ICT applications using cold atoms to a broadly accessible and commercially exploitable level.To achieve this goal, iSense is structured in two highly interlinked and temporally overlapping phases: In the phase 1 iSense will create a science and technology platform in ...
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MACC II (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate – Interim Implementation) is designed to meet the requirements that have been expressed for prototype operational GMES services for the atmospheric domain. From late-2011 MACC II will continue the operation and development of the GMES service lines established by the MACC project and prepare for its transition in 2014 to become the atmospheri ...
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In the context of climate change mitigation, technologies for removing the CO2 from the atmosphere are key challenges. The transfer of carbon from the atmosphere into useful carbon deposits is currently one promising option.Transferring biomass to carbon-rich materials with potential mega-scale application is an option to sequester carbon from plant material, taking it out of the short-term carbon ...
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Virtual Biodiversity Research and Access Network for Taxonomy (ViBRANT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

Biodiversity science brings information science and technologies to bear on the data and information generated by the study of organisms, their genes, and their interactions. ViBRANT will help focus the collective output of biodiversity science, making it more transparent, accountable, and accessible. Mobilising these data will address global environmental challenges, contribute to sustainable dev ...
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More than 1.2 billion people, mostly in poor regions, suffer from water scarcity, due to a global shortfall of potable water caused by population growth, over-exploitation, and pollution. NATIOMEM proposes to alleviate this by developing novel technology for treating contaminated surface and waste water so that it will be potable. This technology will not require electrical power, chemicals or oth ...
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Towards Improved Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment (IMVUL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

"There has been an increasing realization over the last 30 years that to preserve water quality and quantity in Europe, measures at both European and national levels are needed. Our groundwater resources are at risk from a wide variety of stresses including point and diffuse sources of contamination, over-abstraction and saline intrusion. Minimizing this risk requires a good understanding of the p ...
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"ACOBAR will develop an observing system for the interior of the Arctic Ocean based on underwater acoustic methods including tomography, data transmission and communication to/from underwater platforms, and navigation of gliders. ACOBAR offers complementary methods to the ARGO system, which has limited capability in ice-covered seas. Data collection and transmission from the water column, the se ...
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Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

Many research groups and institutes within the European Research Area (ERA) are playing a central role in the production of a vast range of atomic and molecular (AM) data, data that is of critical importance across a wide range of applications such as astrophysics, atmospheric physics, fusion, environmental sciences, combustion chemistry and in industrial applications from plasmas to lighting.Thro ...
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Thermohaline Overturning - at Risk? (THOR)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"THOR will establish an operational system that will monitor and forecast the development of the North Atlantic THC on decadal time scales and access its stability and the risk of a breakdown in a changing climate. Together with pre-existing data sets, ongoing observations within the project will allow precise quantitative monitoring of the Atlantic THC and its sources. This will, for the first ti ...
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Actinide reCycling by SEParation and Transmutation (ACSEPT)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

"Actinide recycling by separation and transmutation is considered worldwide and particularly in several European countries as one of the most promising strategies to reduce the inventory of radioactive waste, thus contributing to make nuclear energy sustainable. Consistently with potentially viable recycling strategies, the Collaborative Project ACSEPT will provide a structured R&D framework to de ...
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Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European seas (HERMIONE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The HERMIONE project is designed to make a major advance in our knowledge of the functioning of deep-sea ecosystems and their contribution to the production of goods and services. This will be achieved through a highly interdisciplinary approach (including biologists, ecologists, microbiologists, biogeochemists, sedimentologists, physical oceanographers, modelers and socio-economists) that will in ...
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A key thrust of FP7 is to promote international collaborative research with third countries. The EULASUR project will address the Call for Co-ordination Action in Materials by creating a cooperation platform for forming strategic research partnerships between scientists, policy makers, technology transfer and industrial experts in the EC and 3 Latin-American countries belonging to MERCOSUR: Braz ...
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Evolutionary microfluidics (eFlux)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

Ever since the insightful suggestion of John von Neumann, self-reproducing automata are considered to be a main long-term goal of IT. Biologists are dealing with such systems that arose in the course of evolution by natural selection. The future realization of technological artefacts that will mimic, or be inspired by biological automata, will face many problems that biological evolution had to so ...
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Recent developments in the design and synthesis of nanoscale building blocks as active elements in opto- or bio-electronic devices with tailored electronic functionality have the potential to open up new horizons in nanoscience and also revolutionise multi-billion dollar markets across multiple technology sectors including healthcare, printable electronics, and security. Ligand-stabilised inorgani ...
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Arctic Tipping Points (ATP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

The broad interdisciplinary consortia assembled in the Arctic Tipping Points (ATP) project will be managed (WP1) to identify the elements of the Arctic marine ecosystem likely to show abrupt changes in response to climate change, and establish the levels of the corresponding climate drivers inducing the regime shift for these tipping elements. ATP will evaluate the consequences of crossing those t ...
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Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"MACC (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate) is designed to meet the requirements that have been expressed for the pilot Core GMES Atmospheric Service. The project has been prepared by the consortia of the FP6 project GEMS and the GSE project PROMOTE, whose core service lines will provide the starting point for MACC. From mid-2009 MACC will continue, improve, extend, integrate and valida ...
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"The issue of concern of the AWARE project is the anthropogenic deterioration of water ecosystems, in particular in coastal areas. The new approach proposed by the AWARE project to enhance connectivity between research and policy-making exploit the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, engaging scientists, policy makers and the public (the latter including both stakeholders and lay ...
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The GENESIS Project has the objective of providing Environment management and Health actors with an innovative solution based on advanced ICT. Relying on interoperability standards and harmonization process, GENESIS helps to constitute complex information networks, by combining benefits of various information systems with a collaborative systems approach. The proposed generic solution allows easy ...
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Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2011,

Description future perpendicular magnetic storage media with areal density larger than 1 bit/in2TERAMAGSTOR is an EU funded FP7 STREP project which aims to produce the next generation of perpendicular magnetic storage media with an areal density greater than 1Tbit/in2. Leading research groups and industrial partners from around Europe hav ...
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The overall objectives of the AQUTE project areA) To develop quantum technologies based on atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) systems for* scalable quantum computation;* entanglement-enabled technologies like metrology and sensing.B) To establish and exploit new interdisciplinary connections, coming from AMO physics, but also including concepts and experimental settings of solid state systems, in ...
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