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Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy (GEMCLIME)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

...s, environmental scientists, and other scientists related to climate and energy. The reciprocal transfer of knowledge between the members of the consortium is supported by a staff exchange including senior research fellows, professors, early-career academics, and doctoral students. Our global project aims at supporting research mobility between the EU on one side, and the USA, Canada, New Zealand, ...
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The project aims at improving our understanding on behavioural mechanisms in energy efficiency, following an interdisciplinary and broad behavioural science approach. The project will provide an empirical and numerical assessment of the psychological, social, economic and financial factors that influence energy efficiency in the residential and industry sectors By paring with energy utilities and ...
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Drought risks and water scarcity are expected to intensify as a result of human-induced climate change. Some areas in Europe, notably the Mediterranean countries are more prone to prolonged drought spells than others. Understanding and properly measuring the overall and sector-wide economic impact of those episodes at the geographically most disaggregated level is of crucial importance for the des ...
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Although the EU is on track to achieve the climate targets of “20-20-20”, there is an ongoing debate over whether a more aggressive emission reduction goal is needed to be set for 2030. The root cause of such debate is not only the lack of scientific understanding of climate change but also severe uncertainties about the pace of change and the extent to which it impacts human and natural systems. ...
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The European Union (EU) has set ambitious greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) targets: 20% lower than 1990 levels by 2020, rising to 40% lower by 2030 and 85% lower by 2050. Moreover, a target of at least 27% on the share of renewable energy consumed in EU is set for 2030. To facilitate renewable integration, the EU is implementing the European Single Electricity Market (ESEM). The efficient use of el ...
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Economic Modeling for Climate-Energy Policy (ECOCEP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...other disciplines, including sociologists, lawyers and environmental scientists. The staff exchanges will enable the reciprocal transfer of knowledge between the members of the consortium, including senior research fellows, professors, early-career academics and PhD students, covering mobility flows between the EU on one side, and the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Africa and Russia on the o ...
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FAST industrialisation by CAtalysts Research and Development (FASTCARD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"To meet short term European 20-20-20 objectives and long term targets of European Energy Roadmap 2050, an energy paradigm shift is needed for which biomass conversion into advanced biofuels is essential.This new deal has challenges in catalyst development which so far hinders implementation at industrial level: Firstly, biomass is much more complex and reactive than conventional feedstock; second ...
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"The project SWITCH-ON addresses water concerns to thoroughly explore and exploit the significant and currently untapped potential of open data. Water information is highly sought after by many kinds of end-users, both within government and business as well as within civil society. Water touches virtually all societal and environmental domains and the knowledge domain is largely multidisciplinary. ...
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The present project is aimed to the development of a multi-step process for the production of second-generation biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass in a cost-efficient way through the use of tailored nanostructured catalysts. The proposed process is based on the cascade combination of three catalytic transformations: catalytic pyrolysis, intermediate deoxygenation and hydrodeoxygenation. The seq ...
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A New Energy Culture: Sustainability and Territories

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...oss-sectoral strategic partnership that will involve research organisations, universities, enterprises and public bodies, all with a specific expertise in energy and environmental issues, i.e. FEEM, eni, Civicamente, the University of Zagreb, the National Park of the Appennino Lucano and the Norwegian Oil and Gas Archives. The partners will be joined by a number of secondary schools of 4 Europea ...
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More than 50% of total water abstractions in Southern Europe come from the agricultural sector, rising to more than 80% in some regions. Water abstractions are particularly high and fast growing in profitable irrigated areas in the Mediterranean Basin, where agricultural demand enters in direct competition with basic environmental services increasingly often. Urgent action is needed to address thi ...
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LNG-BC: Liquefied Natural Gas Blue Corridors (LNG BLUE CORRIDORS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

"LNG Blue Corridors unites/mobilizes the critical mass of experience (know-how, expertise, (industrial) parties and stakeholders) in LNG transport and infrastructure technology. It involves cooperation between heavy duty vehicle manufacturers, fuel suppliers, fuel distributors and fleet operators. The project includes a first definition of European LNG Blue Corridors, with strategic LNG refuelling ...
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The project POst-CArbon CIties of TOmorrow – foresight for sustainable pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context (POCACITO) will develop an evidence-based 2050 roadmap for EU post-carbon cities. POCACITO facilitates the transition of EU cities to a forecasted sustainable or “post-carbon” economic model. The project focuses on towns, cities, megacities, metropol ...
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Integrated assessment and energy-economy models have become central tools for informing long-term global and regional climate mitigation strategies. There is a large demand for improved representations of complex system interactions and thorough validation of model behaviour in order to increase user confidence in climate policy assessments. ADVANCE aims to respond to this demand by facilitating t ...
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Strategic Clean Technology Policies for Climate Change (STRATECHPOL)

Start date: Jul 8, 2014, End date: Dec 7, 2016,

"Renewable energy targets and support programs form a major part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the E.U. and abroad—but not without controversy. Recent studies indicate that the implied abatement costs from European renewable energy policies are significantly higher than corresponding ETS allowance prices. Furthermore, the generators that benefit from these policies already opera ...
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"The ambitious EU policy goals to move to sustainable, resource efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient and biodiversity rich societies requires substantial transitions in the energy system and land-use and food systems. Different scientific approaches offer different perspectives on transitions, each with strengths and weaknesses. The PATHWAYS project takes a step in coupling three scientific ...
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The main goal of the ENHANCE project is to develop and analyse new ways to enhance society’s resilience to catastrophic natural hazard impacts, by providing new scenarios and information in selected hazard cases in close collaboration with stakeholders, and by contributing to the development of new multi-sector partnerships (MSPs) to reduce or redistribute risk. Innovation in MSPs is essential, a ...
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...osed policy mixes. The primary target group for the project are EU- and national-level policy-makers directly involved in designing and implementing resource use policies. The project aims at strengthening their capacity to implement effective resource efficiency policy options in a ‘real-world context’. To this purpose the policy-makers, together with other key stakeholders, will be involved in a ...
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Photogenerated Hydrogen by Organic Catalytic Systems (PHOCS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Aim of the project “Photogenerated Hydrogen by Organic Catalytic Systems (PHOCS)” is the realization of a new-concept,photoelectrochemical system for hydrogen production, based on the hybrid organic/inorganic and organic/liquid interfaces. PHOCS takes the move from the recent demonstration of reduction/oxidation reactions taking place, under visible light and at zero bias, at the interface of an o ...
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Economic iNsTRuments to Achieve Climate Targets in Europe (ENTRACTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The ENTRACTE research project assesses the EU’s climate policy portfolio. While the EU ETS is key to promote the transition towards a low-carbon economy, ambitious GHG emissions reductions will be reached only if this scheme is improved and supported by complementary policies. A carefully considered policy design has to take into account existing market failures other than the climate externality, ...
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Marine life makes a substantial contribution to the economy and society of Europe. VECTORS will elucidate the drivers, pressures and vectors that cause change in marine life, the mechanisms by which they do so, the impacts that they have on ecosystem structures and functioning, and on the economics of associated marine sectors and society. VECTORS will particularly focus on causes and consequences ...
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Active Demand Value ANd Consumers Experiences Discovery (ADVANCED)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Active Demand (AD) has the potential to contribute to solving the challenges of electricity systems and offers significant benefits to consumers. There are only few real AD programmes being implemented in Europe and the results of AD pilots are rather fragmented. AD is considered one of the largest untapped energy resources. The main reason behind it is insufficient consumer awareness regarding th ...
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There is widespread agreement that governments must act to enhance the innovation and widespread diffusion of clean technologies if we are to avoid dangerous climate change. This is evidenced in the 2010 UNFCCC Cancun Agreements. However, there is neither political nor even academic consensus on exactly what exactly actions will best meet these objectives. Recent theoretical and empirical research ...
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This projects proposes a novel framework to modeling the economic consequences of climate change impacts and the induced policy responses, in terms of both mitigation and adaptation strategies at regional scale.To accomplish this task, state-of-the-art IAMs will be modified to include (1) The causal chain between sectoral and regional economic activity and emissions; (2) The climate change feedbac ...
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"Now and in the foreseeable future, action on climate mitigation and adaptation doesn’t seem to be sufficient to manage greenhouse gases and their impact at the scale required to achieve stringent objectives such as those compatible with the 2°C target. This project aims at carrying out a rigorous assessment of what a stringent climate policy entails, and what is needed to overcome major impedimen ...
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The general objectives of the OCMOL project, focussed on the development of an alternative chemical route based on oxidative coupling of methane followed by oligomerization to liquids, are twofold: 1. To develop a small-scale process: process intensification via cutting-edge micro reactor technologies will enable to skip the expensive scaling up stage to provide a proof of concept of the OCMOL liq ...
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"The project will examine the health impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction policies in urban settings in Europe, China and India, using case studies of 3-4 large urban centres and three smaller urban centres. Sets of realistic interventions will be proposed, tailored to local needs, to meet published abatement goals for GHG Emissions for 2020, 2030 and 2050.Mitigation actions will be defined i ...
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Impacts Quantification of global changes (Global-IQ)

Start date: Aug 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

World societies experience today large transformation processes both in the social, economic and environmental dimensions. These transformations are usually described under the heading of ‘global change’, to emphasize the increasing interactions between them. The objective of the proposal is three-fold: (1) to provide significant advances in the estimation of socio-economic impacts of global chall ...
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European Framework for Measuring Progress (e-Frame)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

Within the framework of the Work Programme 2011 on Socio-economic Science and Humanities e-Frame project builds on the latest political directions of the European Commission, in particular the priorities identified in the Europe 2020 strategy. The project will focus on the following general objectives: stocktaking of available results and of ongoing research activities on progress measurement; fos ...
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"This project aims to the development at an initial industrial level of an advanced, lithium ion battery for efficient application in the sustainable vehicle market. The basic structure of this battery involves a lithium-metal (tin)-carbon, Sn-C, alloy anode, a lithium nickel manganese oxide, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, cathode and a ceramic-added, gel-type membrane electrolyte. This battery is expected to m ...
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Las empresas que conforman las cadenas de suministro alimentarias ejecutan sus procesos en ausencia de información en tiempo real y sin colaboración entre ellas lo que provoca roturas de stock, planificación errática y la acumulación de inventarios e ineficiencias en el transporte. Esto unido a los problemas en las comunicaciones de la zona pirenaica, dificulta enormemente el intercambio de mercan ...
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"The goal of this research is to shed light on some relevant aspects of the relationship between the world trade liberalization, i.e. the increasing economic inter-connexions between countries, and the international provision of global public goods such as climate stability. The idea is to contrast with the existing literature on international cooperation that mostly assumes that countries’ enviro ...
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Climate Change Impacts – Economic Modelling and Assessment (CLI-EMA)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"One of the weaknesses of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) is their characterization of the impacts of climate change. The models have tended to rely on very simple reduced form damage functions that provide very little detail about climate impacts and their distribution. The aggregate quality of these damage functions makes it very difficult to determine how to measure damages. Parameter value ...
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Existing research points out that the full potential of Impact Assessment (IA) for delivering sustainable development is not being realised. Many tools to support IA are not yet being fully employed by policy makers. This is symptomatic of a large and deep gap between the two broad communities of IA researchers and IA practitioners. Practitioners tend to look for tools that are simple and transpar ...
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...itigation pathways and associated mitigation costs in a series of multi-model intercomparisons. It will focus on four central areas: (i) The role of uncertainty about the climate response to anthropogenic forcing on the remaining carbon budget for supplying societies around the globe with energy, (ii) the role of technology availability, innovation and myopia in the energy sector, (iii) the role o ...
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Economic policy instruments (EPI) have received widespread attention over the last three decades, and have increasingly been implemented to achieve environmental policy objectives. However, whereas EPI have been successfully applied in some policy domains (such as climate, energy and air quality), their application to tackle water management issues (drought/water scarcity, floods, water quality co ...
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The project addresses from one site the most critical and costly step to produce liquid fuel from natural gas using conventional routes, e.g. the stage of syngas production, and from the other side explores alternative routes to convert natural gas to liquid transportable products. The general objective is to explore novel and innovative (precompetitive) routes for transformation of natural gas t ...
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...ks to identify and share the best of knowledge, know-how and practices related to natural hazard and disaster risk reduction (NH/DRR), including adaptation. Its ultimate objective will be the strengthening of capacity development in this area. Strengthening of capacity development will be achieved by facilitating knowledge exchange and improving the science-application interface; deepening and add ...
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The overall objective of the current project is a significant contribution to the dissemination of PV in order to improve the sustainability of the European energy supply and to strengthen the situation of the European PV industry.The approach to reach this overall objective is the development of solar cells which are substantially thinner than today’s common practice. We will reduce the current s ...
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"Much has been said on how to reduce current anthropogenic emissions with the aid of a portfolio of existing technologies. However, stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gasses to a safe level requires that over time net emissions fall to zero. There is only one way that this can be achieved in a manner that is acceptable to the majority of the world's citizens: through some ki ...
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