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Integrated Research Programme on Wind Energy (IRPWIND)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

IRPWIND is an integrated research programme that combines strategic research projects and support activities within the field of Wind Energy, with the aim of leveraging the long term European research potential. The concept behind this programme is built on the success of existing initiatives supporting the SET Plan Agenda such as the European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme on Wind Ener ...
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Conduct Disorder (CD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder with symptoms of Conduct Disorder (which is included among the abbreviation “CD” throughout the proposal) has a highly negative impact for the affected individual as well as for families and society. Although the number of females exhibiting serious aggressive behaviours is growing, the majority of studies on aetiology and treatment of CD hav ...
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The ageing of the European population represents a rapidly rising social and economic challenge. Especially cardiovascular morbidity increases with age, but unfortunately, elderly patients are often difficult to diagnose due to confounding factors, leading to uncertainties in clinical decision making with huge impact on patients’ outcomes. Hence, there is an unmet need for novel biomarkers for mor ...
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Smart energy networks (SENs) are electric systems that use two-way networking technologies, cyber-secure communications technologies, and computational intelligence and control in an integrated fashion to efficiently manage energy consumption with the aim of providing a new electricity grid that is clean, safe, secure, reliable, resilient, efficient, and environmentally sustainable. SENs can be we ...
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Protecting and Preserving Human Knowledge for Posterity (PPP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"The amount and variety of content being published online is growing at an exceptional rate. Online publishing enables content to reach a much larger audience than paper publishing but offers no guarantee of long-term access to the content. This work investigates techniques for building a large, reliable peer-to-peer system for the preservation of online published material. The system consists ...
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"Background: A significant proportion of pre-diabetics, show macro and micro vascular complications associated with hyperglycaemia. Although many trials have demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions in diabetes prevention, no trial has evaluated the extent to which mid- and long-term complications can be prevented by early interventions on hyperglycaemia.Aims: To ass ...
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"Sophisticated Program Analysis, Declaratively" (SPADE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Static program analysis is a fundamental computing challenge. We have recently demonstrated significant advantages from expressing analyses for Java declaratively, in the Datalog language. This means that the algorithm is in a form that resembles a pure logical specification, rather than a step-by-step definition of the execution. The declarative specification does not merely cover the main logic ...
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The AIDA project aims to answer the question of clinical effectiveness and optimal dosing of 5 off-patent antibiotics for infections caused by multiple drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in three randomized controlled clinical trials. In an era of increasing emergence of drug resistance (EDR) and lack of new antibiotics, old off- patent antibiotics are increasingly being prescribed to patients. However ...
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Life threatening infectious diseases and sepsis are worldwide problems with high mortalities. In order to select optimal treatments for the highly heterogeneous group of sepsis patients and to reduce costs, novel multiplexed tools that better characterize the patient and its specific immune response are highly desired.In the novel project "HemoSpec" a multidisciplinary team develops - driven by th ...
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Oral biopharmaceutics tools (ORBITO)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The OrBiTo project will deliver novel methods and a framework for rational application of predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery. This will be achieved through novel propsective studies to define new methodlogies which will be validated using historical datasets from EFPIA partners. A combination of high quality in vitro or in silico characterizations of API and formulations will ...
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Controlling Data Movement in the Digital Age (CODAMODA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

"Nowadays human intellectual product is increasingly produced and disseminated solely in digital form. The capability of digital data for effortless reproduction and transfer has lead to a true revolution that impacts every aspect of human creativity. Nevertheless, as with every technological revolution, this digital media revolution comes with a dark side that, if left unaddressed, it will limit ...
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NEURINOX aims at elucidating the role of NADPH oxidases (NOX) in neuroinflammation and its progression to neurodegenerative diseases (ND), as well as evaluating the potential of novel ND therapeutics approaches targeting NOX activity. NOX generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and have emerged as regulators of neuroinflammation. Their role is complex: ROS generated by NOX lead to tissue damage in ...
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Mathematics and science for life (MASCIL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

This project aims to promote a widespread use of inquiry-based science teaching (IBST) in primary and secondary schools. Our major innovation is to connect IBST in school with the world of work making science more meaningful for young European students and motivating their interest in careers in S & T. To this end, we will run training courses in which pre- and in-service teachers will learn about ...
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Human balance is achieved and maintained by a complex set of sensorimotor systems that include sensory input from vision, proprioception and the vestibular system (motion, equilibrium, spatial orientation); integration of the sensory input; and motor output to the muscles of the eye and body. Failure at the level of the sensory inputs or at the integration of the sensory information by the central ...
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"The European Open Data Strategy establishes important new principles that ensure that European public sector data will be released at no cost (or marginal cost), in machine-readable, commonly-understood formats, and with liberal licenses enabling wide reuse. These data encompass both scientific data about the environment (from Earth Observation and other fields) and other public sector informati ...
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Advanced multi-functional computing systems realized in forthcoming manufacturing technologies hold the promise of a significant increase in device integration density complemented by an increase in system performance and functionality. However, a dramatic reduction in single device quality and reliability is also expected.CLERECO research project recognizes early accurate reliability evaluation a ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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European Asthma Research and Innovation Partnership (EARIP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Europe has 30 million people with asthma, whose treatment costs about €20 bn annually. Productivity lost through poor asthma control in Europe is estimated to be €9.8 bn per year. By 2020 approximately 120,000 people in Europe will die from asthma attacks, and 4 million hospitalisations will be needed for the most severely affected.The Objectives of EARIP (European Asthma Research and Innovation P ...
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Chronic inflammatory diseases associated with allergy, including asthma and rhinitis, constitute a major and continuously growing public health concern for Europe. However, the causative factors and mechanisms converting a physiological inflammatory reaction to a chronic response triggering allergic disease remain elusive.Viral infections, particularly those caused by human rhinoviruses (RV) are t ...
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The clinical evidence indicates that the number of people with all levels of hearing impairment and hearing loss is rising mainly due to a growing global population and longer life expectancies. Hearing loss caused by pathology in the cochlea or the cochlear nerve is classified as sensorineural hearing loss. The study of the normal function and pathology of the inner ear has unique difficulties as ...
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The overall scientific objectives of PERSEUS are to identify the interacting patterns of natural and human-derived pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, assess their impact on marine ecosystems and, using the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research governance framework based on sound scientific knowl ...
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"The Initial Training Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MMMPA) aims to train the next generation of MPA scientists and managers, equipping them with a flexible set of skills essential within a wide range of professional environments, including public administration, local authorities, industry and academia. They will focus on the most important aspects that need adequate ...
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Near-Earth Space Data Infrastructure for e-Science (ESPAS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The ESPAS project will provide the e-Infrastructure necessary to support the access to observations, the modeling and prediction of the Near-Earth Space environment. This includes the plasma and energetic particle environments that surround our planet as well as the neutral atmosphere at altitudes above 60 km. These environments are an important target for future research in areas such as space we ...
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"Border security is one of the key security challenges to be taken up by Europe in the following years. In particular, the deployment of practical efficient means to detect hidden persons and illegal substances at border crossing points is instrumental in avoiding terrorism, human trafficking or smuggling.The DOGGIES project aims at demonstrating (1) an operational movable stand alone sensor for a ...
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Usable and Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation (UaESMC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

In this project, we will bring the techniques and tools for Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) to a level where they can be applied to decisional and computational problems of practical size in several different social and economic sectors. To achieve this, we will apply a multi-pronged research effort to build the theoretical foundations for the practical aspects of SMC application. Our project ...
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Appropriate strategies to reduce energy consumption, increase Renewable Energy Sources (RES) penetration within local urban ecosystems seems to be the high priorities towards low carbon cities. In this context urban canyons (UCs) represent the core of the search for new intersections between energy issues and urban dwellers.The goal of the proposal is to demonstrate the techno-economical and socia ...
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The overall aim of this project is a novel approach for increased sensitivity of laminar wings to ice accretion in all flight phase. The CfP topic will address three main objectives therefore:1. Development of a system architecture model for an active ice protection system;2. Development of innovative sensing options to support the active ice protection strategy;3. Overall aircraft model that demo ...
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The mid-infrared spectral region is emerging as the wavelength region of preference for a number of applications including free space communications, absorption spectroscopy, chemical and biological sensing and LIDAR applications. For all the classes of different applications, the key elements of the mid-infrared system are the optical source and the detector.The optical source need is adequately ...
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The main objective of the MyOcean2 project will be to operate a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting component of the GMES Marine Service (OMF/GMS) delivering ocean physical state and ecosystem information to intermediate and downstream users in the areas of marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting.Th ...
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The main concept of INsPiRE is the scientific and technological reinforcement of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) basic and translational Cancer Research Group (NKUA-CRG) towards its integration into the more advanced core of the European cancer research area. Thus, a central objective of the proposal is to gain a full convergence of NKUA-CRG to the European research area of ...
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Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network (CHAIN)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

CHAIN is a large scale integrating project aimed to effectively and durably combat new and existing anti-HIV drug resistance in clinical settings, with a special emphasis on Eastern Europe and in heavily affected resource-poor regions in Africa. This will be achieved through our pan-European network of surveillance and basic research activities, the involvement of all main actors in the field of H ...
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The project’s aims are the development and evaluation of mitigation/adaptation (M/A) policy portfolios and the prioritization of research needs and gaps for twelve (12) countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine) characterized as emerging economies.The achievement of these aims is ensured through seven (7 ...
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Epidemiological and experimental evidence supports a link between chronic inflammation and cancer and indicates a role for inflammatory cells in the initiation, progression and metastasis of malignancy. The objective of the collaborative integrated project INFLA-CARE is to structure a European collective of scientific and technological excellence in the field of ‘Inflammation & Cancer’ which will ...
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ENVIronmental Services Infrastructure with ONtologies (ENVISION)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

The ENVISION project provides an ENVIronmental Services Infrastructure with Ontologies that aims to support non ICT-skilled users in the process of semantic discovery and adaptive chaining and composition of environmental services. Innovations in ENVISION are: on-the-Web enabling and packaging of technologies for their use by non ICT-skilled users, support for migrating environmental models to be ...
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"The frequency of invasive fungal infections caused by filamentous fungi have been increased the last decades as the population of profound and prolong immunocompromised patients (transplant recipients, patients with cancer, AIDS or other immunodeficiencies) has been expanded. These infections are associated with high mortality (up to 90%) despite antifungal therapy and for difficult-to-treat moul ...
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In the framework of the KM3NeT Preparatory Phase project the strategic, legal and financial issues are addressed related to the construction of an European deep-sea infrastructure housing a cubic kilometre size Cherenkov neutrino telescope and providing access for deep-sea research. Many technical issues are already addressed in the KM3NeT Design Study, started in 2006, that at the end of its work ...
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"Europe has suffered in the last years a large number of forest fires that has caused enormous losses in terms of human life and environmental damage. During 2007, more than 3376 square kilometres of forest and agricultural fields disappeared in smoke, causing the loss of more than 64 lives and more than 1.6bn Euros [1].These figures meant an increase of a 50% in southern European countries such a ...
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Foundations of Adaptive Networked Societies of Tiny Artefacts (FRONTS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

In the near future, it is reasonable to expect that new types of systems will appear, designed or emerged, of massive scale, expansive and permeating their environment, of very heterogeneous nature, and operating in a constantly changing networked environment. We expect that most such systems will have the form of a large society of networked artifacts that are small, have limited sensing, signal ...
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A Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

PESI provides standardised and authoritative taxonomic information by integrating and securing Europe's taxonomically authoritative species name registers and nomenclators (name databases) that underpin the management of biodiversity in Europe.PESI defines and coordinates strategies to enhance the quality and reliability of European biodiversity information by integrating the infrastructural compo ...
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Home Gigabit Access (Omega)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

Gigabit Home Access Networks are a pivotal technology to be developed if the EU Vision of the Future Internet is to be realised. Consumers will require such HANs to be simple to install, without any new wires, and easy enough to use so that information services running on the HAN will be just another utility, as, for instance, electricity, water and gas are today. The OMEGA HAN is centred round th ...
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