Search for European Projects

8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

MARCAR aims to establish reliable early markers and molecular classification of tumors in non genotoxic carcinogenesis, applying a mechanism-based approach. Benefits are improved drug safety, more efficient drug development, and progress with 3 R issues. MARCAR focuses on rodent liver, the major target organ of non-genotoxic carcinogens (NGC). However, this approach will facilitate predictions for ...
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PELLIC (Practice Enterprise for Language Learning & Intercultural Communication) will combine the expertise of six partners in Finland,Great Britain,Germany,Spain and Czech Republic.It is an English language project focusing on English as lingua franca and on intercultural communication. Today's work force needs practical language and intercultural skills relevant to workplace to enhance European ...
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The project aims at developing and fostering the international academic mobility between the EU and Russia through a network initiated in year 2007 between 12 Russian and 8 EU Higher Education Institutions in the field of Agriculture, Life Sciences, Food Chain and beyond. This proven network serves as base and is expanded with regard to two aspects: 1. Three HEIs from Russia, with no experiences i ...
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Since its publication in 2001, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has gained a leading role as an instrument of reference for the teaching and certification of languages and for the development of curricula. At the same time, there is a growing concern that the CEFR reference levels have not been sufficiently illustrated, leaving practitioners such as teachers, test an ...
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Interpreting in Virtual Reality

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The rise of migration and multilingualism in Europe requires professional interpreters in business, legal, medical and many other settings. Future interpreters therefore need to master an ever broadening range of interpreting scenarios and skills. This is difficult to achieve with traditional teaching methods and in times of reduced teaching contact hours. Also, in many of the emerging interpretin ...
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The purpose of this project is to develop the global competencies of the newest generation of EU and Korean learners by providing meaningful opportunities for intercultural engagement. As a means of achieving this, the proposed program will focus on the two core fields of Multi-culture and Education and will operate through coordinated student (30 EU/ 30 Korea) and faculty (6 EU/ 9 Korea) exchange ...
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Medical Education in Europe 2

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The MEDINE2 Thematic Network in Medical Education in Europe will build on the work of the MEDINE Network 2004-2007. The Networks is requiered because the education and training of medical doctors to high standard is critical to the physical health, well-being, productivity and social cohesion of European society. Variours issues must be addressed. Despite facilitative legislation, mobility of med ...
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The Backbone project proposes a pedagogically motivated corpus approach enablingteachers to collect and exploit spoken discourse resources for teaching LWULTlanguages and their regional varieties. Based on the communicative principles of learnerand teacher autonomy, authenticated learning and collaboration, the Backboneapproach combines corpus resources for linguistically and thematically speciali ...
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