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Over 40 European Projects Found

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The overarching aim of the iRead project is to develop a software infrastructure of personalised, adaptive technologies and a diverse set of applications for supporting learning and teaching of reading skills. The specific goals of the project proposed are to:1. Develop a scalable, cloud-based software infrastructure of open, interoperable components, including real-time user modelling and domai ...
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Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars (Dreams4Cars)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Dreams4Cars takes inspiration from the Simulation Hypothesis of Cognition – notably in the sense of Hesslow – and in particular from the idea that thoughts are chains of simulated actions and simulated perceptions. The main objective of Dreams4Cars is to set up an offline simulation mechanism in which robots, by recombining aspects of real-world experience, can produce an emulated world, with whic ...
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COROMA project proposes to develop a cognitively enhanced robot that can execute multiple tasks for the manufacturing of metal and composite parts. COROMA will therefore provide the flexibility that European metalworking and advanced material manufacturing companies require to compete in the rapidly evolving global market.The main output of COROMA project will be a modular robotic system that will ...
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Personal Assistant for healthy Lifestyle (PAL) (PAL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) portraits a high need and challenge for self-management by young patients: a complex illness with a high and increasing prevalence, a regimen that needs adaptation to patient’s condition and activities, and serious risks for complications and reduced life expectations. When patients do not acquire the knowledge, skills and habits to adhere to their diabetes regimen ...
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The FACILITATORS goals are:-To Enable the highest possible level of validation of the common building blocks (developed by concurring operational grants) in the most relevant environment by adapting and providing the best available European test facilities, as well as -To Guarantee coherence among the different test facilities and among the building blocks by establishing common implementation/val ...
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Infusing Data Fusion in Space Robotics (InFuse)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

InFuse aims to develop very essential data fusion capabilities (aka. Common Data Fusion Framework, or CDFF) that will serve in the context of many space robotics applications, on planetary surface as well as in orbit or other microgravity environments. The InFuse CDFF will be developed relying on the expertise of partners having tangible experience with a wide range of sensors data processing (Per ...
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The main objective is to develop a standard interface that considers a set of connections that allow coupling of payload to manipulators and payload to other payload. The realization of a modular reconfigurable system depends, among other things, on interfaces, that includes mechanical interfaces connecting the blocks to one other, electrical interface for power transmission, thermal interfaces fo ...
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European Space Robot Control Operating System (ESROCOS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

The ESROCOS activity is devoted to the design of a Robot Control Operating Software (RCOS) that can provide adequate features and performance with space-grade Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) properties. The goal of the ESROCOS proposal is to provide an open source framework which can assist in the generation of flight software for space robots. By providing an open sta ...
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Bringing FIWARE to the NEXT step (FI-NEXT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Digital technologies underpin innovation and competitiveness across a broad range of market sectors. A key technology to boost such innovation and competitiveness is represented by the full and wide adoption of Open Service Platforms. In fact, they will allow increased competition and market penetration because they should be built on top of royalty-free open specifications, adopting open source r ...
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PROTEUS mission is to investigate and develop ready-to-use scalable online machine learning algorithms and interactive visualization techniques for real-time predictive analytics to deal with extremely large data sets and data streams. The developed algorithms and techniques will form a library to be integrated into an enhanced version of Apache Flink, the EU Big Data platform. PROTEUS will contri ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

STREAMLINE will address the competitive advantage needs of European online media businesses (EOMB) by delivering fast reactive analytics suitable in solving a wide array of problems, including addressing customer retention, personalised recommendation, and more broadly targeted services. STREAMLINE will develop cross-sectorial analytics drawing on multi-source data originating from online media co ...
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Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems (BEinCPPS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

BEinCPPS Innovation Action aims to integrate and experiment a CPS-oriented Future Internet-based machine-factory-cloud service platform firstly intensively in five selected Smart Specialization Strategy Vanguard regions (Lombardia in Italy, Euskadi in Spain, Baden Wuertemberg in Germany, Norte in Portugal, Rhone Alpes in France), afterwards extensively in all European regions, by involving local c ...
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MAYA aims at developing simulation methodologies and multidisciplinary tools for the design, engineering and management of CPS-based (Cyber Physical Systems) Factories, in order to strategically support production-related activities during all the phases of the factory life-cycle, from the integrated design of the product-process- production system, through the optimization of the running factory, ...
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Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The objectives of Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan) are to establish Cloud based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop-Shop for CAx-technologies supporting the design, simulation and process planning for additive manufacturing. More specifically the objectives are to establish analysis-based design approaches with the following aims:-To reduce material usage by 12% thro ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Worldwide data volumes are exploding and islands of storage remote from compute will not scale. We will demonstrate the first instance of intelligent data storage, uniting data processing and storage as two sides of the same rich computational model. This will enable sophisticated, intention-aware data processing to be integrated within a storage systems infrastructure, combined with the potential ...
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The proposed SELFNET project will design and implement an autonomic network management framework to achieve self-organizing capabilities in managing network infrastructures by automatically detecting and mitigating a range of common network problems that are currently still being manually addressed by network operators, thereby significantly reducing operational costs and improving user experience ...
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QT21: Quality Translation 21 (QT21)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

A European Digital Single Market free of barriers, including language barriers, is a stated EU objective to be achieved by 2020. The findings of the META-NET Language White Papers show that currently only 3 of the EU-27 languages enjoy moderate to good support by our machine translation technologies, with either weak (at best fragmentary) or no support for the vast majority of the EU-27 languages. ...
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Eyes of Things (EoT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Vision, our richest sensor, allows inferring big data from reality. Arguably, to be “smart everywhere” we will need to have “eyes everywhere”. Coupled with advances in artificial vision, the possibilities are endless in terms of wearable applications, augmented reality, surveillance, ambient-assisted living, etc. Currently, computer vision is rapidly moving beyond academic research and factory aut ...
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We propose visionary research to develop modeling, computational, and ICT tools needed to predict and influence disease spread and other contagion phenomena in complex social systems. To achieve non-incremental advances we will combine large scale, realistic, data-driven models with participatory data-collection and advanced methods for Big Data analysis. In particular we will go beyond the one-di ...
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The European machine translation (MT) research community is experiencing increased pressure for rapid success – from the legal and political frameworks and schedules of the EU, such as the Digital Single Market, but also from the globalising business world. At the same time, the research community has to cope with a striking disproportion between the scope of the challenges and the available resou ...
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European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics (ROBOCADEMY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"The Robocademy ITN will establish a European training and research network to develop key skills and enabling technologies in underwater robotics for the scientific and economic exploration of the oceans(e.g. offshore oilfield of the future). Through the close collaboration of leading research institutes,academia, industry, and SMEs in robotics, marine technology, marine science, and offshore ind ...
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This project will establish a demonstration fleet of small passenger vehicles that builds on and expands existing hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. Three European regions will be participating in this effort: the UK (the Midlands and Plymouth), the Brussels area and Wallonia, and the Weser-Ems region in NorthWest Germany. Each of these regions will deploy a new hydrogen refuelling site to close ...
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Industrial robots have demonstrated their capacity to answer the needs of many industrial applications, offering a high degree of dexterity, accuracy and efficiency.However, when the application requires the collaboration between the robot and the worker, including workspace sharing, it is not feasible to use standard industrial robots due to safety being compromised Recently, new robotic products ...
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New Technologies for Tunnelling and Underground Works (NETTUN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The NeTTUN 54M project will enable groundbreaking change in the construction, management and maintenance of tunnels in pursuit of the goals of NMP.2011.4.0-2 via 9 focussed WPs addressing key scientific and technical challenges: (i) a multi-sensor ground prediction system for TBMs to enable effective look-ahead during boring; (ii) a robotic maintenance system that enables automation of inspection ...
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EUROFLEETS2 is the enhancement of EUROFLEETS1, with the aim of developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with common strategic vision and coordinated access to Research Vessels (RVs) and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 will furthermore undertake specific actions to consolidate research fleets’ organization, methodology and tools through operational initiatives (like virtual fleets) le ...
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The aim of the FREME innovative action is to establish an “Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content”. Six enrichment services will be designed, piloted, and validated during the action. Their innovation, usability, and robustness will be shaped by four real world business cases that will bring FREME data innovation and technology transfer directly to ...
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The LARA system, the main outcome of the project is a mobile device for utility field workers. The hand-held device integrates different technologies such as: positioning and sensors (GNSS), Augmented Reality (AR), GIS, geodatabases, etc. In practise, this device will guide the field workers in underground utilities to ‘see’ what happening underworld, like an “x-ray image” of the underground infra ...
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Stardust-The Asteroid and Space Debris Network (Stardust)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Asteroids and space debris represent a significant hazard for space and terrestrial assets; at the same time asteroids represent also an opportunity. In recent years it has become clear that the increasing population of space debris could lead to catastrophic consequences in the near term. The Kessler syndrome (where the density of objects in orbit is high enough that collisions could set off a ca ...
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Inspection Capabilities for Enhanced Ship Safety (INCASS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

In the day-to-day ship operations, structural and machinery failures may lead to major accidents, endangering crew and passengers lives onboard, posing a threat to the environment, damaging the ship itself and having a great impact in terms of business losses. Moreover, with the introduction and building of a big number of new ships, their monitoring and inspection from both regulatory bodies and ...
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The general aim of SIforAGE project will be to strengthen the cooperation mechanisms and tools among the stakeholders working along the value chain of active and healthy ageing, with the aim of improving the performance of the European Union competitiveness and growth, through research and innovative products for more and better lives.The objective is change minds and attitudes for a new vision of ...
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The goal of METALOGUE is to produce a multimodal dialogue system that is able to implement an interactive behaviour that seems natural to users and is flexible enough to exploit the full potential of multimodal interaction. It will be achieved by understanding, controlling and manipulating system's own and users' cognitive processes. The new dialogue manager will incorporate a cognitive model bas ...
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MOONWALK develops innovative technologies for co-operative human-robot space exploration (robot-assisted EVA). It uses and further develops European Earth analogue infrastructure to validate these technologies under simulated extraterrestrial planetary conditions (low gravity, extreme environmental conditions). Astronauts equipped with an EVA suit and special tools for EVA activities (e.g. exobiol ...
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A (Meta-) product is now a customer driven customisable entity that integrates sensory/computing units, which are in turn connected to the cloud, leading to a paradigm shift from mass production to intelligent, over-the-web configurable products. Product design and production is however becoming highly complex and requires interdisciplinary expertise. The goal of EASY is to develop new methodologi ...
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"NOTOX will develop and establish a spectrum of systems biological tools including experimental and computational methods for i) organotypic human cell cultures suitable for long term toxicity testing and ii) the identification and analysis of pathways of toxicological relevance. NOTOX will initially use available human HepaRG and primary liver cells as well as mouse small intestine cultures in 3D ...
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Hauptziel dieses Projekts ist, eine erweiterbare Lösung anzubieten, welche Studenten der Großregion dabei unterstützt in einer Fremdsprache zu studieren. Dieses Ziel soll durch die Entwicklung praktischer IKT-basierte Bildungsanwendungen erreicht werden, die den ausländischen Studierenden on-demand-Zugang zu passendem Lernmaterial in ihrer Muttersprache zur Verfügung stellen soll.
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Context awareness has the potential to revolutionise the way people interact with information technology. Whereas conventional computers merely interpret explicit user input, context-aware systems analyse and automatically respond upon users’ behaviour and situation he/she is in. This enables electronic systems to assist users in situations in which the use of conventional computers and mobile d ...
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Das Projektziel ist eine erheblich präzisere und effizientere Planung des Baustellenablaufs, unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen nationalen Besonderheiten. Moderne interaktive Visualisierungstechniken sollen dazu beitragen, die Planung in deutlich höherer Qualität auszuführen und den beteiligten Planern und Firmen adäquate Kommunikationsmittel an die Hand zu geben, die eine effiziente, in wesent ...
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Forward Acquisition of Soil and Terrain for Exploration Rover (FASTER)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The goal of the FASTER project is to address three key technology developments for planetary exploration: forward looking surface properties characterisation, innovative locomotion system for a scout type rover, and collaborative operation of a mother/scout pair. 1.) The project will develop methods and instrumentation to characterise the properties of planetary surfaces in which robotic rover veh ...
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Mittels dieses Projektes sollen neue Wege im Kampf gegen die Problematik der Überschuldung gefunden werden. So zielen die zueinander komplementären Projektpartner zum einen darauf ab, ihren Erfahrungsschatz und ihre Fachkenntnisse im Sinne eines Best practice-Austauschs miteinander zu teilen. Die breite Bevölkerung soll weiterhin mittels innovativer Werkzeuge und Technologien für die Problematik d ...
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The Micro-Dress project aims to extend the limits of feasible garment customisation for men’s, and ladies’ garments, to include for the first time user-configurable wearable functionality, as well as user-selectable degree of material eco-friendliness. The challenges related to both added value aspects will be researched in order to prove these concepts within a pragmatic framework based on two di ...
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