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23 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Research accelerators are facing important challenges that must be addressed in the years to come: existing infrastructures are stretched to all performance frontiers, new world-class facilities on the ESFRI roadmap are starting or nearing completion, and strategic decisions are needed for future accelerators and major upgrades in Europe.While current projects concentrate on their specific objecti ...
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"Despite our great expressive skills, we humans lack an easy way of communicating the 3D shapes we imagine, and even more so when it comes to dynamic shapes. Over centuries humans used drawing and sculpture to convey shapes. These tools require significant expertise and time investment, especially if one aims to describe complex or dynamic shapes. With the advent of virtual environments one would ...
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Arrowhead (ARROWHEAD)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Ser ...
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Compound Semiconductors for 3D integration (COMPOSE3)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

COMPOSE3 aims to develop 3D stacked circuits in the front end of line of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, based on high mobility channel materials. The final objective is a 3D stacked SRAM cell, designed with gates length taken from the 14nm technology node. This technology will provide a new paradigm shift in density scaling combined with a dramatic increase in the power ...
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The ExoMet proposal revolves around innovative liquid metal engineering and the application of external physical fields, in order to significantly influence the microstructures and properties of light alloys, such as aluminium and magnesium. Three types of external fields will be explored, namely: electromagnetic, ultrasonic and intensive mechanical shearing.To meet the future EU challenges of lig ...
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Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice (Eunison)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

Everyone needs their voice, and speech has a pivotal function in modern society. A detailed, working model of the voice would contribute to the human atlas and would find profound applications in fields such as speech technology, medical research, pedagogy, linguistics and the arts. But the physics are very intricate: we make the sounds of speech, song and emotions using multiple mechanisms; and t ...
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"The main objective nowadays in the field of biomaterials is to design highly performing bioinspired materials learning from natural processes. Importantly, biochemical and physical cues are key parameters that can affect cellular processes. Controlling processes that occur at the cell/material interface is also of prime importance to guide the cell response. The main aim of the current project is ...
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The microelectronics industry will face major challenges related to power dissipation and energy consumption in the next years. Both static and dynamic consumption will soon start to limit microprocessor performance growth. The goal of the spOt project is to modify the memory hierarchy by the integration of non-volatility (NV) as a new feature of memory cache, which would immediately minimize stat ...
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"This CASES project is aimed at teaming up trans-continental researchers in the areas of sustainable design/manufacturing and ICT to enrich the knowledge base and achieve research synergies to develop smart design and manufacturing planning services in terms of energy efficiency. The objectives include:(1) To establish an active international community and effective communication channel for resea ...
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Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows (MUMOLADE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"Landslides and debris flows are serious geo-hazards common to countries with mountainous terrains. The high speed and the enormity of debris mass make debris flows one of the most dangerous natural hazards. Debris flows are often triggered by landslides partially or completely mobilizing into debris flows. Globally, landslides cause billions of dollars in damage and thousands of deaths and injuri ...
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Strong statistical fluctuations in meso- and nano-scale structures make their thermodynamic properties extremely dependent on the information available about them. The most basic process illustrating the importance of information to statistical systems is the information-to-energy conversion in the famous Maxwell's Demon (MD). Our primary goal is to study both experimentally and theoretically the ...
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"The NEWGENPAK ITN is an interdisciplinary research training network of 8 European universities, 3 research institutes and 6 enterprises, three of which are Full partners. Its primary aim is to create a European training network designed to improve the career prospects of its 10 ESRs and 2 ERs in both the public and private sector. The network will deliver a joint multidisciplinary research traini ...
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Future INternEt Smart Utility ServiCEs (Finesce)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Change is the name of the game in energy! The shift to sustainability is visible everywhere. It is now a European priority to combine solutions which utilise energy generation from renewable energy sources and optimize energy usage efficiency into a Smart Energy System based on the introduction of Future Internet technologies. At the same time, business innovation needs to be encouraged to ensure ...
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Productivity improvements have major impact on EU economy and competitiveness. Industrial maintenance contributes largely to this competitiveness through reliability and availability of production equipments. The EU market of industrial maintenance can be estimated at 32 Bn€/year, in which outsourced maintenance represents 1/3. In continuous production industries (energy, chemical, food, cement or ...
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Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC (NETFISIC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

"The main scientific objective of NetFISiC is to provide Silicon carbide material (of various polytypes) with improved and adequate functional interfaces for getting a step forward in electronic devices performance. Research efforts will be dedicated to solve the problems faces by important devices like MOSFET and Schottky diodes. Besides, some fundamental research will be performed both on the gr ...
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CALIPSO: Connect All IP-based Smart Objects! (CALIPSO)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

Smart Objects and the Internet of Things provide unparalleled means toconnect the physical world with the digital world, enabling importantapplications such as Smart Infrastructures, Smart Cities, and SmartToys. But existing systems are typically proprietary and tailored toone specific application and sacrifice interoperability for low powerconsumption. This hinders widespread adoption.CALIPSO bu ...
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"The main objectives of the INDECT project are: • to develop a platform for: the registration and exchange of operational data, acquisition of multimedia content, intelligent processing of all information and automatic detection of threats and recognition of abnormal behaviour or violence, • to develop the prototype of an integrated, network-centric system supporting the operational activities of ...
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Secure Provision and Consumption in the Internet of Services (SPaCIoS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

The vision of the Internet of Services (IoS) entails a major paradigm shift in the way ICT systems and applications are designed, implemented, deployed and consumed: they are no longer the result of programming components in the traditional meaning but are built by composing services that are distributed over the network and aggregated and consumed at run-time in a demand-driven, flexible way. In ...
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The focus of the project is on the development of fluorinated electrolyte/separator and binders in combination with active electrodes (anode LiC6 and cathode: LiNixMn2-xO4 - 4,7V) for high performing, safe and durable Li batteries. The main deliverables of the project are the development of cell prototypes capacity > 10 A.h on which performance assessment will be conducted. The AMELIE prototype pe ...
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Rolled multi material layered 3D shaping technology (MULTILAYER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

Various emerging markets in the field of non silicon multimaterial micro devices offer a huge potential for commercialisation in the near future. However, solutions for mass-production for most of them have still to be developed. The objective of the MULTILAYER project is to develop a set of solutions for the large-scale production of micro devices based on a technology we call “Rolled multi mat ...
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"The overall concept of the proposed project is to improve the hydraulic efficiency of small action type turbines, through the development and application of a numerical optimization methodology, that will be validated by the construction and laboratory testing of the prototype models of Pelton, Turgo and Matrix turbines representing both action and reaction types. The methodology to be developed ...
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The objective of this project is to design and to develop an innovative ecoefficient low-substrate flexible paper for packaging from renewable resources to reduce the packaging industry’s reliance on barrier films derived from petroleum. The challenge of this project is to develop a flexible packaging paper, with barrier properties (grease, water, oxygen and water vapour barrier) competitive with ...
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NANOSIL Network of Excellence aims to integrate at the European level the excellent European research laboratories and capabilities in order to strengthen scientific and technological excellence in the field of nanoelectronic materials and devices for terascale integrated circuits (ICs) and disseminate the results in a wide scientific and industrial community.NANOSIL will explore and assess the sc ...
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