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19 European Projects Found

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"The megadalton cytoplasmic dynein complex, whose motor subunit is encoded by a single gene, provides the major microtubule minus end-directed motility in cells and is essential for a wide range of processes, ranging from the transport of proteins, RNA, and membrane vesicles to nuclear migration and cell division. To achieve this stunning functional diversity, cytoplasmic dynein is subject to tig ...
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The World Health Organisation in its report on Neglected Tropical Diseases has stated that there is overwhelming evidence to show that the burden caused by many of the 17 diseases that affect more than 1billion people worldwide can be effectively controlled and, in many cases, eliminated or even eradicated. Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania spp is one of them and poses a grave health risk to an e ...
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European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation (E-ARK)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The goal of the E-ARK Project is to pilot archival services to keep records authentic and usable based on current best-practices. These will address the three main endeavours of an archive – acquiring, preserving and enabling re-use of information. E-ARK will demonstrate the potential benefits for public administrations, public agencies, public services, citizens and business by providing easy and ...
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New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections (NMTRYPI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The infectious diseases burden imposed by the parasites of Trypanosomatidae family represents a huge problem on people’s lives in countries where these diseases are endemic. Problems associated with existing drugs include inefficient delivery, insufficient efficacy, excessive toxicity and increasing resistance. New drugs are urgently needed now and in the foreseeable future. The New Medicine for T ...
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The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sponsored the Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS) where the need for actionable climate information for periods from several months up to several years for economic, industrial and political planning has been expressed. However, progress in seasonal forecasting has been slow and decadal forecasting is still incipient. At the same time, new model ...
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Research with animals is considered necessary to obtain certain vital knowledge for advancing health research and innovation, but the harm such research may cause animals is ethically problematic. The European legislation regulating animal experimentation is based on the need to balance the two important interests at stake: advancing research and protecting animal welfare. The public sensitivity o ...
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Description Process (mix, modulate, synchronise) and detect microwave frequencies based on innovative spin transfer devices.The overarching objective of the MOSAIC project is to bring the device level knowledge acquired in the past years by the partners towards systems as a first crucial step towards industrialization, warranting the lead ...
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The trypanosomatid diseases, leishmaniasis, Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) and Chagas disease (CD), continue to impart a heavy toll on human health. The treatments available are limited and threatened by drug resistance with few newdrugs in the pipeline. The KINDReD consortium integrates five leading academic laboratories in Europe (Portugal, United Kingdom, and Switzerland), the USA (Califor ...
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Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation (NERRI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

This project aims to contribute to the introduction of Responsible Research and Innovation in neuro-enhancement (NE) in the European Research Area and to the shaping of a normative framework underpinning the governance of NE technologies. These will be achieved through mobilization and mutual learning (MML) activities engaging scientists, policy-makers, industry, civil society groups and the wider ...
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CyanoFactory brings together ten selected leading, highly complementary European partners with the aim to carry out integrated, fundamental research aiming at applying synthetic biology principles towards a cell factory notion in microbial biotechnology. The vision is to build on recent progress in synthetic biology and develop novel photosynthetic cyanobacteria as chassis to be used as self-susta ...
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Cognitive Radio Experimentation World (CREW)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The main target of CREW is to establish an open federated test platform, which facilitates experimentally-driven research on advanced spectrum sensing, cognitive radio and cognitive networking strategies in view of horizontal and vertical spectrum sharing in licensed and unlicensed bands.The CREW platform incorporates 5 individual wireless testbeds (heterogeneous ISM @ iMinds-Gent, heterogeneous l ...
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"Shaping the tissues that make an organism requires a tight control of cell division and mechanisms that spatially distribute signalling cues and adhesive structures within single cells. Although cell division and polarity have been extensively studied, how these processes are coordinated is largely unknown.The primary goal of this project is to understand the link between regulation of mitotic ce ...
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How will life be in 2020? (Future2020)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

This proposal aims to raise awareness of the prominent role researchers and how their work plays in our currently every day and for the future. Bearing in mind Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges, the ERN2013 will promote and disseminate what in terms of science and innovation is being done in Portugal.The extensive and nationwide range of activities already planned and being prepared have one major ...
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"NANOFOL proposes to develop a new diagnostic/therapy approach using folate based nanobiodevices (FBN) able to provide a new type of cost efficient treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases such as Atherosclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis with low side effects that will constitute a more advantageous solution than current therapies. NANOFOL will achieve all that by fulfilling the following obje ...
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Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS). The importance of myelination is illustrated by the neurological consequences caused by demyelination, the process or state resulting from the loss or destruction of myelin such as in multiple sclerosis (MS), the most frequent CNS chronic demyelinating disease. Failure of remyelination is thought to be the major cause ...
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"Pain is more than a symptom, it can develop into a disabling disease. Amylin is a hormone with several metabolic effects that has shown to also influence the nociceptive system. The literature is however contradicting as some authors claim to find analgesic effects under amylin treatment, while others suggest no action or a pronociceptive role for this hormone. As chronic pain involves pathophysi ...
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SOS - Science on Screen (ScienceOnScreen)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

Everyday we are flooded with scientific terms: in the media, at the supermarket, at the pub with our friends. But who makes this science? And how is it done? How is a scientists’ everyday life? Who better to set things straight than scientists themselves?Using amusing but accurate real life stories, this proposal aims for the production of a television show, to be broadcast on the 23rd of Septembe ...
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Description Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network ArchitectureMain ObjectivesThe intensive use of optical transparency and the latest opto-electronic technologies enables to expand the PON performances and functionality while minimizing the infrastructure requirements at both urban and rural areas Fibre-to-the-Home net ...
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Description Building the Future Optical NetworkMain ObjectivesThe BONE-network brings together 49 laboratories and research institutes from al over Europe in a close networking infrastructure, built on the foundations laid down by the FP6 ePhoton/ONe Network and represents the research activities within Europe in the field of Optical Netw ...
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