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This proposal is aimed at identifying and functionally validating targets with potential therapeutic value to devise novel strategies to treat two human cancers with unacceptable low survival rates and unmet medical needs: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and K-RAS mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Although these tumor types have distinct pathological and clinical manifestations, they are both driven by ...
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During the last four years the Multifun Consortium (FP7 project Nº. 262943) has developed and validated distinct nanoformulations as therapeutic approach against pancreatic and breast cancer. These nanoformulations are based on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MNP) multifuntionalised with a target peptide and an anticancer chemical drug, allowing for a synergistic therapeutic effect produced by ...
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The Physiology of Nutrient Sensing by mTOR (NutrientSensingVivo)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

A major role of metabolic alterations in the development of several human diseases, as diabetes, cancer and in the onset of ageing is becoming increasingly evident. This has a deep impact for human health due to the alarming increase in nutrient intake and obesity in the last decades. Fundamental aspects of how aberrant nutrient fluctuations trigger deregulated hormone levels and endocrine signals ...
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"Our research group has worked over the years at the interface between cancer and ageing, with a strong emphasis on mouse models. More recently, we became interested in cellular reprogramming because we hypothesized that understanding cellular plasticity could yield new insights into cancer and ageing. Indeed, during the previous ERC Advanced Grant, we made relevant contributions to the fields of ...
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The prognosis of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer (PDAC) is very poor. Recent studies have started to elucidate the genetic landscape of this disease to show that PDAC is a genetically complex, unstable, and heterogeneous cancer. However, in-depth analysis of individual patient genomes couple with personalize Avatar mouse models is providing highly effective therapeutic opportunities for ...
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Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing (BRIDGES) (BRIDGES)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Breast cancer affects more than 360,000 women per year in the EU and causes more than 90,000 deaths. Identification of women at high risk of the disease can lead to disease prevention through intensive screening, chemoprevention or prophylactic surgery. Breast cancer risk is determined by a combination of genetic and lifestyle risk factors. The advent of next generation sequencing has opened up th ...
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Training Network for the Immunotherapy of Cancer (IMMUTRAIN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

In the European Union, cancer is the leading cause of death and the overall cancer incidence is still increasing. As a result of expanding efforts to improve cancer outcome, a main paradigm change is occurring in cancer therapy towards individualized medicine. Antibody-based therapies form an integral and constantly growing part of this approach. Antibody-based therapies will strongly influence th ...
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The life sciences are undergoing a transformation. Modern experimental tools study the molecules, reactions, and organisation of life in unprecedented detail. The precipitous drop in costs for high-throughput biology has enabled European research laboratories to produce an ever-increasing amount of data. Life scientists are rapidly generating the most complex and heterogeneous datasets that scienc ...
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"DNA damage (DD) is the cause of several diseases, including cancer, and it is also linked to the organ decline that arises in ageing. Yet, the contribution of different sources of DD to these processes is not understood. Sources of DD such as chromosome breaks, eroded telomeres or oxidative stress are been heavily investigated. For establishing my group, I decided to focus on a source of DD that ...
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Tumor metastasis is responsible for >90% of cancer deaths. A tumor type where the mechanisms driving this process are especially unclear is melanoma, the only cancer where apparently thin lesions (2 mm depth) have a high potential for metastatic dissemination. As a PhD student in P. Agostinis lab (KUL, Belgium) I identified a new strategy using the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine (CQ) to blunt me ...
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Cancers are genetic disease arising from the accumulation of multiple molecular alterations in affected cells. Large-scale genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses have established comprehensive catalogues of molecules which are altered in their structure and/or abundance in malignant tumors as compared to healthy tissues. Far less developed are concepts and methods to integrate data from di ...
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Despite examples of excellent practice, rare disease (RD) research is still mainly fragmented by data and disease types. Individual efforts have little interoperability and almost no systematic connection between detailed clinical and genetic information, biomaterial availability or research/trial datasets. By developing robust mechanisms and standards for linking and exploiting these data, RD-Con ...
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"The gliomas are a large group of brain tumors and Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is the most common and lethal primary central nervous system (CNS) tumor in adults. Despite the recent advances in treatment modalities, GBM patients generally respond poorly to all therapeutic approaches and prognosis remain dismal. Standard therapy for GBMs includes resection of the tumor mass, followed by concurren ...
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Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data (OpenMinTeD)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

Recent years witness an upsurge in the quantities of digital research data, offering new insights and opportunities for improved understanding. Text and data mining is emerging as a powerful tool for harnessing the power of structured and unstructured content and data, by analysing them at multiple levels and in several dimensions to discover hidden and new knowledge. However, text mining solution ...
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"The dawn of the age of personalized cancer treatment provides the promise to identify the right drug for the individual that will greatly improve the patient’s outcome. It is well known that cancer drugs work only in small subset of patients. For many of these agents, there are putative markers of response in the literature but very few are been used in clinical practice. More importantly, new ...
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Risk, Stem Cells and Tissue Kinetics – Ionising Radiation (RISK - IR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The magnitude of cancer risk in humans exposed to low radiation doses (
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A European Platform for Translational Cancer Research (EUROCANPLATFORM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Europe has a number of advantages as regards developing translational cancer research, yet there is no clear European strategy to meet the increasing burden posed by cancer. The FP6 Eurocan+Plus project analysed the barriers underlying the increasing fragmentation of cancer research and stressed the need to improve collaboration between basic/preclinical and comprehensive cancer centres (CCCs), in ...
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The eTOX consortium proposes to develop innovative methodological strategies and novel software tools to better predict the toxicological profiles of new molecular entities in early stages of the drug development pipeline. This will be achieved by coordinating the efforts of specialists from academia and SMEs in the wide scope of disciplines that are required to move towards a more reliable modell ...
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A BLUEPRINT of Haematopoietic Epigenomes (BLUEPRINT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

In response to the call for a high impact initiative on the human epigenome, the BLUEPRINT Consortium has been formed with the aim of generating at least 100 reference epigenomes and studying them to advance and exploit knowledge of the underlying biological processes and mechanisms in health and disease. BLUEPRINT will focus on distinct types of haematopoietic cells from healthy individuals and o ...
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DNA is tightly wrapped around histones to form chromatin, a highly dynamic structure that can adopt different conformations with contrasting degrees of compaction. Essential processes of DNA metabolism, such as DNA repair, replication or transcription operate in the context of chromatin and higher order chromosomal organization. Understanding how modulation of chromatin structure and repair influe ...
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Currently, clinical diagnosis and monitoring of bladder cancer (BC) relies on invasive, highly costly cystoscopy. Additionally, due to high recurrence rates BC treatment is associated with frequent follow-up of patients, making BC one of the most costly types of cancer in terms of management cost. Thus there is a clear clinical need for the development of new approaches for early detection of recu ...
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AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

In our 24 months project "AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit", 21 apprentices, 1 animal keeper who completed his training in 2015 and 3 staff members of the training department had the opportunity to partake. Most of the participants are completing an apprenticeship as biological laboratory assistants (17), office clerks (3) and qualified IT specialists (1). They al ...
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Among patients with adrenal masses Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) and malignant pheochromocytomas (MPH) are found with a low incidence but very unfavorable prognosis. Due to this poor clinical outcome, concomitant hormone dysregulation and limited treatment options the two cancer entities severely impact on affected patients. However, the rarity of the tumors also impedes clinical studies which ar ...
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Cancer is hallmarked by multiple genetic aberrations that lead to a functional derangement of cellular signalling networks. Embryonal tumours (ETs) comprising neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma and Ewing sarcoma, occur early in life, and thus may reveal pathogenetically relevant lesions clearer than adulthood tumours which carry passenger mutations accumulated during life. ASSET will exploit this fact ...
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The Open Pharmacological Concepts Triple Store (OPEN PHACTS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Drug discovery is data-hungry and all major pharmaceutical companies maintain extensive in-house instances of public data alongside internal. Analysis and hypothesis generation for drug-discovery projects requires assembly, overlay and comparison of data from many sources, requiring shared identifiers and common semantics. Expression profiles need to be overlaid with gene or pathway identifiers an ...
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AP-1 (Fos/Jun) Functions in Physiology and Disease (AP-1-FUN)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Our research interests lie in breaking new ground in studying mechanism-based functions of AP-1 (Fos/Jun) in vivo with the aim of obtaining a more global perspective on AP-1 in human physiology and disease/cancer. The unresolved issues regarding the AP-1 subunit composition will be tackled biochemically and genetically in various cell types including bone, liver and skin, the primary organs affect ...
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Lung cancer is the most common cancer fatality in Europe (335000 deaths/yr). Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) consists 85% of the cases, with 5 yr survival
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The aim of the MultiFun consortium is to develop and validate a novel and minimally-invasive nanotechnology system to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment. MultiFun nanotechnology is based on multifunctionalised magnetic nanoparticles to selectively target and eliminate breast and pancreatic cancer (stem) cells. The improved magnetic features of the MultiFun magnetic nanoparticles will lead to p ...
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Systems Biology of Mitosis (MitoSys)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2015,

"MitoSys will generate a comprehensive mathematical understanding of mitotic division in human cells, a process of fundamental importance for human health. To create the critical mass and multidisciplinarity that is needed to achieve this ambitious goal, internationally leading mathematicians, biochemists/biophysicists and biologists working at twelve universities, research institutes, internation ...
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Ras Genes in Health and Disease (RAS AHEAD)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

"Ras genes are some of the best-studied genes in biomedical research due to their central role in mitogenic signaling and their oncogenic activation in one third of all human tumors. More recently, Ras genes have also been implicated in developmental disorders including Costello and Noonan syndromes. In spite of this wealth of information, we still do not know the role of Ras proteins in adult hom ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

"In recent years, we have made significant contributions to the understanding of the tumour suppressors p53, p16INK4a, and ARF, particularly in relation with cellular senescence and aging. The current project is motivated by two hypothesis: 1) that the INK4/ARF locus is a sensor of epigenetic damage and this is at the basis of its activation by oncogenes and aging; and, 2) that the accumulation o ...
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Kinase proteins are key to signaling in eukaryotic cells, so it is not surprising that their dysfunction has been implicated in human diseases such as cancer and inflammatory disorders. As a result, kinases have become important targets for drug discovery. The majority of kinase inhibitors bind to the ATP-binding site, which is highly conserved among the different kinases. In order to increase ...
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Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Telomeres are ribonucleoprotein complexes at the ends of chromosomes that are essential for chromosome protection and genomic stability. Telomeres consist of tandem TTAGGG repeats bound to a 6-protein complex known as shelterin. More recently, telomeres have been also shown to contain long non-coding telomeric RNAs (TelRNAs or TERRAs), which are associated to the telomeric chromatin and have been ...
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Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the deadliest solid cancer and currently the fourth most frequent cause for cancer related deaths. Over the past decades, there has hardly been any substantial therapeutic progress regarding clinical endpoints. New hope has now been generated by the re-emerging cancer stem cell (CSC) concept. We have identified and characterized pancreatic CSC in the context of tumour ...
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Molecular mechanisms of mature B cell lymphomagenesis (BCLYM)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Most of the lymphomas diagnosed in the western world are originated from mature B cells. The hallmark of these malignancies is the presence of recurrent chromosome translocations that usually involve the immunoglobulin loci and a proto-oncogene. As a result of the translocation event the proto-oncogene becomes deregulated under the influence of immunoglobulin cis sequences thus playing an importan ...
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Lung and pancreatic cancers still have a mortality rate over 85% at 5 years of diagnosis, a clear demonstration of the actual treatment failure and the need for improved clinical management. This involves better tools for diagnosis, prognosis, and selection of sensitive and resistant patients to current conventional therapies or improved innovative treatments as well as the development of novel th ...
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The cell division cycle is an essential step in living organisms. Different studies have led to a model where cell cycle kinases act as major engines to promote cell cycle progression throughout the different phases of the cell cycle. In addition to Cyclin- dependent kinases (Cdks), Polo-like and Aurora kinases, other kinases have recently emerged as important regulators of cell cycle progression. ...
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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal human cancers with a five-year survival rate of less than 5%. Late presentation and a high level of resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs are among the major reasons for this dismal prognosis. The presence of the highest degree of desmoplasia among all solid tumours and the fact that chronic inflammatory pancreatic disease is associated with an increased ...
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"Regenerative medicine using gene targeting by homologous recombination is one of the most powerful methods to achieve precise genome modifications. In the absence of double strand breaks the frequency of homologues recombination events at a target site is very low. A wide range of molecular tools are used to achieve targeting double strand breaks to increase the efficiency of homologues recombina ...
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Ageing is a fundamental biological process that defines all aspects of life, yet the understanding of the basic biological interactions leading to ageing and how genetic and environmental variation contributes to this processes are still largely unknown. We propose to use the most up to date genomic and epidemiological methodologies to shed light in some of the key questions in ageing research. We ...
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