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8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Despite process heat is recognized as the application with highest potential among solar heating and cooling applications, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) still presents a modest share of about 0.3% of total installed solar thermal capacity. As of today’s technology development stage – economic competitiveness restricted to low temperature applications; technology implementation requiri ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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EU-SOLARIS aims to create a new legal entity to explore and implement new and improved rules and procedures for reserach infrastructures (RI) for Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) technology, in order to optimise RI development and RTD coordination. According to what was communicated by ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS is expected to be the first of its kind, where Industrial needs and private funding will play a ...
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In the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the EU committed to reduce greenhouse gases between 20% and 30% by 2020, taking as reference 1990 level, and all sectors of the economy should contribute to this goal. Within the transport sector, the EU has adopted a number of measures to reduce the impact of road and air transport, including the limitation of pollutant ...
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El objetivo del proyecto OPTIMAGRID es definir, diseñar, desarrollar e implementar sistemas de control inteligentes de la energía que permitan la gestión en tiempo real de una micro-red de distribución de energía eléctrica aplicada a un área industrial con elevado porcentaje de penetración de energías renovables. Se persigue así cambiar el concepto contaminante asociado a las áreas industriales, p ...
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The overall objective of the BioTop proposal is to identify technical opportunities and research needs for Latin America and to create and support specific RTD cooperation activities between Latin America and the European Union in order to maximize synergies in the biofuels sectors. Specific objectives are: - to provide a broad overview of the existing biofuel sectors in all Latin American countr ...
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...enmarca dentro de un proyecto solicitado en la convocatoria del III Plan Tecnológico de Gobierno de Navarra en el que participan varios centros de investigación, universidades y empresas.Se debe estacar también que CENER y APESA están desarrollando el proyecto de cooperación Territorial en el espacio SUDOE orientado al intercambio y transferencia tecnológica sobre valorización de residuos de la in ...
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Lobjectif du projet est de valoriser les sous-produits organiques générés dans les processus des industries agroalimentaires. Cette valorisation est double :valorisation pour lobtention de composés dintéret nutritionnel, pharmaceutique ou cosmétique,lutilisation du résidu pour lobtention de bietanol et biometano.
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