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11 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

In the year 2007 with the launch of the Life-long Learning Programme (LLP) the European Commission started a new activity under the Erasmus programme: Erasmus staff trainings.Erasmus staff mobility for staff training offers an opportunity to participate in different forms of training abroad, such as job shadowing (staff members from a HEI go to another HEI to work there for a certain period) or at ...
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The project HUMERIA aims at stimulating institutional cooperation and collaboration among partner members and, in particular, decision and policy-makers on strategies to enhance internationalization between EU and ENPI HEIs in the fields of HUManities, Education, Regional and International Relations, Arts and Design. The present proposal was conceived by the coordinator, Tallinn University and jo ...
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EMAIL III is an Erasmus Mundus Action II project for the cooperation of higher education institutions from the EU and Israel. The consortium consists of 18 full partners and 4 associated partners, from Israel 8 HEIs and 1 NGO in the role of associated partner, from the EU, 10 HEIs and 3 associated partners (2 university networks and 1 NGO).The main activity of EMAIL III is the mobility exchange be ...
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There are many problems facing the LOT 2 countries but there is consensus amongst all that the problems must be solved by the countries themselves and a major tool is education. Strong international experiences are therefore important so these countries to see and experience different systems and adapt the best to their own situations. The potential for meaningful international cooperation is in ...
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EUREKA SD – Enhancement of University Research and Education in Knowledge Areas useful for Sustainable Development, will organize 315 mobilites, at all education and administrative university levels, between European and Latin American (LA) countries., The exchanges will be dedicated to educational and research of the areas supporting Sustainable Development (SD). The applicant- University of Old ...
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NAMASTE attempts to improve mutual understanding between the EU and India and enhance political, cultural, educational, and economic links of India with the EU. It will enhance bilateral cooperation in education and research, thus providing important scientific and technological cooperation, political, educational and economic links between the EU and India.The NAMASTE consortium consists of 20 HE ...
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The objective of PEACE project directly corresponds to the development of further collaboration among EU and Middle East Institutions for sending and hosting mobility of talented students and staff, enhancement capacity, transparency and employability as well as skills and qualification of institutions and individuals.The PEACE project promotes 156 flows of students and staff (to and from EU) in a ...
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EMbracing Modernisation Agenda

Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Project RationaleThe multi-stakeholder partnership gathered around the Compostela Group of Universities embraces the recent EC Communication (20.09.11): ‘Supporting Growth and Jobs – an Agenda for the Modernisation of Europe’s HE Systems’Through the EMMA project it will generate and facilitate a pro-active, in-depth debate among relevant university representatives and stakeholders on the main poli ...
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Les universités du Maghreb enregistrent une faible présence d'étudiants cibles dont les caractéristiques sont définies par l'un ou l'autre des éléments suivants:- Besoins spécifiques: étudiants avec handicap;-Origine géographique: étudiants d'origine rurale ou étudiants étrangers (africains, sud asiatiques, etc);-Précarité économique: étudiants pauvres aux conditions sociales et familiales rudimen ...
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The project aims at the significant reformation and modernization of the pedagogic education system in three countries of Central Asian in terms of its orientation to the best practices of European education area, national specifics and priorities of their home countries and with the purpose to provide the countries with the highly-qualified specialists in pedagogy and also in administrating educa ...
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This project aims at developing and strengthening a specialization in clean Energy and environment in Egypt and producing a new generation of engineers capable of performing constructive engineering work in such field. This shall target postgraduate students and professional engineers in a Masters of science which shall be continuo of its kind in Egypt. The Masters degree developed here will have ...
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