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9 European Projects Found

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Open Source Software Reuse Service for SMEs (OPEN-SME)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

The proposed project aims to develop a set of methodologies, associated tools, and business models centred on SME Associations, which will enable software SMEs to effectively introduce Open Source Software Reuse practises in their production processes. In this scope, software reuse is regarded as the sharing of software modules across different development teams, organisations, and diverse applica ...
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During the project period the new curricula architecture has to be established at WB partner universities. The following activities are planned: • Strategies for the new master programme will be defined (WP.1)• Development of the new restructured curricula (WP.2) • Drafting of course outlines (WP2)• Methodology improvements for new master programme. Over the whole project period the teaching staf ...
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The general objective of the project is to develop and establish new high-quality interdisciplinary curriculums for the support of the automotive industry in Serbia (as the largest exporter in the country) and urban area development (to contribute to the quality of public services as well as the quality of life in urban settlements). Its objective is to increase the quality and potential of the la ...
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This project is focused on female students with a scientific-engineering background to teach them creativity for innovation and leadership. It aims to create increased collaboration between industry, academia and professional associations to produce a training tool to increase creativity and leadership skills of female engineers. Making Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based econo ...
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The project addresses the promotion of skills required for the re-use of urban land, known as ‘brownfield site redevelopment’. The project will facilitate an exchange of expertise amongst its partners and knowledge on this topic will be developed into versions of a generic educational package that can be used on a cross-thematic and cross-professional basis. The project will build upon previously- ...
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The project addresses the promotion of skills required for the re-use of urban land, known as 'brownfield site redevelopment'. The project will facilitate an exchange of expertise amongst its partners and knowledge on this topic will be developed into versions of a generic educational package that can be used on a cross-thematic and cross-professional basis. The project will build upon previously- ...
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This project focuses on the urban ecosystem and in particular on indoor living and visiting spaces (private, workplace, business, government, entertainment etc) in relation to exposure to ionizing radiation from natural radionuclides of building/construction materials and the resulting radiological burden. ...
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Within the framework of this quality assurance project, a common toxicology database was built of the agricultural pesticides, currently used in Hungary and Romania. The manuscripts of four educational guidelines on the environmental aspects of the use of such pesticides and the environmental management and quality assurance practice were edited and issued in the Hungarian and Romanian languages. ...
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The EU regulations means high challanges and tasks for enginers "living in Békés county" in every aspect of life. The traffic system (water, ground, air) the sewage disposal and purification system, the waste management system needs to be modernized, the industrial infrastructure and environmental protection should be intensively developed. The sustainable environmental development can only be jus ...
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