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Colonial-Liberation Wars generate plural memories, conflicting evocations and persisting amnesias. The project’s main challenge is to produce innovative knowledge about the memories of the wars fought by the Portuguese state and pro-independence African movements between 1961 and 1974/5. The approach chosen is simultaneously diachronic and comparative, inasmuch as it contrasts changes that took pl ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

AbstractOCEANERA-NET COFUND aims at coordinating the efforts of 8 agencies, in 4 Member states and 4 regions, in the ocean energy area. The joint action will focus on the demonstration and validation of innovative technologies for the generation of electricity from waves, tidal current, tidal range, salinity gradient and ocean thermal energy conversion, which will lead to improved performance, rel ...
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This proposal is aimed at identifying and functionally validating targets with potential therapeutic value to devise novel strategies to treat two human cancers with unacceptable low survival rates and unmet medical needs: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and K-RAS mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Although these tumor types have distinct pathological and clinical manifestations, they are both driven by ...
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The aim of SUSFOOD2 is to foster research and innovation in the field of sustainable food systems through enhanced cooperation and coordination between EU member and associated states. It will thereby contribute to the overall EU objective of building the European Research Area as well as a newly emerging Food Research Area. Major challenges will influence future food chains asking for innovative ...
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Maritime and Marine Technologies for a New ERA (MarTERA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

The overall goal of the proposed Cofund is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies and Blue Growth. The realisation of a European research and innovation agenda needs a broad and systematic cooperation in all areas of waterborne transport, offshore activity, marine resources, maritime security, biotechnologies, desalination, offshore oil & gas, fisheries, ...
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Cofund on Biotechnologies (CoBioTech)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

"The ERA-Net “Cofund on BioTechnologies” (CoBioTech) aims to better use synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe, to highlight the benefits of a bio-based economy for society, and to thus maintain and strengthen Europe’s global lead in modern biotechnology.The co-funded call will focus on application-oriented research in:a) Synthetic biology approaches to de ...
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Building on the experience of ERA-MIN FP7 funded project, the objective of the ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2) is to strengthen the coordination of national and regional research programmes in the field of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials by implementing one joint call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties with EU co-funding.In line with the integrated strategy pr ...
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Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

The overall objective of INTAROS is to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS will have a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences, provided by institutions in Europe, North America and Asia. Sate ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine and healthcare. The field takes advantage of the physical, chemical and biological properties of materials at the nanometer scale to be used for a better understanding of the biological mechanisms of diseases at the molecular level, leading to new targets for earlier and more precise diagnostics and therapeutics. Nanomedicine, rated amo ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will bring together 15 national organisations owning and / or managing major solar power research and innovation programmes throughout Europe, covering photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP).According to the challenges addressed in the work programme on Low Carbon Energy, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund has different objectives:• To implement a joint call on subjects of h ...
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ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe (EMEurope)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

In collaboration with the European Commission and the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association, European countries and regions will set-up an ERA-NET Cofund to further promote electric mobility in Europe. Electric Mobility Europe builds on the experiences, networks and results of Electromobility+ and is designed to take transnational e-mobility research and policy exchange to the next level. ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Europe is facing major economic challenges that require an ambitious economic policy for the 21st century. The EU has set out its vision for Europe's social market economy in the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims at confronting our structural weaknesses through progress in three mutually reinforcing priorities:• smart growth, based on knowledge and innovation,• sustainable growth, promoting a more ...
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Urban dynamics: learning from integrated models and big data (DYNURBAN)

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

City growth is driven by a combination of systematic determinants and shocks. Random growth models predict realistic city size distributions but ignore, for instance, the strong empirical association between human capital and city growth. Models with systematic determinants predict degenerate size distributions. We will develop an integrated model that combines systematic and random determinants t ...
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Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe (SmartEnCity)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

SmartEnCity’s main Objective is to develop a highly adaptable and replicable systemic approach towards urban transformation into sustainable, smart and resource-efficient urban environments in Europe through the integrated planning and implementation of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in main consuming sectors in cities, while increasing their supply of renewable energy, and demonstr ...
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Background Mediterranean mountain ecosystems are characterised by low production capacity, mainly due to three factors: climatic conditions, difficulties using machinery and low organic matter content of the soils (low fertility). These factors have led to the abandonment of traditional multifunctional management, which has contributed to soil degradation ...
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Integrating activities planned under MaRINET 2 build upon the achievements of the advanced community created in MaRINET FP7. MaRINET 2 will ensure the continued integration and enhancement of all leading European research infrastructure and facilities specialising in research, development and testing of offshore renewable energy systems including electrical sub systems and grid integration through ...
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During the last four years the Multifun Consortium (FP7 project Nº. 262943) has developed and validated distinct nanoformulations as therapeutic approach against pancreatic and breast cancer. These nanoformulations are based on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MNP) multifuntionalised with a target peptide and an anticancer chemical drug, allowing for a synergistic therapeutic effect produced by ...
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European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems (SusAn)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

This proposal seeks funding under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 to establish an ERA-NET for joint European research coordination on Sustainable Animal Production (SusAn). The scope for this ERA-NET has been developed under the SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP). Funding organisations from 22 European countries initially seek to support one co-fu ...
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G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing together the major European and International repositories of germplasm with public and private institutions active in genomics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value of European horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within t ...
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Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s ...
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The European network for observing our changing planet (ERA-PLANET)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

In the last decade a significant number of projects and programmes in different domains of environmental monitoring and Earth observation have generated a substantial amount of data and knowledge on different aspects related to environmental quality and sustainability. Big data generated by in-situ or satellite platforms are being collected and archived with a plethora of systems and instruments m ...
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Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) diseases are a group of rare diseases that currently lack a definitive cure. LSD incidence is about 1:5,000 - 1:10,000, representing a serious global health problem. In the case of Fabry LSD Disease (FD), the deficiency in α-Galactosidase A (GLA) enzyme activity results in the cellular accumulation of neutral glycosphingolipids, leading to widespread vasculopathy ...
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Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The IoF2020 project is dedicated to accelerate adoption of IoT for securing sufficient, safe and healthy food and to strengthen competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe.It will consolidate Europe’s leading position in the global IoT industry by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes.The IoF2020 consortium of 73 partners, ...
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Despite process heat is recognized as the application with highest potential among solar heating and cooling applications, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) still presents a modest share of about 0.3% of total installed solar thermal capacity. As of today’s technology development stage – economic competitiveness restricted to low temperature applications; technology implementation requiri ...
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PROTECT aims to introduce to the market One step antimicrobial finish processes for polymeric materials used in i) specialty textiles for public areas and hospitals, ii) water treatment membranes, and iii) implantable medical devices. Compared to main existing manufacturing routes, the proposed one-step coating technologies are simple, fast, and reproducible. For this, PROTECT uses as a starting p ...
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NEXTOWER shall introduce a set of innovative materials to boost the performance of atmospheric air-based concentrated solar power (CSP) systems to make them commercially viable. In particular, tower systems are appealing for the great environmental compatibility and offer tremendous potential for efficient (electrical and thermal) power generation. Yet, their industrial exploitation has been so fa ...
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The challenges facing society in urban wastewater management cannot be solved by any one sector alone. ALICE (AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE) will accelerate innovation by bringing together and exchanging knowledge between the key players who can, together, address the future techno-economic, governance and societal challenges arising from climate change. I ...
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Background In the Mediterranean region, yew (Taxus baccata) usually grows with other tree species in mixed forests. Wooded formations made up solely of Mediterranean yew are listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive as priority for conservation, and are very rare. They are often reduced to small enclaves in remote mountain areas. Climatic and anthropog ...
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Protein-based functional nanostructures (ProNANO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The precise synthesis of nano-devices with tailored complex structures and properties is a requisite for their use in nanotechnology and medicine. Nowadays, the technology for the generation of these devices lacks the precision to determine their properties, and is accomplished mostly by “trial and error” experimental approaches. Bottom-up self-assembly that relies on highly specific biomolecular ...
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The Physiology of Nutrient Sensing by mTOR (NutrientSensingVivo)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

A major role of metabolic alterations in the development of several human diseases, as diabetes, cancer and in the onset of ageing is becoming increasingly evident. This has a deep impact for human health due to the alarming increase in nutrient intake and obesity in the last decades. Fundamental aspects of how aberrant nutrient fluctuations trigger deregulated hormone levels and endocrine signals ...
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MAGENTA proposes a brand new technological path in thermoelectric materials research for waste-heat recovery applications. The originality of the project is based on the newly discovered thermal-to-electric energy conversion capacity of ionic-liquids and ferrofluids; i.e., colloidal dispersions of magnetic nanoparticles in ionic liquids (IL-FFs). It is an inter-disciplinary and cross-sector R&D pr ...
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The FUTURE-RADAR project will support the European Technology Platform ERTRAC (the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) and the European Green Vehicle Initiative PPP to create and implement the needed research and innovation strategies for a sustainable and competitive European road transport system. Linking all relevant stakeholders FUTURE-RADAR will provide the consensus-based plan ...
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects more than 7 million people in Europe and this figure is expected to double every 20 years. Despite intensive efforts, no disease-modifying treatments or preventive strategies are available. The lack of specific, sensitive and minimally invasive diagnostics to identify people with early-stage AD to be included in clinical drug intervention trials is among the main r ...
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Sharing Cities (SHAR-LLM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Sharing Cities has four key objectives. 1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value. ...
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The WaterWorks2015 proposal responds to the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Societal Challenge 5 2015 Call topic Water-3 [2015]: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area.WaterWorks2015 aims at pooling resources from the 32 participating research programme owners / managers of 23 countries to implement a joint call for proposals, with EU co-funding in the area of sustainable water ...
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Advanced Microscopy techniques are widely recognized as one of the pillars onto which the research and manufacture of Nanotechnology based products is sustained. At present, the greatest challenge faced by these techniques is the realization of fast and non-destructive tomographic images with chemical composition sensitivity and with sub-10 nm spatial resolution, in both organic and inorganic mate ...
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Pharmacogenomics is the study of genetic variability affecting an individual’s response to a drug. Its use allows personalized medicine and reduction in ‘trial and error’ prescribing leading to more efficacious, safer and cost-effective drug therapy. The U-PGx consortium will investigate a pre-emptive genotyping approach (that is: multiple pharmacogenomic variants are collected prospectively and ...
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FOIE GRAS provides innovative training for 13 early stage researchers (ESRs) to answer two critical and unanswered questions: a) Is hepatic bioenergetic remodelling involved in NAFLD pathogenesis, and target for stratification or therapeutic/lifestyle interventions? and b) Is the disruption of the gut-liver axis involved in NAFLD progression? In Western Societies, there has been a recent surge of ...
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Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF) 3 (BESTF3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

This ERA-NET Co-fund will bring together a number of national and transnational organisations with an interest in promoting the greater use of bioenergy. It follows on from two previous BESTF ERA-NET Plus initiatives launched in 2013 and, like its predecessors, aims to kick-start large scale investment in close-to-market implementation of bioenergy, thereby helping to achieve the key objectives of ...
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DemoWind 2 proposes to bring together a number of national and transnational organisations with an interest in accelerating cost reduction in offshore wind. It follows on from the first DemoWind initiative that launched in 2014 and, like its predecessor, is focussed on enabling industry, through partnership, to push technologies through TRLs 5-6 to 6-7 in transnationally funded projects. We aim t ...
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