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26 European Projects Found

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This proposal presented by Indra Sistemas and CEIT jointly, try to answer in the best way the call JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-02.The referred call and this associated proposal are framed inside of the packet (Modular power controller for advanced landing system) of the System ITD for the Cleansky2 project.This project will develop a next generation power controller for electric taxi. This c ...
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X2Rail-1 addresses the S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015 “Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation System” call issued by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking as part of the Innovation Programme 2 “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems”.The X2Rail-1 project aims to research and develop six selected key technologies to foster innovations in the field of railway signalling and automation sys ...
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Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV (ALISE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

ALISE is a pan European collaboration focused on the development and commercial scale-up of new materials and on the understanding of the electrochemical processes involved in the lithium sulphur technology. It aims to create impact by developing innovative battery technology capable of fulfilling the expected and characteristics from European Automotive Industry needs, European Materials Roadmap, ...
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NANONTUN3D will take advantage of the possibilities of Additive Manufacturing (AM) together with the development of a specially tailored Ti- based nano-aditived material to achieve dramatic improvements in structural parts of aero, space, mobility, and equipment sectors, reaching expected savings between 40% and 50% of material in critical applications. inherent benefits of AM will be kept (decrea ...
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Background Sewage sludge generated in urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a complex, heterogeneous mixture of microorganisms, inorganic materials and organic substances. It is classified as a non-hazardous waste. Sludge disposal can represent up to 50% of the WWTP management costs. Sewage sludge must undergo some treatment in order to reduce its ...
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European Bus System of the Future 2 (EBSF_2)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

"The objective of the EBSF_2 project is to validate different innovative solutions that combine efficiency of the bus system with more attractiveness. Such solutions are meant to represent the most innovative in the areas indicated by the Call: the project will proceed to their final validation before their introduction in the market, avoiding pure simulations or large use of prototypes. Following ...
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Unmanned vehicles (UVs) now play an increasing role in Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) missions such as border surveillance, cropping monitoring or local law enforcement. However, fast location of isolated people in the case of natural or man-made disasters still continues to be a crucial and arduous task.MOBNET will design a Search and Rescue (SAR) system for the location of isolated ...
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The ROLL2RAIL project aims to develop key technologies and to remove already identified blocking points for radical innovation in the field of railway vehicles, as part of a longer term strategy to revolutionise the rolling stock for the future.The high level objectives of the work are to pave the way to:• Increase the capacity of the railway system and bring flexibility to adapt capacity to deman ...
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Engine Module Validators (ENOVAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The ENOVAL project will provide the next step of engine technologies to achieve and surpass the ACARE 2020 goals on the way towards Flightpath 2050. ENOVAL completes the European 7th Framework Programme (FP7) roadmap of Level 2 aero engine projects. ENOVAL will focus on the low pressure system of ultra-high by-pass ratio propulsion systems (12 < BPR < 20) in conjunction with ultra high overall pre ...
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Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems (E-BREAK)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes.Within ...
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The poor condition of sanitation and wastewater management in India (as in many Asian countries) is well documented and has recently led the Asian Development Bank to call for a revolution in wastewater management across Asia. Conventional, centralized approaches have failed in many areas and will hardly be able to solve potential problems in rural, hilly and rapidly developing urban areas in Indi ...
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ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation (ERSAT EAV)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The main ERSAT EAV objective is to verify the suitability of EGNSS (including EGNOS and Galileo early services) for safety railway application, in particular in regional lines scenario, for which a safe localization of the trains, based on satellite technologies, will be defined and developed, leading the way for the harmonization with the European ERTMS standard, by implementing the solution on ...
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The TEMGIR project is for the design and development of Thermal and Electrical Mock-ups for the validation of the thermal behaviour in the electrical air systems architecture at aircraft level.TEMGIR will provide a thermal model of an aircraft with both electrical and thermal behaviour, which will be able to develop any relevant condition and scenarios within the different flight phases. The TEMGI ...
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Start date: Apr 15, 2013, End date: Apr 14, 2016,

This response to the call for proposals under the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking to manufacture static engine components from IN718 using Net Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing of powder (NSHIP) involves 3 partners with complementary expertise in the areas required to undertake the work including powder characterisation; NSHIP and modelling; low cost tooling, as well as microstructural and property assessm ...
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ETCS Advanced Testing and Smart Train Positioning System (EATS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Currently European Train Control System (ETCS) rollout is a major concern for the railway sector. Equipment for ETCS level 1 and 2 typically follows a long process before being put into service due to interpretation variations in the specification and certification procedures requiring long and expensive field-testing. On the other hand, migration from ETCS level 2 to 3 has not been yet foreseen d ...
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Cost effective Direct to Eye prosthesis SMART Guidance System (D2EYE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Approximately 800,000 hip operations are performed annually in Europe. In 56% of these operations, the components, in particular the cup, are not aligned correctly; this misalignment alters the biomechanics of the system, such that excessive wear of the cup occurs. The subsequent reduction in implant lifespan will affect ~450,000 European citizens, an average of 30,000 per year. In financial terms ...
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Eddy CUrrent Brake Compatibility (ECUC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The ECUC (Eddy-Current Brake Compatibility) project's objective is to prove that linear eddy-current brake (ECB) is a very effective and applicable solution for increasing the braking capacity of new high speed trains and solving the concerns raised by infrastructure managers by proposing concrete and realistic solutions to overcome the drawbacks that ECB have experienced on some lines.This propos ...
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"The OPTI-VFA project focuses on improving the reliability, efficiency and profitability of AD processes by novel process monitoring and controlling tools. The main emphasis in the project will be in the development of production of VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids) as a route to bio-based materials, i.e. so-called VFA platform. In the VFA platform, the real time monitoring of VFA production will be of f ...
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"Space heating accounts for more than 50% of the energy consumption of public & residential buildings, and reduction of this energy demand is a key strategy in the move to low energy/low carbon buildings. The careful management of air flow within a building forms part of this strategy through the control of inlet fresh air and exhaust air, maximising air re-circulation, and minimising the amount o ...
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"Nowadays most of the EU countries treat practically the totality of the volume of urban waste water (WW) generated. However, a deep look at the performance of most of the existing wastewater treatment facilities (WWTP) evidences that significant steps forward can still be given in terms of effluent quality, process robustness and operational costs.One of the main technical limitations for optimiz ...
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Wireless Smart Distributed end System for Aircraft (WILDCRAFT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2014,

"WILDCRAFT proposes the design, development and testing of a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) aimed at applications in the aerospace industry. The continuous pressure on aircraft manufacturers to produce better and more secure aircrafts has led to increasing costs in maintenance and monitoring procedures that are being performed at given time intervals to assess the ...
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"The call SST.2011-2.5.1 in the transport topic, enclosed in the area of Interoperability and Safety proposed the “Harmonisation of freight and passenger Rolling Stock approval tests for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)”.In that context, TREND project has the objective to progress beyond the state of the art, addressing this situation by means of the design of a test setup and a test procedure ...
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Energy storage is recognised as a key element for energy networks in the near future. Regarding short-term power delivery and high duty cycle applications, such as stabilization of grids, traction networks and drive-trains of hybrid or full-electric vehicles, it is widely accepted that the use of energy storage systems (ESS) can lead to energy savings. This kind of networks needs ESS capable of st ...
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"New aeronautical engine designs strive the manufacturers to use new processes which permit to add specific features such as stiffeners, often leading to weight or lead time saving. Electron Beam Melting (EBM) process is potential candidate but is not yet fully understood and controlled because of its lack of maturity. Case studies show that the waste of raw material is reduced by up to 40% when u ...
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Conocimiento e innovación son motores del crecimiento económico sostenible. Generar un entorno innovador que integre a personas y organizaciones, productos y servicios, procesos y mercado, son factores clave para mejorar la calidad de vida y crear empleo. El proyecto pretende crear una mayor vinculación entre centros tecnológicos y empresas para impulsar una economía del conocimiento, y un mercado ...
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Digital Humans for Ergonomic design of products (DHErgo)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

Ergonomic evaluation of a product requires building up a physical mock-up or a prototype, having a group of experts or a representative sample of users to test it and to give their discomfort feeling. This is an expensive and time-consuming process. Digital Mock-Ups together with Digital Human Models, are more and more used in the early phase of product design for reducing the product development ...
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