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6 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Facing the problem of enhancing the railway security with a systematic top-down approach (i.e. to search for an all-inclusive solution valid for all the conceivable threat scenarios) is judged by PROTECTRAIL members too ambitious even if it could generate potential economies of scale and effort rationalisation. The proposed PROTECTRAIL approach is therefore to split the problem of making the railw ...
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Currently, femtocells and macrocells are seen as isolated networks, competing for the resources available in the common spectrum band, at the cost of injecting interference to the whole system. FREEDOM project will face key technical and industrial concerns about the foreseen mid-term massive deployment of femtocells by adopting a new approach based on cooperative/coordination paradigms, enabled b ...
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Current two big trends in wireless communications are the development of new broadband component and the integration of heterogeneous wireless networks, to achieve the vision f the so-called 4G network.The FUTON project addresses both issues by proposing the development of a hybrid fiber-radio infrastructure transparently connecting remote antenna units to a central unit where a joint processing c ...
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Context Casting (C-CAST)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2010,

Project Context Casting (C-Cast) main objective is to evolve mobile multimedia multicasting to exploit the increasing integration of mobile devices with our everyday physical world and environment. The key motivation for this project and why we believe Europe needs a project on Context Casting is because multicasting is the key enabler that will make mobile context aware services commercially attr ...
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Advanced automotive functions are increasingly dependent on software and electronics. The complexity and criticality of automotive embedded systems already constitute an inhibiting factor for further evolution of functionality. This is evident for single automotive systems and even more so for functions that interact between vehicles and between vehicle and infrastructure, cooperative systems. New ...
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The standardisation of the "UML profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and embedded Systems" (MARTE) in June 2007, has been a great success following a European initiative pushed by CEA LIST, THALES, Cantabria U. and supported at international level by big enterprises like Alcatel-Lucent, IBM, Lockheed Martin, tool vendors like ARTISAN, MathWorks, Mentor Graphics and academics as Carleton ...
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