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12 European Projects Found

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Small and medium-sized TOWNs (TOWN)

Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Balanced and polycentric development of the European territory is a key challenge of territorial development and cohesion policy. ESPON has already paid considerable attention to the geographical spread of urban and economic activity throughout the European territory. This includes among else the applied research projects on cities and urban agglomerations, the roles of cities in territorial devel ...
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Economic analysis often focuses exclusively on the sites of production. This project focuses on the sites of consumption. Instead of looking at large manufacturing plants producing for export or at multinational headquarters, this project is looking at the impact of shops and restaurants, hotels and hospitals, doctors and post offices. The attractiveness of European regions and cities for resident ...
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Territorial Performance Monitoring (TPM)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

Territorial development at the regional level is becoming increasingly important for effectively addressing local and regional transformations as well as challenges at the European level. However, knowledge on the specific regional consequences of macro-challenges is limited and appropriate regional planning tools are rare. The Territorial Performance Monitoring (TPM) project focuses on European a ...
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Application and effects of the ESDP in Member States (ESDP impact)

Start date: Oct 12, 2004, End date: Feb 12, 2007,

The European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) was adopted at the Council meeting in Potsdam in May 1999. Now, seven years after the presentation of the final version of the ESDP, the effects of the ESDP at EU level and in each Member State are being assessed in order to identify the potential of the ESDP and to find best examples of its application and implementation at European, transnation ...
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Impacts of cultural heritage and identity (Cultural heritage)

Start date: Oct 12, 2004, End date: Nov 30, 2006,

The concept of cultural heritage and identity includes a multitude of tangible as well as intangible components. The project has to focus mainly on tangible components, such as cultural landscapes, sites, monuments, cultural facilities, but also on more intangible components, such as events, identity, cultural jobs, intellectual productions, which are all considered as key assets for territorial d ...
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Speech and language therapists(SLT)s are responsible for managing the needs of all people with Speech Language & Communication Difficulties (SLCD). They work in health, education, social care environments, private practice & research and can make significant contributions to people s quality of life and inclusion in terms of health, economic & psychosocial wellbeing.In order to provide effective t ...
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Triple I addresses the needs and constrains of the countries involved by disseminating the socialand democratic values of the EU and promoting better understanding of Russia, thus supporting thedevelopment of Euro-Russian relations in whole. The theme of Integration, Interaction and Institutionsis strategically chosen to address the issues important in the Euro-Russian relations.Triple I mobility ...
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The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of thematic study fields and provides opportunities for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff to obtain further qualifications in their specific academic fields.The consortium selects the scholars to be granted a scholarship in the context of the programme from ...
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Transition from school to university and transition between universities’ programmes(bachelor/master) is very significant for students and does not always run smoothly.Students considering taking a next step in their lifelong learning programme have to findways to determine if the new learning programme they are applying for will meet theirexpectations, their knowledge and skill level. The increas ...
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The project aims to develop new innovative on-line standards and Vocational Certificate for Trainers and officers working within the field of Social, Economic, Environmental and Physical Regeneration. The qualification will provide the beneficiaries with the knowledge to undertake their roles and provide them with the skills to develop volunteers and trainers from primarily voluntary, community an ...
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EHTAN will establish a skills and competencies matrix and methods of comparison to enable European nursing staff to be more easily integrated into the healthcare systems of other Member States.The UK partner will conduct interviews with nurses from other EU countries working in the UK (at 2 years post-registration level) to establish their skills and competencies and also to ask their experiences ...
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Greater mobility in the nursing profession : The project has provided tools for EU-wide comparison of training methods and working practices in nursing. This will ensure greater safety and mobility in the profession and will contribute to making nursing more transparent at EU-level. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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