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Over 40 European Projects Found

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High-Pressure High-Temperature Superconductivity (HPSuper)

Start date: Feb 1, 2017, End date: Jan 31, 2022,

Superconductors promote electrical currents without loss and are exploited for applications like magnets in medical imaging. Further applications like large scale usage in electrical power generation and transmission, however, are limited by the need to cool materials below a critical temperature Tc. Thus, novel superconductors with higher Tc are highly desirable.High Tc has been predicted almost ...
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Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health (LIFECYCLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Early life is an important window of opportunity to improve health across the full lifecycle. European pregnancy and child cohort studies together offer an unique opportunity to identify a wide range of early life stressors linked with individual biological, developmental and health trajectory variations, and to the onset and evolution of non-communicable diseases. LIFECYCLE will establish the Eur ...
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health threat, and most troublesome is the rapid emergence and dissemination of multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There is an unmet medical need to prevent P. aeruginosa infection in critically ill patients and to develop new antibiotics for infections caused by Gram-negative bacte ...
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This consortium will pioneer disruptive technology for bio-electronic medicine to provide much needed therapies for cardiorespiratory and functional neurological disease. The technology implements small neural networks known as central pattern generators (CPG) to deliver fit-and-forget bio-electronic implants that respond to physiological feedback in real time, are safer, simpler, non-invasive, an ...
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Implementing Multi-Party Computation Technology (IMPaCT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

The goal of IMPaCT is to turn Multi-Party Computation (MPC) from a stage in which we are beginning to obtain practical feasibility results, to a stage in which we have fully practical systems. It has long been acknowledged that MPC has the potential to provide a transformative change in the way security solutions are enabled. As it presently stands this is currently only possible in limited applic ...
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Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications (ESTIA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

Title: Exponential Sums, Translation Invariance, and Applications. Short Summary: Exponential sums are fundamental throughout (analytic) number theory, and are key to the robustness of applications in theoretical computer science, cryptography, and so on. They are the primary tool for testing equidistribution (apparent “randomness”) of number theoretic sequences. For a century, bounds for such su ...
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Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends (GlobalMass)

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

Sea level rise will be one of the most serious and costly consequences of future climate change. Constraining the sources and sinks of sea level change is essential for understanding the drivers of past variations and for improving predictions of future behaviour. Matching estimates of sea level rise with the components that affect it is a long standing problem in geosciences spanning multiple dis ...
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Consequences of out-group conflict (Outgroup)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2021,

The aim of this project is to determine the proximate and ultimate consequences of a fundamental but neglected aspect of sociality: out-group conflict. In a wide range of social species, from ants to humans, group members invest considerable defensive effort against individual intruders and rival groups. The lasting impacts of these conflicts with conspecifics are poorly understood. I will integra ...
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Isotope CYcling in the LABrador Sea (ICY-LAB)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2021,

The high-latitude regions are experiencing some of the most rapid changes observed in recent decades: polar temperatures are rising twice as fast as the global mean and there are concerns about the impact of sea-ice and glacier retreat on global oceans and climate. The high-latitude North Atlantic is also a key region for ecologically and economically important natural resources such as fisheries. ...
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Search for a new form of matter: the sterile neutrino (SOLID)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2021,

The goal of this proposal is to search for an entirely new kind of matter. This type of matter called a sterile neutrino doesn’t interact with known particles and can only manifest itself through quantum mixing with the three neutrinos of the standard model, the prevailing theory of particle physics. The known neutrinos are by far the most abundant massive particles in the Universe. More than 70 y ...
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The proposed research has two overarching objectives. First, it aims to examine whether it is possible and appropriate to extend a novel way of measuring social class recently devised for the United Kingdom to other post-industrial nations for the purposes of cross-national comparative research. If it is, the project will begin to explore, through secondary and primary analysis of large-scale surv ...
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Bird Inspired Autonomous Flight (BIAF)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

The agile and efficient flight of birds shows what flight performance is physically possible, and in theory could be achieved by unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) of the same size. The overall aim of this project is to enhance the performance of small scale UAVs by developing novel technologies inspired by understanding how birds are adapted to interact with airflows. Small UAVs have the potential to d ...
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Science and Innovation with thunderstorms (SAINT)

Start date: Mar 1, 2017, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Lightning is an extremely energetic electric discharge process in our atmosphere. It significantly affects the concentration of greenhouse gases and it threatens electrical and electronic devices, in particular, when placed on elevated structures like wind turbines or aircraft, and when these structures are built with modern composite materials with inherently low electric conductivity. In additio ...
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Learning from others is fundamental to ecological success across the animal kingdom, but a key theme to emerge from recent research is that individuals respond differently to social information. Understanding this diversity is an imposing challenge, because it is hard to replicate the overwhelming complexity of free-living groups within controlled laboratory conditions. Yet here I propose that one ...
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The objective of REPLICATE is to demonstrate Smart City technologies in energy, transport and ICT in districts in San Sebastia, Florence and Bristol addressing urban complexity and generate replication plans in other districts and in follower cities of Essen,Nilufer and Lausanne.Main challenges for cities are to increase the overall energy efficiency, to exploit better local resources in terms of ...
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Fifteen years ago it was widely believed that asthma was an allergic/atopic disease caused by allergen exposure in infancy; this produced atopic sensitization and continued exposure resulted in eosinophilic airways inflammation, bronchial hyper-responsiveness and reversible airflow obstruction. It is now clear that this model is at best incomplete. Less than one-half of asthma cases involve allerg ...
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The EN-ACTI2NG program (European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry) emanates from the recent clinical evidence that T cells expressing engineered tumor-specific immune receptors can eradicate certain tumors that do not respond to conventional treatment. To obtain T cells with reactivity to a wider array of tumors an ...
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The European Training Network DNAREPAIRMAN aims to train a new generation of innovative young scientists in cutting edge biophysical research methodology to address central questions in biology concerning the mode of action of critical molecular machines with relevance for human health. The Network consists of a highly collaborative consortium consisting of 12 participants coming from academia, in ...
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SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society (SOCRATES)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

SOCRATES is a PhD training program for 15 young researchers, created to develop the field of Social Robotics with an application focus on Robotics in Eldercare. The research in Social Robotics has a common theme of Interaction Quality, which is a concept for characterization of how a specific mode of interaction is fit for a given task, situation, and user. Interaction Quality often changes, for i ...
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Pregnant women who are overweight/obese have increased risks of adverse perinatal outcomes, and of having offspring who are subsequently overweight/obese. A potentially important consequence of this is that it will drive the obesity epidemic across generations. Evidence from animal models supports this, but it has not been explored in humans. Furthermore, we need to know the mechanisms linking mat ...
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BIOCLEAN addresses the urgent need to create a sustainable training network across academia, industry and the healthcare sector which will fill the gap in Europe and beyond to produce highly skilled multi-disciplinary young scientists competent in chemistry, engineering and experimental wet lab biology. BIOCLEAN will deliver this network of young scientists who can apply their proven skill sets g ...
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Integrable Random Structures (IntRanSt)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

The last few years have seen significant advances in the discovery and development of integrable models in probability, especially in the context of random polymers and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. Among these are the semi-discrete (O'Connell-Yor) and log-gamma (Seppalainen) random polymer models. Both of these models can be understood via a remarkable connection between the geometric R ...
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The creation of new molecular entities and subsequent exploitation of their properties is central to a broad spectrum of research disciplines from medicine to materials but progress has been limited by the difficulties associated with chemical synthesis. We are now proposing a fundamentally new strategy, which has the potential to revolutionise how we conduct complex organic synthesis. The basic C ...
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Sound and Materialism in the 19th Century (DTHPS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

This research project aims to enlarge substantially our understanding of the dialogue between 19th-century music and natural science. It examines in particular how a scientific-materialist conception of sound was formed alongside a dominant culture of romantic idealism. Placing itself at the intersection of historical musicology and the history and philosophy of science, the project will investiga ...
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For composers in Turkey today, the urge to integrate the beauties of Turkey’s rich musical heritage into contemporary concert music has become almost an imperative. But differences in tuning, texture, and between oral and notated orientations to performance have presented seemingly intractable obstacles. This project systematises practical processes essential for the creation of a new, East-West s ...
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Bio-Inspired Tools for Glycoscience (GLYCO-TOOLS)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2020,

Cell surface carbohydrates play key roles in cell recognition mechanisms. O-glycosylation is a ubiquitous post-translational modification that is highly dynamic and responsive to cellular stimuli through the action of cycling enzymes. Expression of specific O-glycans is linked to changes in gene expression in, for example, inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis and several types of cancer. Pr ...
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Why do human societies differ in whom they class as family? Why are cousins classed with siblings in some societies but not others? Accounting for the variable ways that cultures classify kin is an enduring puzzle. The VARIKIN project takes a cultural evolutionary approach to variety and unity and engages different fields–cultural phylogenetics, corpus linguistics, and cross-cultural child develop ...
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Photonic Quantum Computing (PQC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

This CoG will simultaneously address the outstanding research challenges to establishing the feasibility of large-scale photonic quantum computing by:1. designing, fabricating and optimising the required hardware (WP1) components—inc. waveguides, couplers, phase shifters, delays, interconnects, spectral filters, photon sources and detectors, and control electronics2. establishing paths to th ...
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ICARUS will develop innovative tools for urban impact assessment in support of air quality and climate change governance in the EU. This will lead to designing and implementing win-win strategies to improve the air quality and reduce the carbon footprint in European cities. An integrated approach will be used for air pollution monitoring and assessment combining ground-based measurements, atmosphe ...
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Quantum Photonic Engineering (QPE)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

By harnessing the unique properties of quantum mechanics (superposition and entanglement) to encode, transmit and process information, quantum information science offers significant opportunities to revolutionise information and communication technologies. The far-reaching goal of this project is to build quantum technology demonstrators that can outperform conventional technologies in communicati ...
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...ial. This will enable city managers and urban system operators deciding the optimal investments to cope with future situations. The validation platform is formed by 3 EU cities (Barcelona, Lisboa and Bristol) that will allow testing the innovative tools developed in the project and disseminating their results among other cities belonging to major international networks. In terms of market potentia ...
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Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities (CLAiR-CITY)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

...future city scenarios for reducing their emissions to be used for supporting and informing the development of bespoke city policy packages out to 2050.Using six pilot cities/regions (Amsterdam, NL; Bristol, UK; Aveiro, PT; Liguria, IT; Ljubljana, SI; and Sosnowiec, PO), CLAiR-City will source apportion current emissions/concentrations and carbon emissions not only by technology but by citizens’ ac ...
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Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments (MicroArctic)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

The Arctic plays a key role in the Earth’s climate system and is an area of growing strategic importance for European policy. In this ETN, we will train the next generation of Arctic microbiology and biogeochemistry experts who, through their unique understanding of the Arctic environment and the factors that impact ecosystem and organism response to the warming Arctic, will be able to respond to ...
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Medicinal chemistry requires more efficient and diverse methods for the asymmetric synthesis of chiral scaffolds. Over 60% of the world’s top selling small molecule drug compounds are chiral and, of these, approximately 80% are marketed as single enantiomers. There is a compelling correlation between drug candidate “chiral complexity” and the likelihood of progression to the marketplace. Surprisin ...
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Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

This Project aims to address an increasingly pressing global challenge: How to achieve the EU’s development goals and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, while meeting the global target of staying within two degrees global warming and avoid transgressing other planetary boundaries.EU policies must align with sustainable development goals (Article 11 TFEU). The impacts of climate change and glo ...
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The objective of SponGES is to develop an integrated ecosystem-based approach to preserve and sustainably use vulnerable sponge ecosystems of the North Atlantic. The SponGES consortium, an international and interdisciplinary collaboration of research institutions, environmental non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, will focus on one of the most diverse, ecologically and biologicall ...
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SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery (SMARTsurg)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (RAMIS) offers many advantages when compared to traditional MIS, including improved vision, precision and dexterity. While the popularity of RAMIS is steadily increasing, the potential for improving patient outcomes and penetrating into many procedures is not fully realised, largely because of serious limitations in the current instrumentation, control and ...
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...RPHO), a highly respected side channel testing lab (Riscure), an engaged governmental representative (ANSSI), and two of the most prominent research institutions in this field (UCL, University of Bristol).
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This H2020-FETOPEN-2016-2017 proposal initiates a major international effort to direct polymorphism in pharmaceutical compounds through crystallizing in high magnetic fields. The ability to direct polymorphism would have a transformative effect on almost all pharmaceutical compounds, and hence on society.It is proposed that MagnaPharm will drive forward innovation in pharmaceuticals by exploiting ...
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EXCHANGE-Risk is an Intersectoral/International Research and Innovation staff exchange scheme between academia and the industry in Europe and North America focusing on mitigating Seismic Risk of buried steel pipeline Networks that are subjected to ground-imposed permanent deformations. It also aims at developing a Decision Support System for the Rapid Pipeline Recovery to minimize the time require ...
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