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16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

European water utilities face many problems related to their 3,5 million km’s of distribution networks. Large parts of water distribution networks have to be rehabilitated requiring investments of € 20 billion/year. Prioritization and optimization of investments is needed urgently. In many countries, water quality needs improvement in order to reduce health risks and resources for water production ...
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The ELECTRA Integrated Research Programme on Smart Grids (ELECTRA) brings together the partners of the EERA Joint Programme on Smart Grids (JP SG) to reinforce and accelerate Europe’s medium to long term research cooperation in this area and to drive a closer integration of the research programmes of the participating organisations and of the related national programmes. ELECTRA’s joint research a ...
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Despite recent evolutions of tools/practices in the Architecture Engineering, Construction and Facility Management have already resulted in considerable advances, some limitations remain, related to the complexity and variability of building life cycles, addressing building end user awareness and participation, lack of new business models, life cycle fragmentation, limited interoperability of the ...
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"The aim of the Performer project is to devise a holistic (total lifecycle,multi-aspects, context-based) building energy monitoring methodology that factors in appropriate energy performance indicators, information models, and simulation tools, to achieve building energy performance targets. The project energy performance simulation and monitoring aspects will rely on an ICT infrastructure that wi ...
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STREAMER is an industry-driven collaborative research project on Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) with cases of mixed-use healthcare districts. Such districts are the best real examples of neighbourhood with integrated energy system consisting of mixed building types (i.e. hospitals and clinics; offices and retails; laboratories and educational buildings; temporary care homes, rehabilitation and s ...
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SAFEWATER will develop an affordable global generic solution for the detection and management of drinking water crises resulting from CBRN contamination. SAFEWATER addresses the key drinking water incident management challenges at large, and in particular, the current shortcomings related to the contamination of water networks by CBRN agents - the lack of effective detection capacities, contaminat ...
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End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe (EDEN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The accidental or deliberate release of CBRNE materials are low probability events that can have a significant impact on citizens and society. Whenever and wherever they occur, they usually require a gradual and multi-facetted response as they tend to provoke severe and unexpected physical, psychological, societal, economical and political effects that cross EU-borders. Successful CBRNE resilience ...
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"ISIS will provide public security by developing an advanced monitoring system for drinking water networks that instantly detects chemical or biological contamination and gives clear indication of the risk level.Water distribution systems are vulnerable to deliberate, accidental or natural contamination, having many potential entry points for rapid and extensive distribution of harmful substances. ...
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Even though composite materials are more and more used in modern airframes, many significant improvements are still achievable. Firstly, the substitution of the assembly of many small composite parts by a single one-shot large part provides additional weight reduction. Secondly, the final assembly line process must be adapted to composite properties (lack of ductility, stiffness). Thirdly, if the ...
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Thermal Overall Integrated Conception of Aircraft (TOICA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Thermal behaviour of aircraft has recently become a crucial subject due to many factors: increasing number of complex systems required by modern, more electric, commercial aircraft, the introduction of hotter engines with higher by-pass ratios, the increased use of composite material in aircraft structures, or the confinement of highly dissipative equipment and systems in smaller areas to earn spa ...
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The continued use of composite materials in the aerospace industry has been addressed in several past research projects which have focused on new design solutions and composite manufacturing processes. However an area which has been given much less attention up until now is how to achieve a time and cost effective lean assembly production system. The current airframe assembly process of composite ...
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Growing investments in distributed energy resources (DER) – renewable distributed energy generation combined with demand response, energy storage, plug-in electric vehicles and active management of distribution networks – will require new business and technology platforms to manage the increased level of diversity and complexity of global energy management. The increasing variability of both gener ...
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Seven European cities (Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Eindhoven-Helmond, Newcastle, Thessaloniki, Verona & Vigo) have joined forces with the objectives of substantially improving road safety, increasing energy efficiency and reducing level of congestions for road transport.In order to address these topics the cities and industrial partners will jointly implement three cooperative services, Road Hazard Warn ...
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BiO-dOSimetric Tools for triagE to Responders (BOOSTER)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

"The effective management of an incident involving exposure of large numbers of people to radioactive material, whether accidental or following malevolent use of radioactivity, requires a mechanism for rapid triage of exposed persons. The BOOSTER project addresses this requirement under Security Topic SEC-2009-4.3.2 – Bio-dosimetric tools to manage radiological casualties. Current biodosimetric ap ...
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Vulnerability of drinking water distribution systems to deliberate attacks, which would have major public health, economic and psychosocial consequences, is one of the main issues of concern to regulatory agencies, and water utilities. Such a network appears very vulnerable and easy to contaminate through reservoirs, back-flow… The main objective of this proposal is to limit the impact on the popu ...
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Alternative Fuels and Biofuels for Aircraft Development (ALFA-BIRD)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"ALFA-BIRD aims at developing the use of alternative fuels in aeronautics. In a context where the price of oil is increasing and with impact of fossil fuels on climate change, the sustainable growth of the civil aviation is conditioned by the respect of the environment. In this context, using biofuels and alternative fuels in aeronautics is a great challenge, since the operational constraints (e.g ...
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