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24 European Projects Found

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The project addresses such problems in the economies and higher education systems of Belarus and Ukraine as marginalized private sector and insufficiency of today approaches in teaching engineering and entrepreneurial culture shaping.The project Goal is to develop environment that stimulates engineering creativity, entrepreneurial activities & fosters youth employability via university-business-in ...
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The INNOVER-EAST project targets five countries of the Eastern Partnership (in short, EPCs: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine) to overcome the bottlenecks of innovation and intensify the level of cooperation between research and business in the target countries. The project aims, on the one hand, to develop new skills and competences in innovation services at relevant organisations ...
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"The overall aim of the SUAFRI-EPC project is to bridge the gap between Agri-Food research and innovation in Eastern Partnering Countries (EPC), by bringing together all actors of the knowledge value chain and raising their awareness on how to uptake research results into innovation. The SUAFRI-EPC is supporting the Agri-Food sector and community in EPC by developing the basis for an efficient "" ...
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The project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI policy dialogue between the EU MS/AC and the Eastern Partnership countries, with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for the two regions, namely Climate Change, Energy and Health. In particular the project will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovativ ...
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The project aims at strengthening the health care in Belarus and Lithuania and promoting the cross-cultural communication of the leading scientific and healthcare institutions of Lithuania and Belarus. This will be achieved through professional networking and better empowerment of oncology professionals ...
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Following the tradition of scientific collaboration between EU and the EECA region, and built on the sound outcomes and lessons learnt of three clustering projects (ISTOK-SOYUS, SCUBE and EXTEND), a group of leading EU and EECA specialists from twelve countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbeki ...
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The project aims at reinforcing RTD and cooperation capacities of the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University in the area of applied nanoelectromagnetics. This new research discipline comprising the classical electrodynamics of microwaves and present-day concepts of condensed matter physics is covered by the FP7 Theme 4 'Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Produ ...
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The project’s aim is to strengthen the Scientific and Technological cooperation between the EU Member States (and Associated Countries) and the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. To achieve its goals, the IncoNet EECA project will implement activities at both the policy and operational level. At the policy level the project will support the establishment and operation of a Regional S&T ...
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A strong and efficient Network of National Contacts Points (NCP) is not only elementary to the success of the Seventh EU Framework Programme but also to the realization of the European Research Area. The trans-national project “NET4SOCIETY” will strive to achieve this declared goal. For its proposed duration of three years, “NET4SOCIETY” will support the creation and establishment of a functional ...
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Baltic Grid Second Phase (BalticGrid-II)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

The Baltic Grid Second Phase (BalticGrid-II) project is designed to increase the impact, adoption and reach, and to further improve the support of services and users of the recently created e-Infrastructure in the Baltic States.This will be achieved by an extension of the BalticGrid infrastructure to Belarus; interoperation of the gLite-based infrastructure with UNICORE and ARC based Grid resource ...
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The major objectives of this Specific Support Action are to: - promote the role played by the Framework Programme in enabling International Cooperation on Global Change and Ecosystems research; - and to facilitate the uptake of the results of the research being carried out. This will be done by using a combined approach of awareness-raising and networking activities.The project will focus in parti ...
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The project consortium includes the following partners: three HEI`s from EU; eleven Universities from BY, RU and UA; three research and constructing enterprises of related field as stakeholders from PCs; three MHES of BY, RU and UA. Wider Objective of the project is ensuring that the targeted Universities introduce pilot Doctoral Programmes in Engineering in line with the Bologna Process, accordin ...
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Belarusian Road Safety Network

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

... approved by the Ministry of Education (who provided a support letter to the project), • Internationalisation of research on road safety;• A Road Safety Network in Belarus;• The Belarusian Road Safety Observatory;• A series of measure that will effectively improve the road safety locally such as a Decision Support System for the City of Minsk
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The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of higher education in Belarus and Russia, to better integration of their higher education institutions in the European higher education area.The main specific objectives of the project are:- to develop a modern master program in Applied Computing for Engineering and Science, which will respect principles of the Bologna process ...
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INFINITY project intends to become an INternational Fellowship IN transdisciplinarITY; its main theme is “Urban Agriculture”. INFINITY is about sustainability, and aims to strengthen a viable partnership of EU and all of lot 5 countries - aligning the Lisbon Strategy with the EM programme’s objectives. INFINITY is set in a transdisciplinary framework in the following thematic fields:01 Agriculture ...
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Wider Objective: To upgrade the curricula on built environment in the universities of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine accorting to Bologna practices in order to increase their capacity to continually modernise, enhance the quality and relevance of education of the building and civil engineering students to the labour market needs and to ensure international cooperation.Specific objectives of the proje ...
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The La MANCHE project is implemented by a consortium of 6 EU partners (from 5 countries) and 23 HEIs from 5 Partner Countries (PCs). The project’s overall objective is to promote the modernization of PCs’ higher education (HE) by building governance and management capacities at PC HEIs and initiating sustainable dialogue on HE reforms among relevant interest groups. Specific objectives are:- to ma ...
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The project main idea is to develop training courses and distance learning system to increase business activity and creativity of university students, and to organize an informational support of their start-up projects in the frames of Start-up centers established at the universities. This will help students to gain knowledge and experience in innovation business, intellectual property rights prot ...
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This proposal aims to priority: modernisation of curricula with 3 cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition in the Teacher training and education science in Physical science (BY) and Engineering and engineering trades (BY, AZ, XK).The project involves higher education institutions from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Belgium as well as from such partner countries: Belarus, Kosovo, and Azer ...
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Wider objective of the Project is aiming to join efforts of the EU and PC Universities, PC NGOs and Research Bodies for training, retraining and skills upgrading of experts able to decide multidisciplinary problems existing on the BY, RU and UA territories contaminated by radioactive agents with a view to Human Security.In accordance to the specific objectives it is foreseen to develop interdiscip ...
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The object of this project is two-fold: 1. European cooperation development towards the extended EHEA, integrating: - the sharing the European values and the common cultural heritage; - the preservation and promotion of institutional, national and regional specificity in Higher Education; 2. transfer of good practice and deepened implementation of the Bologna process in Lot 8 institutions / ...
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...ighly qualified workforce in the fields of engineering and technology is the main target group of presented programme. In that context, the EWENT project aims at collaborating with the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Moldovan HEIs in: · Establishing the network for research and education cooperation between the HEIs from EU and Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine; · Strengthening ties between Ukrainian, Belaru ...
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