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5 European Projects Found

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Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Mar 30, 2018,

VALENCIA EMPLEA III Consortium already has experience in the implementation of this project in the city of Valencia, and they have considered it suitable to contribute to socio-economic development of the city, through improving the employability of young people who participate in it once again.The socio-economic and labor situation in Valencia is still very serious as far as unemployment is conce ...
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En Toutes Confiances

Start date: Sep 2, 2016, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

The project "En Toutes Confiances" is an artistic meeting between sixty European youths (Hungarian, French, Portuguese and Greek) and are joined by a group of young Lebanese people; Among them, twenty participants are disabled. Most are engaged in the routine practice of artistic creation. The thread is promoting the" in between " , which seeks to overcome any difficulty regarding disability or ...
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Start date: May 2, 2013,

European Video Dance Heritage (EVDH) est un programme d’analyse et d’expérimentation de deux ans sur le thème de la conservation et la diffusion de la vidéo de danse, coordonné par la Maison de la Danse et co-organisé par Vo’Arte et Fabrica de Movimentos (Portugal), Fundacion Alicia Alonso (Espagne), Institut de Musique et de Danse (Pologne), Centre de Musique et Media (Autrice), Dachverband Tanz ...
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Unlimited Access

Start date: May 6, 2013,

The motto of this project is “Through whose eyes do we need to see the world?”, valuing the specific niche of Disability Arts and the importance of valuing differences on the art scene and for audiences, as a genuine reflection of our societies in Europe.The project gathers European partners driven by a strong desire to value diversity in their arts practices and with a high experience of working ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

FRAGILE is based on the experience of the Norwegian choreographer Kjersti Engebrigtsen in dance with blind persons and similar experiences of choreographers in Estonia and Portugal.The aim of this project is to exchange knowledge about dancing with blind/visually impaired persons and to enhance the integration of visually impaired persons in the performing arts through transnational collaboration. ...
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