Search for European Projects

10 European Projects Found

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"In nuclear power plants, materials may undergo degradation due to severe irradiation conditions that may limit their operational life. Utilities that operate these reactors need to quantify the ageing and the potential degradations of some essential structures of the power plant to ensure safe and reliable plant operation. So far, the material databases needed to take account of these degradation ...
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GEn IV and Transmutation MATerials (GETMAT)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

In FP5 and FP6, a number of significant projects have been launched, aimed at investigating innovative strategies for safe and optimised radioactive waste management. In particular P/T strategies based on the use of Accelerator Driven Systems are being addressed within the integrated project EUROTRANS. Moreover, during FP6, projects were also initiated to study advanced systems, as defined in the ...
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"European seismic engineering research suffers from extreme fragmentation of research infrastructures (RI) between countries and limited access to them by the S/T community of earthquake engineering, especially that of Europe’s most seismic regions. A 23-strong Consortium of the key actors in Europe’s seismic engineering research (including 3 industrial partners) addresses these problems in a sust ...
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"Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCR), RBMK and some Material Test Reactors (MTR) make use of graphite as moderator of the fuel, structures of the core and/or thermal columns. During operation, the graphite and other carbonaceous materials like carbon brick, pyrocarbon and silicon carbide coatings are contaminated by fission products and neutron activation. These irradiated carbonaceous wastes are problemati ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Main objectives of ReCosy are the sound understanding of redox phenomena controlling the long-term release/retention of radionuclides in nuclear waste disposal and providing tools to apply the results to Performance Assessment/Safety Case. Although redox is not a new geochemical problem, different questions are still not resolved and thus raised by implementers and scientists. From a top-down appr ...
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Integrated European Industrial Risk Reduction System (IRIS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Current practices in risk assessment and management for industrial systems are characterized by its methodical diversity and fragmented approaches. In retrospect these risk and safety paradigms resulted from diverse industries driven and limited by available knowledge and technologies. A change based on industry driven R&D work is needed. At present the European Industry recognised their obligatio ...
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Fusion Energy Materials Science – Coordination Action (FEMaS-CA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

The timely availability of qualified materials for use in fusion power reactors is a necessity for the fast deployment of fusion power. 27 European institutions have joined together in the FEMaS-CA to advance fusion materials science in Europe and in close cooperation with EFDA, the European Fusion Development Agreement. The overarching objective of this Coordination Action is: The FEMaS-CA w ...
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"Earthquakes regularly occur throughout the world, frequently causing catastrophic harm and injury and always resulting in significant damage and widespread disorganization in the area. Modern society is increasingly vulnerable to external hazards, it is readily apparent that, in developed countries, although the numbers of victims of major earthquakes is tending to drop, the costs of the consequ ...
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The European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP) was launched on 21 September 2007, has issued its Vision Report, and constituted its Working Groups. An «informal» secretariat has been supporting these operations. This secretariat evolved from the Organising Committee of the SNE-TP Launch Conference, with a small group of organisations (CEA, E.ON, UJV, FORATOM) committed to the ...
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HycycleS aims at the qualification and enhancement of materials and components for key steps of thermochemical cycles for solar or nuclear hydrogen generation. The focus of HycycleS is the decomposition of sulphuric acid which is the central step of the sulphur based family of those processes, especially the hybrid sulphur cycle and the sulphur-iodine cycle. Breakthrough developments are targeted ...
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