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21 European Projects Found

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Bone is among the most frequently transplanted tissue with about 1 million procedures annually in Europe. The worldwide market of bone replacement materials is currently estimated at 5 billion € with a 10% annual growth. Despite their considerable disadvantages, including the risk of disease transfer and immunologic rejection, limited supply of bone, costs and complications, allografts and autogra ...
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"The advent of ultrafast laser technology in the xuv and x-ray domains, by means of free-electron lasers and high harmonic generation, has opened the path to novel experiments at femto and attosecond time scales with direct applications on Chemistry and Atomic and Molecular Physics. These advances allow one to track in real time ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics induced by electromagnetic ...
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Unfolding the Evolution of Planetary Systems (PLANES)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

"Most of the exoplanets discovered to date orbit solar mass main-sequence stars. Essential to the detection and characterization of extrasolar planets is the knowledge of planetary systems around as many diverse stars as possible. In this context, surveys are now targeting planets around stars that have evolved off the Main Sequence, because, so far, it is one of the few means we have of directly ...
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The objective of the ACUSEP research project is to develop an integrated, dry-reagent based disposable ready-to-use cartridge enabling rapid analysis of sepsis-causing organisms and eventual identification of antibiotic resistance directly from suspected blood samples. Sepsis causes annually up to 135 000 deaths in Europe and the early diagnosis is the key to improved survival. Identification of t ...
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Trusted Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks (TABULA RASA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

...h as combining biometric information from multiple sources,3. examine novel biometrics that may be inherently robust to direct attacks.The first issue of a draft set of standards will be addressed by analyzing the effectiveness of direct attacks to a range of biometrics, this will provide an insight as to how vulnerable the different biometric traits are to these attacks. The second issue of count ...
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Long-term performance of Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) (PEBS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

..., with particular emphasis on possible impacts on safety functions. In addition to the scientific-tech. aim, the consortium will spread the essential results to the european scientific community and Canada, Japan and China, use its expertise for public information purposes, and promote knowledge and technology transfer through training. WP 5 brings together activities concerning dissemination and ...
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Palm harvest impacts in tropical forests (PALMS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013, research in different forest types and then we study trade patterns for palm products from local markets to markets which involve export to other countries and continents. Palm populations are managed in various ways from sustainable ones to destructive harvesting; we will study different ways in which palms are managed and propose sustainable methods to local farmers, local governments, NGOs ...
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Surfaces for molecular recognition at the atomic level (SMALL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"The overarching aim of the SMALL ITN project is to train Early Stage Researchers in the field of ‘molecular recognition at surfaces’ from fundamental science to novel applications. For this task, SMALL combines European experts from surface science, nanotechnology, theory, chemical synthesis, physics, biology and industry, and thus takes a highly integrated approach to the training. The researche ...
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Bayesian Biometrics For Forensics (BBfor2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

With various forms of biometric technologies becoming available, there is a growing need for scientists who are able to assess the merits of these technologies when applied to forensics. The Marie Curie ITN `Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics,' or BBfor2, will provide a training infrastructure that will educate Early Stage Researchers in the core biometric technologies of speaker, face and fingerpr ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

...mongst the participating European institutions, which already plays a leading role across the whole spectrum of the physics involved, from theoretical aspects of string theory to the phenomenological analysis of experimental data, and it will stimulate interdisciplinary interactions. The main network goal is to offer excellent initial training to young researchers. We plan to appoint 456 person-mo ...
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Spin effects for quantum optoelectronics (SPIN-OPTRONICS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"We propose to join the forces of ten leading European teams in order to achieve a critical mass in the new research field of Spin-Optronics, a vast novel research area at the crossroads of fundamental physics of quantum-mechanical spin, optoelectronics and nanotechnology, and establish the European leadership in this area on a world-wide scale. All three main directions of the Network research ac ...
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Exciton-polaritons in microcavities: physics and devices (CLERMONT4)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

The discovery of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of exciton-polaritons in 2006 and the demonstration of room-temperature polariton lasing in 2007 have opened the way to realisation of a new generation of optoelectronic devices referred to as polariton devices. The research on exciton-polaritons and polaritonics allows the quantum effects of superfluidity, entanglement, squeezing of light to be br ...
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Psychosocial fActors Relevant to BrAin DISorders in Europe (PARADISE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

...y of the brain disorder associated with them, it concentrates on what is more relevant to the lives of people with brain disorders. This leads to more effective intervention planning and management, and therefore to improved quality of life along the continuum of care, in the community, and across the life span. PARADISE coordinates the existing expertise in partners from eight European countries ...
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...longitudinal data on their health is essential for evidence based policy making. Valid data requires better measurement instruments and methodologies for longitudinal and cross-population comparative analyses. After an in-depth critique of existing ageing studies, COURAGE in Europe will develop, and validate in three countries, measures of health and health-related outcomes for an ageing populatio ...
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The main goal of the research project that I propose for the next three years is the study of the electronic properties of nanostructures at the atomic scale. The investigation will be performed by means of low temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy in ultrahigh-vacuum environments (UHV-LTSTM), a unique technique which allows the study of these electronic properties in a local way ...
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Metro Architectures enablINg Sub-wavelengths (MAINS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

...gned to cope with the new types of demands driven by phenomenon like the Internet, Video, Search, Social Networking and Cloud Computing. MAINS proposes 2 new architectures, a new approach to network management and will demonstrate an application that uses this new architecture to virtualise personal computer services. The key is the use of sub-wavelengths (bursty time-shared use of a single wavele ...
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...ted to in vitro digestion and absorption tests (using Caco2 cell models) to study their bioavailability and molecular mechanism of action. Responsible compounds will be identified and quantified by analytical standardized tools (HPLC-, GC-MS etc)"
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ASSETS aims to improve the usability of Europeana by developing, implementing and deploying large-scale services focusing on search, browsing and interfaces. These services are applicable to all digital libraries and include: Searching multimedia objects based on metadata and on content similarity; executable Ranking algorithm for improve results display; Browsing multimedia objects for rapid navi ...
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lthough strongly interacting and merging galaxies appear to produce the most spectacularand powerful events, they only represent a few percent of all galaxies that we see today. Consequently, a detailed understanding of the internal evolutionary processes (or secular processes) occurring in isolated or weakly interacting galaxies remains essential to account for most of observations, including the ...
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... to understand the bacterial mechanisms that leads to metabolic stage of M. tuberculosis during dormancy as the basis of sorting out the detection and treatment of latent infection. Several models of analysis have been developed trying to characterize dormant tubercle bacilli. Those models are ranging from in vitro conditions, such as hypoxia or starvation, to in vivo analysis, such as the animal ...
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Researchers´ Night in Madrid 2010 (MADRIDRN)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2010,

... with different scientific and technological areas.- Unity: given by the common objectives and the common messages to deliver.- Participation: reflected in the focus of the activities and in the management structure.- European dimension: present in the awareness campaign, in the content of the activities during the Night and in the dissemination.The project will contribute to confronting existing ...
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