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8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Euro-mediterranean GREen JOBs (EGREJOB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

Project in brief Unemployment has been rising sharply in the Mediterranean area over the last years, affecting in particular young people and women. At the same time, the transition to a green economy represents a huge potential for job creation which requires new professional skills. To seize the opportunities offered by business growth related to environmental sustainability in sectors such as r ...
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sharing methodologies on FINancial ENgineering for enterprises (FIN-EN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

FIN-EN project aims at enhancing co-operation between regional and national authorities across Europe on the methodologies and instruments used for implementing Financial Engineering operations in the framework of EU Structural Funds. Financial Engineering is an option offered to member states to reviewing the ERDF/ESF disbursement procedures by using financial instruments (as opposite to traditio ...
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Knowledge Network Management in Technology Parks (Know-Man)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Know-Man improves regional development and spatial innovation policies by exchanging and transferring regional approaches, competencies and instruments of knowledge network management (KNM) to strengthen the regions global competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the partnership uses instruments developed for intra-firm knowledge management transferring them to a regional level. In business science, ...
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Renewable Energy Regions Network (RENREN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

RENREN grew out of a collaboration of 6 core regions concerned to play their part in global climate action and security of energy supply, and seeking to improve regional policy-making to nurture renewable energy sources (RES). They signed a Charter to this effect in April 2007. To develop an EU-wide partnership and spread the learning benefits of RENREN further, it was decided in 2008 that new mem ...
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Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (MedLab)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

The Living Lab model for in situ co-design of innovative ICT services is proving increasingly successful in promoting the knowledge economy by speeding up the pace and quality of research and technology development;* yet despite its significant potential, there is to date no clear link with Mediterranean regional policies. MedLabs objective is to apply the Living Lab approach from the demand side ...
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OBJETIVO: Creación de un sistema de cooperación transfronteriza empresarial anda-luso permanente para canalizar la realización de actuaciones de dinamización y de mejora de la competitividad y el empleo potenciando la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la salubridad del entorno territorial basado en las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones.ACCIONES: Gestión y Coordinación del proyecto; ...
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 FINISHED or other interested entities. ERIK ACTION has also involved 3 Observer regions, who participate in project activities using their own funds: SODERCAN (Cantabrian regional development agency), Regione Molise and Opolskie Centre for Economy Development. In the meantime, partners have provided continued evaluation on project events and progress. The general view is that activities are going ...
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...ut into certain support structures and what the results are coming out of this intervention. Regions are also required to provide a substantial amount of data concerning their region and the specific agency they work for in order to make the comparison useful. Once the computer model has analysed the provided data it produces graphs that help inform the result i.e. which region is doing particular ...
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