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37 European Projects Found

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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine and healthcare. The field takes advantage of the physical, chemical and biological properties of materials at the nanometer scale to be used for a better understanding of the biological mechanisms of diseases at the molecular level, leading to new targets for earlier and more precise diagnostics and therapeutics. Nanomedicine, rated amo ...
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ERA-HDHL is a proposal of ERA-NET Cofund in the field of nutrition and health to support the Joint Programme Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL).Nowadays, there is a high burden of non-communicable diseases due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle patterns. The 24 members of the JPI HDHL are working together to develop means to (1) motivate people to adopt healthier lifestyles includi ...
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EXEDRA, an EXpansion of the European Joint Programming Initiative on Drug Resistance to Antimicrobials, will build on, and further support the structure and activities of JPIAMR to address the two major objectives of HCO-04-2016 topic: extending JPIAMR globally and creating a long-term sustainable structure for future expansion and governance which will coordinate national funding and collaborativ ...
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the largest cause of death in the EU and account for around 2 million deaths per year. Overall, CVD are estimated to cause the economy of the EU costs of almost 196 billion Euros a year. Furthermore, they are one of the leading causes of long term sickness, chronic diseases and loss to the labour market. Therefore, CVD are a major health problem in Europe. Despite ...
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"Joint Programming is a process combining a strategic framework, a bottom-up approach and high-level commitment from the Member States (MS). It builds on the experience gained from existing schemes, coordinating national programmes by contributing to the reduction in fragmentation of research efforts of MS, stepping up the mobilisation of skills, knowledge and resources, advancing research and inn ...
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Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs (NCP_WIDE.NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The objective of the NCP_WIDE.NET is to create a transnational network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation under Horizon 2020 in order to facilitate trans-national co-operation between NCPs, with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standards of support to applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors, ...
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The overall aim of JPsustaiND is to support the development and extension of the capacities of the EU Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, in particular Alzheimer's (JPND). Since 2009 JPND has been operating on a very light management structure based on a simple Terms of Reference. Through this JPND has been able to set a common Strategic Research Agenda, and to deliver its ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Danube-INCO.NET understands itself as strategic high-level coordination and support action. Its background is the macro-regional approach of the European Union, in particular the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and its Priority Areas for Knowledge Society (PA7) and for Competitiveness (PA8). Based on strong institutionaliszed links with the PA Coordinators and the PA Steering Groups, a c ...
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Infectious diseases (ID) also known as communicable diseases are one of the majorcauses of death worldwide. Every year in Europe, infectious diseases cause tens of thousands of deaths (from ECDC ‘Microbes without borders: key facts on infectious diseases in Europe’ 2007 report).In order to address the challenges in ID and design adapted treatments, as well as diagnostic and preventive tools, the f ...
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Nanomedicine, the application of nanotechnology to health, is a fast-growing field with a large potential for improving diagnostics and therapeutic solutions in many diseases. The EuroNanoMed II (ENM II) consortium, with 20 partners from 17 countries and regions, aims to foster the competitiveness of European nanomedicine actors through the support of translational research projects enhancing tran ...
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This Coordination and Support Action proposal aims at aiding the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). JPIAMR currently has 18 participating countries and organisations from 8 of these are active partners of the CSA consortium. This proposal describes in detail the different work packages (WPs) that have been suggested in order to secure the rapid ...
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European Transport Network Alliance (ETNA PLUS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The European Transport Network Alliance-ETNA Plus-is a 3 year coordination action that will build upon the activities and knowledge acquired in the ongoing project European Transport NCP Alliance (ETNA) with a new and wider approach reflecting the new political context and the priority given to Europe 2020 and to the Horizon 2020 objectives. It will also take advantage of the positive results of T ...
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ERASysAPP - Systems Biology Applications (ERASYSAPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The main objective of the ERANET proposal “Systems Biology Applications – ERASysAPP” (app = application = translational systems biology) is to promote multidimensional and complementary European systems biology projects, programmes, and research initiatives on a number of selected research topics. Inter alia, ERASysAPP will initiate, execute and monitor a number of joint transnational calls on sys ...
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Research into the human brain and its diseases is one of the key challenges of our century, since among the many diseases affecting health, disorders of the brain are major causes for impaired quality of life. Despite some progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the various neurological and psychiatric disorders, research is far from being able to offer solutions how to conquer them ...
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"HIV infection is a major worldwide epidemic threatening public health in all affected countries. Although a wide range of financial support has been successfully dedicated to HIV through national and/or EC-funded programmes, there is still little cooperation between national funding programmes in Europe, while this field is highly international, operationally as well as competitively, in all disc ...
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"Europe’s cultural heritage is the world’s most diverse and rich patrimony attracting millions of visitors every year to monuments, historical city centres, archaeological sites and museums. Moreover, heritage is an important component of individual and collective identity. In both its tangible, intangible and digital forms, it contributes to the cohesion of the European Union and plays a fundamen ...
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The NMP TeAm 2 project aims at assisting the NMP NCP Network to provide good quality and high standard services to the proposers and therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals. To this effect the four main objectives of this project are to optimise the tools at hand to the benefit of the networks ...
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"National Contact Points (NCPs) hold a key role in communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and the scientific community. The quality of proposals submitted, for example, relies partially on an effective NCP network. This project is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will foster further cooperation between Environment NCPs from EU member States and Associate ...
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"In essence, SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is the next step in further integrating the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and selected key research communities into the European Research Area. It will further enhance the coordination of bilateral R&D cooperation with WBC. By joining forces and by pooling financial resources, the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS consortium will bring critical mass to bear. The main objective of SE ...
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"The Framework Programme is the European Commission instrument put into place to finance research in Europe. As part of the Community Research and Technological Development Policy, it is expected that participation in the Seventh Framework Programme will increase and the quality of submitted proposals must rise. The objective of this project is to reinforce the network of National Contact Points ( ...
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"A strong and efficient Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is not only elementary to the success of the Socioeconomic Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) Programme of the 7th EU Framework Programme but also to the realization of the European Research Area.The trans-national SSH NCP cooperation project NET4SOCIETY² strives to increase the awareness for and the visibility of the SSH Programme a ...
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"The main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project are: - reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes; - to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region. -to ...
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"The TRANS REG NCP project is aimed to create trans-national network of National Contact Points (NCP) for the Seventh Framework Programme under Regions of Knowledge through reinforcing the NCPs and promoting trans-national co-operation. The objective will be reached using the following measures: transfer of knowledge, exchange of experiences and good practices among Regional NCPs, and development ...
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The TranCoSME project intends to support the European network of National Contact Points for the SME-specific measures of the 7th Framework Programme (NCP SME) in their support to proposers in their respective countries. Objectives are to deliver a better quality of service, to increase the efficiency of the work and to enhance networking between the NCPs in Europe. These goals will be achieved by ...
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South East European Research Area for eInfrastructures (SEERA-EI)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

"The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives aim to ensure equal participation of the region in European networking and Grid computing trends. SEEREN initiative has established regional network and SEE-GRID the regional Grid. SEE-LIGHT project is currently establishing dark-fibre backbone in the region, and SEE-GRID-SCI empowering strategic regional user communities in common use of the eI ...
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Enhancing the bilateral S&T Partnership with Ukraine (BILAT-UKR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Feb 29, 2012,

The main objectives of BILAT-UKR are: - to strengthen the S&T cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in particular through a stronger participation of Ukraine in FP7 and other Community programmes and initiatives. - to further improve the framework for enhanced future and sustainable S&T cooperation, especially regarding legal and funding issues. - to provide a knowledge base for new cooperation t ...
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Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)

Start date: Aug 1, 2007, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

"Subject of this EU project is the implementation of the FAIR GmbH for the construction of the new research infrastructure FAIR. The "Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research" is an integrated system of particle accelerators which will provide high energy and high intensity beams of ions from antiprotons to uranium with unprecedented quality for basic research in different fields of phys ...
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Nanomedicine is an emerging field with a large potential for developing public welfare and economic growth. Critical issues for bringing up this potential in Europe concern especially the maturity of the economic players and their capability to move effectively innovation from knowledge to industrial technology and to clinical and public health applications. Industrial players need therefore to co ...
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Trans-national cooperation among Research Potential NCPs (ResPotNet)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The project aims to support research and industrial communities in the European Union’s convergence and outermost regions to fully utilize their research potential, to strengthen their capacities and to increase their participation in the Framework Programmes. The instrument to achieve this goal is the strenthening of the European Network of National Contact Points for the “Research Potential” pro ...
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NET-HERITAGE is the first significant initiative ever attempting to coordinate national RTD programmes of European countries and support European RTD Programmes in the field of research applied to Protection for Tangible Cultural Heritage. It aims to exert a massive, positive impact through the following objectives: - provide an integrated picture of the state of the art of cultural heritage resea ...
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The NCP TeAm project aims at an improved NMP NCP service across Europe therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals through closer collaboration between the NMP NCPs and normalisation of the differences in knowledge and quality of provided services across the NCP Network in Europe and beyond. To th ...
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The strategic objective of DISCOVER Europe project is to strenghten the ERA MORE network by stimulating the cooperation between the European Mobility Centres. In order to attempt this ambitious goal two specific objectives have been consider: (a) To increase the expertise of the New Member state Mobility Centre (Romanian and Bulgarian) using the experience of other European Mobility Centres in ord ...
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Research Infrastructures: Foresight and Impact (RIFI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2011,

"The RIFI objectives are: - to create a methodology for evaluation of the socio-economic impact of investments in RIs, - to test and improve the elaborated methodology based on its application to several case studies in Romania and Bulgaria (at all the three levels of investment: pan European, regional and national), - to complement the methodology through integrating foresight, and to elaborate o ...
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A strong and efficient Network of National Contacts Points (NCP) is not only elementary to the success of the Seventh EU Framework Programme but also to the realization of the European Research Area. The trans-national project “NET4SOCIETY” will strive to achieve this declared goal. For its proposed duration of three years, “NET4SOCIETY” will support the creation and establishment of a functional ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Transnational exchange of experiences and dissemination of best practices can constitute an important supporting element in the work should provide the SiS NCPs, at the same time contributing to the realisation of the concept of the Science in Society. The experiences of the benchmarking exercises within the activities to realise the SiS might serve as a source of stimulation. Also several activit ...
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The major objectives of this Specific Support Action are to: - promote the role played by the Framework Programme in enabling International Cooperation on Global Change and Ecosystems research; - and to facilitate the uptake of the results of the research being carried out. This will be done by using a combined approach of awareness-raising and networking activities.The project will focus in parti ...
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The European Commission has decided to experiment under FP7 a new approach for an Exploratory Awards (EA) scheme for a limited period. As a first approach, the general aim of this EA scheme is to provide financial support to SMEs and SMEs Associations in order to submit better prepared proposals for actions under “Research for the benefit of SMEs”.The general idea of the present proposal is to ide ...
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