Search for European Projects

36 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Municipal solids waste (MSW) are collected by municipalities and represents more than 500 kg/capita (EU-27 average), 300 million tonnes overall every year in the EU-32. Currently, approximately 50% of this volume is landfilled. More than 1.3 million tonnes of Marine rest raw material (MRRM) are generated in Europe each year. Some countries, such as Norway and Denmark, have traditionally for anima ...
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The European chemical industry faces some very serious challenges if it is to retain its competitive position in the global economy. The new industries setting up in Asia and the Near East are based on novel process-intensification concepts, leaving Europe desperately searching for a competitive edge. The transition from batch to continuous micro- and milliflow processing is essential to ensure a ...
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The COSMOS proposal aims to reduce Europe’s dependence on imported coconut and palm kernel oils and fatty acids and castor oil as sources for medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA, C10–C14) and medium-chain polymer building blocks. These are needed by the oleochemical industry for the production of plastics, surfactants, detergents, lubricants, plasticisers and other products. In COSMOS, camelina and cra ...
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The RESYNTEX project aims at designing, developing and demonstrating new high environmental impact industrial symbiosis between the unwearable blends and pure components of textile waste and the chemical and textile industries. The project comprises:- a strategic design of the whole value chain from textile waste collection, until the new marketable feedstock for chemical & textile industrie, by w ...
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NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NANORESTART)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Currently there is a lack of methodologies for the conservation of modern and contemporary artworks, many of which will not be accessible in very short time due to extremely fast degradation processes. The challenge of NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART) will be to address this issue within a new framework with respect to the state of the art of conservation science. NA ...
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The aim of JOSPEL project is the development of a novel energy efficient climate system for the optimization of interior temperature control management in electrical vehicles through an integrated approach that combines the application of the thermoelectric Joule and Peltier effect, the development of an efficient insulation of the vehicle interior, the energy recovery from heat zones, battery li ...
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Catalytic reactors account for production of 90% of chemicals we use in everyday life. To achieve the decarbonisation of European economy and comply with the 20-20-20 target, resource utilization and energy efficiency will play a major role in all industrial processes.The concept of PRINTCR3DIT is to employ 3D printing to boost process intensification in the chemical industries by adapting reactor ...
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Bringing intelligence and communication to everyday objects is a major challenge for future electronics. This « Internet of Things » concept envisions wide dissemination with new performances: robustness, large area, flexibility, eco-efficient large volume manufacturing at low cost. Beyond current TOLAE demonstration, a major technology jump driving the scalability towards nanoscale resolution via ...
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The FiveVB project will develop a new cell technology based on innovative materials such as high capacity anodes, high voltage cathodes and stable, safe and environmentally friendly electrolytes. Since main European industry partners representing the value chain from materials supplier to car manufacturer are involved, this program will support and enable the development of a strong and competitiv ...
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More and more industrial sectors are demanding high performance composite materials to face new challenges demanded by the transport sector. Carbon and glass fibre unidirectional continuous tape reinforced composites are one of the most promising options. It would be reasonable to expect that the manufacturing methods to obtain composite parts made of this hybrid material will be capable to tailor ...
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Intensified continuous processes are a key innovation of the last decade for the production of high quality, high value and customer-specific products at competitive prices in a sustainable fashion. To realize the potential of this technology, key steps must be made towards long-term stable, tightly controlled and fully automated production. The goal of the CONSENS project is to advance the contin ...
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The Automotive HMI (Human Machine Interface) will soon undergo dramatic changes, with large plastic dashboards moving from the ‘push-buttons’ era to the ‘tactile’ era. User demand for aesthetically pleasing and seamless interfaces is ever increasing, with touch sensitive interfaces now commonplace. However, these touch interfaces come at the cost of haptic feedback, which raises concerns regarding ...
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...eply investigated to enhance significantly both, the carbonisation yield, and the added value brought by the developed carbon fibers in the final applications targeted.The CARBOPREC consortium led by ARKEMA gathers 14 partners coming from 6 different European countries and Russia. It covers the whole value chain needed to develop innovative carbon fibers from renewable materials."
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Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"RENESENG aims to prepare a new generation of highly-qualified researchers in Biorefinery and biobased chemicals Systems Engineering Sciences in Europe, expected to bear high impact in the design of newly establishing industrial complexes in biorefinering and more generally in eco-industries. The effort requires to bring together academic and industrial teams, with particularly interdisciplinary a ...
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Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirrors and pico-projectors.Lab4MEMS II will feature the Pilot Line for innovative technologies on advanced Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS). This is not just a special class of MEMS systems in fact, but it deals with MEMS merged with Micro-optics, which involves sensing or manipulating optical signals on a very small size scale, using integrated mechanical, ...
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Intelligent Catheters in Advanced Systems for Interventions (INCITE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Mar 1, 2017,

INCITE aims to develop intelligent catheter technologies and systems that will accelerate the paradigm shift from costly, burdensome surgical treatments to cost-effective and patient-friendly minimally invasive interventions. It will also enable the creation of new advanced treatments for currently complex surgical procedures. This will allow for more individuals to be treated thereby contributing ...
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The innovative and economic potential of Manufactured Nano Materials (MNMs) is threatened by a limited understanding of the related EHS issues. While toxicity data is continuously becoming available, the relevance to regulators is often unclear or unproven. The shrinking time to market of new MNM drives the need for urgent action by regulators. NANoREG is the first FP7 project to deliver the answe ...
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 FINISHED capable of understanding and applying green chemistry to the conservation of phosphorus by environmentally benign conversions. Our SME Magpie Polymers and leading chemical companies Thermphos, Arkema and DSM will ensure rapid and effective technology transfer. As such the network will facilitate Europe's continued global leadership on the sustainable use of phosphorus in an increasingly fierce ...
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Pilot Line For Self Assembly Copolymer Delivery (PLACYD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

The PLACYD project aims at strengthening the European leadership in the field of advanced lithography. The consortiums gathers the main European Rnull actors along the whole value chain (Material suppliers, equipment suppliers, semiconductor companies, CAD companies, research laboratories) in order to bring the key materials, processes and design tools for Directed Self Assembly (DSA) Lithography ...
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Over the last couple of years, the global research community has been experiencing an Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) boom, nowadays triggering a fast growing interest in industry in this young and disruptive technology, since OPV devices enable various new applications that cannot be served by classical silicon solar cells. In particular, OPV open up new opportunities for design in architecture, e.g. ...
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Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers is one of the most promising techniques to enable the continued miniaturization of ICs and to boost the performance in More Moore. It combines top-down photolithography for creation of guiding patterns with engineered new materials and processes to facilitate cost effective bottom-up techniques for pattern density multiplication and defect rectifica ...
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"Overall objective of the SHINE project is to develop a novel generation of elastomers that undergo spontaneous self-healing, leading to enhanced durability and reliability of the products made thereof (dynamic seals, shock absorbers, anti-vibration devices for vehicles, roads, railroads and bridges). The elastomers can heal without human intervention and can undergo multiple healing stages. They ...
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The growing development, production and use of engineered nanomaterials and associated products will increase exposure of both humans and ecosystems to these new materials. However, current knowledge is still incomplete and established test methods are as yet inappropriate to reliably assess the extent of exposure and risk of materials at the nano-scale. There is an urgent need to develop methods ...
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"The objective of the CARENA project is to accelerate the introduction of membrane reactors into the European chemical industry by the development of novel material and processes for the conversions of alkanes and CO2 into valuable chemicals. In a future environment with higher cost of crude oil and of CO2, the European chemical industry can only remain competitive by radical innovation. Process i ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

"Nanotechnologies and nanostructured materials is expected to be the most promising area of technological development and among the most likely to deliver substantial economic and societal benefits to the EU in the 21st century. It is a time of rapid advance in the development of these technologies, which can organize materials at the nanoscale and tailor their properties. This offers exciting pos ...
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In response to world-wide changes in the chemical/biopharmaceutical industry, new market requirements for specific end-use product properties as well as to stricter energy, safety and environmental constraints a revolutionary approach is needed regarding equipment design, plant operation and new production paradigms that will result in better products and processes. Process intensification (PI) is ...
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Efficient, low-cost, stable tandem organic devices (X10D)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

X10D aims to enable organic photovoltaics (OPV) to enter the competitive thin-film PV market. It will achieve this by pooling the knowledge and expertise of the leading research institutes and start-up companies in Europe, and is the first project of its kind to leverage this knowledge irrespective of the processing technology. It will use the strengths available in device efficiency and architect ...
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"Aircraft structures appear to be strategic components to be manufactured in composite materials for reducing weight, although new questions regarding electrical conductivity have arisen such as static discharge, electrical bonding and grounding, interference shielding and current return through the structure.These functions can be met by the use of technologies based on nanocomposites, which inde ...
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The overall objective of the STEELCOAT project is to reduce the use of toxic and hazardous compounds in, and extend the service life of, anticorrosion coatings for steel. The project aims to develop novel green, environmentally friendly, anticorrosion coatings with extended durability for steel protection. We will develop both high solids (HS) solvent-borne and water-borne anticorrosion maintenanc ...
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The development and implementation of bio-refinery processes is an absolute necessity and the key to meet the vision towards bio-based economy. The EuroBioRef concept is an integrated, sustainable and diversified bio-refinery involving all biomass value chain stakeholders. The latter will allow large-scale research, testing, optimisation and demonstration of processes in the production of a wide r ...
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Biocommodity refinery (BIOCORE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

"BIOCORE will create and demonstrate create a lignocellulosic biorefinery for sustainable processing of agricultural residues (wheat and rice straws), SRC wood (poplar) and hardwood forestry residues, into 2G biofuels, bulk chemicals, polymers, speciality molecules, heat and power. To reach this overall objective, BIOCORE will: 1) Describe how a mixed lignocellulosic feedstock-based biorefinery ca ...
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... to achieve early industrial acceptance of the research. The PREVAIL consortium consists of four research institutes (FOI, TNO,CEA, WIHiE), two chemical industries representing the End Users (Yara, Arkema), three SMEs (Inscentinel, KCEM, SECRAB) and one university (Technion)."
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PolyBright will develop high power high brilliance lasers with new wavelengths between 1500 and 1900 nm which are adapted to the absorption properties of polymers. With innovative beam manipulation systems for optimum adaption of energy, the project will provide high speed and flexible laser manufacturing technology to expand the limits of current plastic part assembly. Key innovations of the Poly ...
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Flexible, Fast and Future Production Processes (F³ FACTORY)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

The F3 consortium’s vision is that the EU’s chemical industry’s competitive position would be strongly enhanced if it could operate modular continuous plant (F3 plant) which combines world scale continuous plant efficiency, consistency and scalability with the versatility of batch operation. Our project will deliver such a radically new production mode based on: a) Plug–and–play modular chemical ...
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Light composite materials for load bearing applications can be made using different type reinforcements and polymer matrices. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been studied extensively because of their exceptional mechanical and electrical properties, yet their practical and extensive use in commercial materials is missing. The utilization of CNTs as reinforcement to design novel composites is a quite o ...
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Background The chemical industry represents Europe’s third largest manufacturing sector and so significant benefits can be gained from finding safer, cleaner and more energy-efficient manufacturing processes for this high impact industry. Some of the key concerns facing the industry include inefficient energy use, poor product quality and costly man ...
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