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22 European Projects Found

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Measurement and Architecture for a Middleboxed Internet (MAMI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Recent revelations about large-scale pervasive surveillance of Internet traffic have led to a rapidly expanding deployment of encryption in order to protect end-user privacy. At the same time, network operators and access providers rely on increasing use of in-network functionality provided by middleboxes and network function virtualization (NFV) approaches to improve network operations and manage ...
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5G Enablers for Network and System Security and Resilience (5G-ENSURE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

5G-ENSURE will define and deliver a 5G Security Architecture, shared and agreed by the various 5G stakeholders. It will specify, develop and release an initial set of useful and usable security enablers for 5G. These enablers will be selected for their relevance in addressing some of the foremost security concerns in order to generate the trust and confidence necessary for 5G to be widely adopted ...
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Key objectives of METIS-II are to develop the overall 5G radio access network design and to provide the technical enablers needed for an efficient integration and use of the various 5G technologies and components currently developed. The innovation pillars that will allow METIS-II to achieve this goal are • a holistic spectrum management architecture addressing the spectrum crunch, • an air interf ...
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5G will have to cope with a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of: (a) services (mobile broadband, massive machine and mission critical communications, broad-/multicast services and vehicular communications); (b) device classes (low-end sensors to high-end tablets); (c) deployment types (macro and small cells); (d) environments (low-density to ultra-dense urban); (e) mobility levels (static to ...
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Fixed and mobile networks have been subjects to significant technological and architectural evolutions in the past years, with e.g. deployments of 4G mobile networks and FTTH fixed networks, as well as significant increase in traffic demand and access bandwidth both in fixed and mobile access networks. All these network evolutions lead to enormous investments in independent network infrastructures ...
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Reducing Internet Transport Latency (RITE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The present Internet limits the performance of applications that need real-time interaction. In part this is because the design of the network has been optimised to boost throughput, maximising efficiency for bulk applications. There is evidence that large buffers throughout the network have added to the end-to-end latency, with excessive delays severely impacting the quality experienced by users. ...
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FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (FI-WARE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. FI-WARE is designed to meet the demands of key market stakeholders across many different sectors, e.g., healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental services. FI- ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

The internet of today is fragmented into loosely interacting domains. Future Networks will be pervasive: people, machines and the surrounding spaces will form decentralized and dynamic networks of networks of as-yet unseen scales. Future Networks will challenge Service and Network Operators to find the right ways to embed intelligence into networks in order to ensure their autonomic management an ...
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The goal of OUTSMART is to contribute to the Future Internet (FI) by aiming at the development of five innovation eco-systems. These eco-systems facilitate the creation of a large variety of pilot services and technologies that contribute to optimised supply and access to services and resources in urban areas. This will contribute to more sustainable utility provision and, through increased effici ...
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Future INternet for Smart ENergY (FINSENY)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

The energy sector has entered a period of major change which will continue for many years to come. The increasing proportion of electricity from renewable sources means that the architecture of the energy grid will have to support the distributed, in addition to the centralised, generation of energy and to adapt to a highly volatile supply e.g. from wind and solar generators. From the consumption ...
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Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services (ETICS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

ETICS aims at creating a new ecosystem of innovative QoS-enabled interconnection models between Network Service Providers allowing for a fair distribution of revenue shares among all the actors of the service delivery value-chain. To this end, we will propose and analyze new business and regulatory models for converged infrastructures, taking into account applications' QoS constraints and incentiv ...
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EXpAnding LTE for Devices (EXALTED)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

The number of networked humans will reach saturation by the middle of the next decade, while the number of networked devices will continue to increase dramatically for some time to come. The Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) has set out a vision of the future where 7 trillion wireless devices will be serving 7 billion people by 2017. The vast majority of wireless traffic will be between machine ...
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SAIL: Scalable & Adaptive Internet soLutions (SAIL)

Start date: Aug 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

SAIL's objective is the research and development of novel networking technologies using proof-of-concept prototypes to lead the way from current networks to the Network of the Future.SAIL leverages state of the art architectures and technologies, extends them as needed, and integrates them using experimentally-driven research, producing interoperable prototypes to demonstrate utility for a set of ...
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In current wireless communications, radio spectrum and infrastructure are typically used such that interference is avoided by exclusive allocation of frequency bands and employment of base stations. SAPHYRE will demonstrate how equal-priority resource sharing in wireless networks improves spectral efficiency, enhances coverage, increases user satisfaction, leads to increased revenue for operators, ...
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Internet traffic has been growing quickly for many years, despite adverse economic conditions and this growth will continue in the future. To cope with this evolution, the cost of today's network solutions is still too high.In addition, in line with the EC goal of reducing the overall emissions, energy efficiency should be widely improved, using whenever possible optics instead of electronics wher ...
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Advanced Radio Interface Technologies for 4G Systems (ARTIST4G)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

The first 3GPP Long Term Evolution standard version is complete and ready to be deployed. Although it increases peak data rate and spectral efficiency compared to legacy techniques, cell-edge and average user throughputs are still significantly lower than the peak rates. In the LTE-Advanced Study Item, ways to extend LTE are being explored. However, some of the considered techniques are complex an ...
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The general objective of this Thematic Network (TN) is to foster and promote large-scale integration of domestic and distributed micro generation and improve energy efficiency through the implementation of innovative ICT solutions into local smart power grids.The TN will bring together key relevant players in the telecommunications and energy sector. They will overview and provide insight of exist ...
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PHYDYAS proposes an advanced physical layer, using filter bank-based multicarrier (FBMC) transmission, for the new concepts in radiocommunications: dynamic access spectrum management (DASM) and cognitive radio. It shows that the performance and operational flexibility of systems are enhanced by exploiting the spectral efficiency of filter banks and the independence of sub-channels. Combining wit ...
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Antenna Research and Technology for the Intelligent Car (ARTIC)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Antenna Research is a strategic enabling technology for intelligent vehicles and road safety services. Car-to-car communications, real time congestions localisation, obstacle and collision radars, on board sensor networks, etc. are based on novel antennas solutions and subsystems integration.Antenna Research in Europe received great benefits from the structuring efforts provided by the Network of ...
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eMobility Coordination Action (eMobility CA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Telecommunications is experiencing major change. Sector actors are searching for new strategies as globalisation, mergers, convergence and new and disruptive technologies happen. The eMobility Technology Platform was formed to address this challenge and has almost 650 members. It has a track record of success in facilitating consensus building. The strategic objective of the eMobility CA proj ...
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4WARD - Architecture and Design for the Future Internet (4WARD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Today's network architectures are stifling innovation, restricting it mostly to the application level while the need for structural change is increasingly evident. The absence of adequate facilities to design, optimize and interoperate new networks currently forces a convergence to an architecture that is suboptimal for many applications and that cannot support innovations within itself, the Inter ...
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End-to-End Efficiency (E3) (E3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

The End-to-End Efficiency (E3) project is an ambitious FP7 EC Integrated Project (IP) aiming at integrating cognitive wireless systems in the Beyond 3G (B3G) world, evolving current heterogeneous wireless system infrastructures into an integrated, scalable and efficiently managed B3G cognitive system framework. The key objective of the E3 project is to design, develop, prototype and showcase solut ...
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