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38 European Projects Found

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The REvivED water project will establish electrodialysis (ED) as the new standard providing a source of safe, affordable, and cost-competitive drinking water, using less than half the energy required by state-of-the-art Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants.The innovations of the project constitute a technology platform with a very wide field of potential applications. All components and systems have reache ...
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Liquid hydrocarbon fuels are ideal energy carriers for the transportation sector due to their exceptionally high energy density and most convenient handling, without requiring changes in the existing global infrastructure. Currently, virtually all renewable hydrocarbon fuels originate from biomass. Their feasibility to meet the global fuel demand and their environmental impact are controversial. I ...
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The main objective of the SOLPART project is to develop, at pilot scale, a high temperature (950°C) 24h/day solar process suitable for particle treatment in energy intensive industries (e.g. cement or lime industries). The project aims at supplying totally or partially the thermal energy requirement for CaCO3 calcination by high temperature solar heat thus reducing the life cycle environmental imp ...
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...asoline will be marketed by SkyEnergy BV.The raw material base for the demonstration plant will be extended during the project by 1) the introduction of ethanol produced from municipal solid waste by Abengoa Bioenergia Nuevas Tecnologias SA 2) the use of biogas for the production of syngas by Perstorp. This will improve the plant economics and environmental impact, as will be investigated by E4Tec ...
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We aim to engineer the lifestyle of Pseudomonas putida to generate a tailored, re-factored chassis with highly attractive new-to-nature properties, thereby opening the door to the production of thus far non-accessible compounds. This industrially driven project capitalises on the outstanding metabolic endowment and stress tolerance capabilities of this versatile bacterium for the production of spe ...
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WASTE2FUELS aims to develop next generation biofuel technologies capable of converting agrofood waste (AFW) streams into high quality biobutanol.Butanol is one of the most promising biofuels due to its superior fuel properties compared to current main biofuels, bioethanol and biodiesel. In addition to its ability to reduce carbon emissions, its higher energy content (almost 30% more than ethanol), ...
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... allows turning creative ideas in the field of surface engineering into innovative solutions for concentrating solar power (CSP) applications. FRIENDS2 will be led by one large European industry (Abengoa) who is a world leader in the development of CSP plants. The other FRIENDS2 participants are two well-recognized academic organizations (the University of Cranfield and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresd ...
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BIONICO will develop, build and demonstrate at a real biogas plant (TRL6) a novel reactor concept integrating H2 production and separation in a single vessel. The hydrogen production capacity will be of 100 kg/day.By using the novel intensified reactor, direct conversion of biogas to pure hydrogen is achieved in a single step, which results in an increase of the overall efficiency and strong decre ...
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PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES (INPATH-TES)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

... and industry institutions. The consortium includes 14 universities that will implement the joint PhD programme, two research institutions (AIT and PROMES-CNRS), three companies and two SME (Arcelik, Abengoa Solar NT, KIC InnoEnergy, UFP and LAIF), that will cooperate in defining the programme and in its implementation and deployment. The specific objectives of the project will lead to the qualifi ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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The Valor-Plus supports the realisation of sustainable, economically viable closed loop integrated biorefineries through the development of new knowledge, (bio-)technologies and products that enable valorisation of key biorefinery by-products. The project comprises five key areas:• Pre-treatment and fractionation: development of a novel methodology for the controlled and selective breakdown, relea ...
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The present project is aimed to the development of a multi-step process for the production of second-generation biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass in a cost-efficient way through the use of tailored nanostructured catalysts. The proposed process is based on the cascade combination of three catalytic transformations: catalytic pyrolysis, intermediate deoxygenation and hydrodeoxygenation. The seq ...
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The major bottleneck for plant biomass processing is fiber saccharification: the conversion of cell wall lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars (en route to production of value-added chemicals like second generation biofuels). Some microbes enhance this step by using natural self-assembling proteinaceous nanocatalists known as cellulosomes. CellulosomePlus targets rational design of optim ...
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Organic thin-films constitute a fast growing area of electronic and opto-electronic devices that offer cost-effective and flexible solutions for e.g. improved energy efficiency and energy harvesting. Due to the achievements made during the past decade, the development of such sustainable energy devices has already reached an early commercialization stage, however, in order to further boost their u ...
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During more than 50 years of the laser existence, they have been proved as the unique tool for diverse material processing application. New application ideas, coming from universities and research institutions, are usually implemented by spin-off companies with limited resources for market penetration. Research laboratories are using universal laser tools, while effective and low-cost production r ...
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Background Brine discharge from Europe’s water desalination plants represents a potential hazard for marine ecosystems. Brines are commonly disposed of using inland desalination plants, deep well injection, or by discharge into surface or ground water. However, the impact of these options can be greater than discharging the brine directly into the sea a ...
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Start date: Mar 3, 2014, End date: Mar 2, 2017,

"High temperature electrolysers (HTEs) produce H2 efficiently utilising electricity from renewable sources and steam from solar, geothermal, or nuclear plants. CO2 can be co-electrolysed to produce syngas and fuels. The traditional solid oxide electrolyser cell (SOEC) leaves wet H2 at the steam side. ELECTRA in contrast develops a proton ceramic electrolyser cell (PCEC) which pumps out and pressur ...
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The high-tech industry strives to increase overall functionality and quality of products by the application of nano-enabled materials and devices. The development of such products would significantly benefit from a thorough understanding of multiscale phenomena and adequate numerical tools to guide nano-enabled design.The scientific challenge lies in defining proper scale transition relations to t ...
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SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support systems (SAID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"The need for providing high quality water to citizens and to reduce damages produce by floods and droughts has motivated research and development of many software-based decision support systems (DSSs). However, despite the notable technical advances DSSs, most of the water infrastructures in Europe are still managed by expert operators based on traditional best practices but with little support f ...
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New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots (NewBusFuel)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The overall aim of NewBusFuel is to resolve a significant knowledge gap around the technologies and engineering solutions required for the refuelling of a large number of buses at a single bus depot. Bus depot scale refuelling imposes significant new challenges which have not yet been tackled by the hydrogen refuelling sector:• Scale – throughputs in excess of 2,000kg/day (compared to 100kg/day fo ...
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Biopolymers from syngas fermentation (SYNPOL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

"SYNPOL aims to propel the sustainable production of new biopolymers from feedstock. SYNPOL will thereto establish a platform that integrates biopolymer production through modern processing technologies, with bacterial fermentation of syngas, and the pyrolysis of highly complex biowaste (e.g., municipal, commercial, sludge, agricultural). The R&D activities will focus on the integration of innovat ...
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Stable Interfaces for Rechargeable Batteries (SIRBATT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

SIRBATT (Stable Interfaces for Rechargeable Batteries) is a multisite collaborative project consisting of 12 full partners from the European Area (6 Universities, 1 Research Institute and 5 industrial partners). Collaboration with leading battery research groups in the USA and Japan is also considered. The diversity of the research organisations in the partnership has been chosen to provide a wide ...
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 FINISHED Univ. Berlin, Univ. d'Aix-Marseille, Autonomous Univ. Madrid). Free Univ. Berlin has also significant experience in thecrystalline analysis of kesterites. Involvement of private companies (NEXCIS, Abengoa) devoted to the production and exploitation of PV technologies provides with complementary training aspects related to transferability of processes to industrial production and exploitation is ...
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The bio-electrochemically-assisted recovery of valuable resources from urine (ValueFromUrine) project will develop, optimize and evaluate an innovative bio-electrochemical system that allows for the recovery of phosphorus (P), ammonia (NH3) and electricity (E) or hydrogen from urine. The innovative principle is that biological oxidation of organics (present in urine) at a bio-anode drives both the ...
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A lifetime of 4000 cycles at 80 % DOD and an energy density of 250 Wh/kg is a target for automotive batteries. The Batteries2020 project takes several steps to increase lifetime and energy density of large format lithium ion batteries towards these goals. Our approach is based on three parallel strategies: 1) highly focused materials development; 2) understanding ageing and degradation phenomena; ...
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StoRRe proposal concerns the area of thermal energy storage by chemical reaction for concentrated solar power plants (CSP). The objective of the project is to develop a new and promising solution for the heat storage with the following characteristics: Mid-term (24h to few days) up to long-term (several months) heat storage High storage density (300-500 kWh∙m3), High temperatures (300-550°C), w ...
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The project aims to develop, validate and implement a novel solid-state conversion mechanism able to transform concentrated solar radiation into electric energy, at very high efficiency, with a direct conversion obtained by an enhanced electron emission from advanced semiconductor structures. Its application is in high-flux concentrating solar systems, characterized by presently mature optical tec ...
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ThermoChemical Storage (TCS) involves the exploitation of the heat effects of reversible chemical reactions for the “storage” of solar heat. Among gas-solid reactions proposed for such an approach the utilization of a pair of redox reactions involving multivalent solid oxides has several inherent advantages that make it attractive for large-scale deployment.The new concept introduced in the curren ...
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"BOR4STORE proposes an integrated, multidisciplinary approach for the development and testing of novel, optimised and cost-efficient boron hydride based H2 storage materials with superior performance (capacity more than 8 wt.% and 80 kg H2/m^3) for specific fuel cell applications.Building on the results of past and ongoing EC funded projects on H2 storage, BOR4STORE aspires to tackle the S&T chall ...
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"Decentralized hydrogen production at refuelling stations has great potential to accelerate market introduction of hydrogen-powered vehicles. Based on the outcome of the previous NEMESIS project under FP6 the overall objective of the proposed NEMESIS 2+ project is the development of a small-scale hydrogen generation prototype capable of producing 50 standard cubic metres of hydrogen per hour from ...
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The DEMCAMER project proposes an answer to the paradigm met by the European Chemical Industry: increase the production rate while keeping the same products quality and reducing both production costs and environmental impacts. Through the implementation of a novel process intensification approach consisting on the combination of reaction and separation in a “Catalytic Membrane Reactor” single unit. ...
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BIOfuel From Algae Technologies (BIOFAT)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

BIOFAT is a ‘microalgae to biofuel’ Demonstration project with a farming area of 10-ha for microalgae cultivation and a target annual productivity of 100 tons per ha. The project will integrate all the processes from single cell to biofuel production. The production stage will be based on photobioreactors for inocula production, and raceways for production of bulk biomass and induction of oil/star ...
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The key objective of the TROPOS project is the development of a floating modular multi-use platform system for use in deep waters, with an initial geographic focus on the Mediterranean, Tropical and Sub-Tropical regions but designed to be flexible enough not to be limited in geographic scope.The TROPOS approach is centered on the modular development where different types of modules can be combined ...
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Lignocellulosic Ethanol Demonstration (LED)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014, items:• Biomass supply plan development. Design of the procurement plan and business model for a non conventional harvesting/transportation concept will be carried out.• Basic design. Based on Abengoa Bioenergy’s know-how and experience after the design and construction of pilot and demo plant of York (Nebraska, US) and Babilafuente (Salamanca, Spain) respectively, and the operational experienc ...
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Solar Up-scale Gas Turbine System (SOLUGAS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

The SOLUGAS project consists in the demonstration of a solar-hybrid power system with direct solar heating of a gas turbine’s pressurized air. In combination with highly efficient combined cycle systems or in cogeneration applications significant cost reductions for solar electric power generation can be achieved. The demonstration project will be the first commercial-scale system that can later b ...
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The ADEL project (ADvanced ELectrolyser for Hydrogen Production with Renewable Energy Sources) proposes to develop a new steam electrolyser concept named Intermediate Temperature Steam Electrolysis (ITSE) aiming at optimizing the electrolyser life time by decreasing its operating temperature while maintaining satisfactory performance level and high energy efficiency at the level of the complete sy ...
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PRessurIzed PEM electrOLYZER (PrimoLyzer)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

...research centres and universities VTT (FI), Åbo Akademi (FI) & ECN (NL); iii) A leading manufacturer of ion exchange polymers and membranes (Fumatech (DE)); and iv) A subsidiary utility company (Abengoa-Hynergreen [ES])
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"The overall aim of BIOREF-INTEG is to develop advanced biorefinery schemes to be integrated into existing industrial fuel producing complexes. S&T project objectives are: to make the production of biofuels more competitive, to identify and develop the optimal integrated biorefinery schemes for the production of best suited ""building blocks"" in terms of processes and bioproducts, and to identify ...
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