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Music and language share similar properties and are processed in overlapping brain regions. As a common information-bearing element in music and language, pitch plays an essential role in encoding musical melodies, signifying linguistic functions, and conveying emotions through music and speech. However, two distinct neurodevelopmental disorders, congenital amusia (CA) and autism spectrum disorder...
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Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation (INCLUDE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

Tropical deforestation is an important contributor to climate change, through the release of significant amounts of carbon in the atmosphere. The main proximate cause of deforestation in tropical regions is agricultural expansion, followed by timber extraction. The general objective of this research is to understand how the interaction of technological, environmental, economic and social factors i...
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Global Change 2.0: Unlocking the past for a clearer future (GC2.0)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

The terrestrial biosphere responds rapidly and sensitively to climate change and is important in mediating physical and biogeochemical feedbacks to climate. There are still enormous uncertainties in our understanding of how the terrestrial biosphere will respond to changes in climate in the 21st century, and large uncertainties in predictions of the climate feedbacks. Many issues that limit our ab...
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Causality Relations Using Nonlinear Data Assimilation (CUNDA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

A major problem in understanding complex nonlinear geophysical systems is to determine which processes drive which other processes, so what the causal relations are. Several methods to infer nonlinear causal relations exist, but often lead to different answers, often perform hypothesis testing on causality, need long stationary time series, can be misleading if an unknown process drives the proces...
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Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s...
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Screening for vision and hearing disorders in children has shown to be highly effective. EU-directive 16620/11 invites EU-member states to give priority to such screening programmes. Early detection and treatment of a lazy eye (prevalence 3%) prevents lifelong visual impairment. Early detection and treatment of hearing impairment (prevalence 0.15%) prevents delayed speech and language development....
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European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Within the European Research Area (ERA), the ERA4CS Consortium is aiming to boost, research for Climate Services (CS), including climate adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management, allowing regions, cities and key economic sectors to develop opportunities and strengthen Europe’s leadership. CS are seen by this consortium as driven by user demands to provide knowledge to face impacts of cl...
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Arctic climate change increases the need of a growing number of stakeholders for trustworthy weather and climate predictions, both within the Arctic and beyond. APPLICATE will address this challenge and develop enhanced predictive capacity by bringing together scientists from academia, research institutions and operational prediction centres, including experts in weather and climate prediction and...
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CRESCENDO brings together seven Earth System Modelling (ESM) groups with three Integrated Assessment Modelling teams, as well as experts in ESM evaluation, ESM projection and feedback analysis, climate impacts and science communication to address the following goals; (i) improve the process-realism and simulation-quality of European ESMs in order to increase the reliability of future Earth system ...
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Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business (NextGEOSS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The NextGEOSS project will implement a federated data hub for access and exploitation of Earth Observation data, including user-friendly tools for data mining, discovery, access and exploitation. This data hub will be supported by a strong commitment to the engagement of Earth Observation and related communities, with the view of supporting the creation of innovative and business oriented applicat...
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Organic/low input cereal food systems in the EU are emerging in answer to the sustainability crisis of the conventional agri-food sector. “Alternative” systems are based on local, decentralized approaches to production and processing, regard to quality and health, and short supply chains for products with strong local identities. Diversity is deeply embedded in these food systems, from the agro-bi...
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The goal of PRIMAVERA is to deliver novel, advanced and well-evaluated high-resolution global climate models (GCMs), capable of simulating and predicting regional climate with unprecedented fidelity, out to 2050. This capability will deliver innovative climate science and a new generation of advanced Earth System Models. Sector-specific end-users in policy and business will be identified and engag...
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IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes (IMPREX)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremesFor a better anticipation on future high impact hydrological extremes disrupting safety of citizens, agricultural production, transportation, energy production and urban water supply, and overall economic productivity, prediction and foresighting capabilities and their intake in these strategic sectors need to be improved. IMPREX will im...
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Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

ESiWACE will substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation on high-performance computing platforms by supporting the end-to-end workflow of global Earth system modelling in HPC environment. This will be obtained by improving and supporting (1) scalability of models, tools and data management on state-of-the-art supercomputer systems (2) Usability of ...
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The ultimate purpose of ANYWHERE is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events. This will be achieved through the operational implementation of cutting-edge innovative technology as the best way to enhance citizen's protection and saving lives.ANYWHERE proposes t...
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Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT (PROTECT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The goal of the PROTECT project is an enhanced biometric-based person identification system that works robustly across a range of border crossing types and that has strong user-centric features. The system will be deployed in Automated Border Control (ABC) areas supporting border guards to facilitate smooth and non-intrusive rapid crossing by travellers based on deployment of the next generation o...
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"Computer models based on known physical laws are our primary tool for predicting climate change. Yet the state-of-the-art models exhibit a disturbingly wide range of predictions of future climate change, especially when examined at the regional scale, which has not decreased as the models have become more comprehensive. The reasons for this are not understood. This represents a basic challenge to...
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Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ATHEME)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

"The project Advancing The European Multilingual Experience (AThEME) takes an integrated approach towards the study of multilingualism in Europe by incorporating and combining linguistic, cognitive and sociological perspectives; by studying multilingualism in Europe at three different levels of societal magnitude, viz. the individual multilingual citizen, the multilingual group, and the multilingu...
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Drivers of Pontocaspian biodiversity RIse and DEmise (PRIDE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Since the 1930s, the unique endemic aquatic biota of the Caspian-Black Sea region is facing a biodiversity crisis as it is severely affected by anthropogenic activities such as habitat destruction, invasive species and pollution. Understanding long-term natural biotic and abiotic drivers of lake system change and biotic response to perturbations in the past 2 Ma – i.e. gradual, rapid and/or thresh...
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"An investigation of the origins and development of a central feature of late-antique, medieval and modern culture: the belief that dead saints can act as mediators between a distant God and humankind, and that they are active on earth in many different ways (such as healing the sick, punishing the irreverent, or even controlling the weather).The project will investigate the emergence of this beli...
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The aim of the project “Euro-Sequences” is to establish a multidisciplinary training network on the emerging topic of sequence-controlled polymers. It has been shown during the last 5 years that such polymers open up unprecedented options for the future of manmade materials. Indeed, similarly to biopolymers such as DNA and proteins, synthetic sequence-controlled polymers contain precisely engineer...
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Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

"Massive economic and population growth and urbanisation are expected to lead to a tripling of anthropogenic emissions in southern West Africa (SWA) between 2000 and 2030, the impacts of which on human health, ecosystems, food security and the regional climate are largely unknown. An assessment of these impacts is complicated by (a) a superposition with effects of global climate change, (b) the st...
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Emerging evidence indicates that the gut microbiome contributes to our ability to extract energy from the diet and influences development and function of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which regulate energy balance and behaviour. This has led to hypothesize that developing microbiome-based dietary interventions can be cost-effective measures to prevent diet-related and behavioural diso...
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Sustainable intensive pig and poultry production (PROHEALTH)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Production diseases compromise health and welfare, generating inefficiencies which impact adversely on profitability, environmental footprint, antibiotic use and product quality.The PROHEALTH project will develop understanding of the multi-factorial dimension of animal pa-thologies linked to the intensification of production and use this to develop, evaluate and disseminate ef-fective control stra...
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Although there is a large body of knowledge available on soil threats in Europe, this knowledge is fragmented and incomplete, in particular regarding the complexity and functioning of soil systems and their interaction with human activities. The main aim of RECARE is to develop effective prevention, remediation and restoration measures using an innovative trans-disciplinary approach, actively inte...
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Public administrations responsible for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) need to monitor farmers’ compliance to standards. Monitoring is performed by in-field visits and through remote sensing. Due to the high complexity and diversity of the obligations that need to be monitored, both methods have limitations, and entail a high cost for public administrations. RECAP propos...
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The Language Magician

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The Language Magician Language learning in schools in the EU is showing dramatic differences between member states. This is particularly true for the United Kingdom where only in 2014 languages were made a statutory requirement in primary schools in England. Whilst language teaching in primary schools is the foundation for a successful language strategy at all levels of education, research has sho...
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Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe (ARISE2)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

It has been robustly demonstrated that variations in the circulation of the middle atmosphere influence weather and climate throughout the troposphere all the way to the Earth’s surface. A key part of the coupling between the troposphere and stratosphere occurs through the propagation and breaking of planetary-scale Rossby waves and gravity waves. Limited observation of the middle atmosphere and t...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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It is planned to send two students per year (who have completed their training as Chemical– Pharmaceutical-or Environmental Protection Technicians with KBSZ Ellwangen) to the University of Reading to undertake a practical project. The main objectives of this project for the participants are as follows:To experience working abroad in both a professional and cultural context;to further and to cement...
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EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth (EUSTACE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

EUSTACE utilises Europe’s capacity for gathering space-borne observations of the skin temperature, of all components of Earth’s surface, by extracting data relevant to providing estimates of surface air temperature, a primary Essential Climate Variable (ECV), conventionally measured at (often sparse) meteorological stations. EUSTACE will use measurements from operational and research satellites to...
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Livestock dung is commonly found in many human settlements, especially after the domestication of herds. Although receiving increasing attention in archeology, dung materials and secondary products are still routinely overlooked and this area of research is under-developed despite their worldwide importance as suppliers of manure, fuel source, temper and building material. This oversight is due in...
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Air Traffic Management for environment (ATM4E)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The overall aim of ATM4E is to explore the scope for the potential reduction of air traffic environmental impacts in European airspace on climate, air quality, and noise through optimization of air traffic operationsThe project will integrate existing methodologies for assessment of the environmental impact of aviation, in order to evaluate the feasibility of environmentally-optimized flight opera...
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Interest is a critical motivational factor in education, and a vast number of empirical studies in psychology have revealed the beneficial effects of interest on learning outcomes. Despite the many different theoretical perspectives on interest, however, previous studies hold a common assumption that interest promotes learning by increasing positive motivational commitment to a task (i.e., motivat...
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The overall aim of this project is to develop a systematic and thermodynamically consistent method to derive macroscopic constitutive equations from molecular models of polymeric and anisotropic fluids.Since the constitutive equations describe the transport and flow behavior of the material on a coarse-grained level, many phenomenological approaches have been proposed in the past. The method we wi...
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The research proposal focuses on the study of the interaction between individuals' accessibility in contemporary institutions and their Social Capital (SC). The main premise of the proposal is that alienation from formal institutions creates a form of SC that works in a substitutive rather than a complementary way with the institutions and does not necessarily have positive societal externalities....
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European Reanalysis of the Global Climate System (ERA-CLIM2)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2018,

Production of an extended climate reanalysis of the 20th century, with consistent descriptions of the global atmosphere, ocean, land-surface, cryosphere, and the carbon cycle. Production of a new reanalysis of the satellite era with near-real time data updates for climate monitoring. Research and development in various aspects of coupled data assimilation to improve the use of observations in futu...
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The main goal of the proposed project URBANFLUXES (URBan ANthrpogenic heat FLUX from Earth observation Satellites) is to investigate the potential of Earth Observation (EO) to retrieve anthropogenic heat fluxes. The main research question addresses whether EO is able to provide reliable estimates of anthropogenic heat flux spatiotemporal distribution, at local and city scales. URBANFLUXES will inv...
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Our everyday surroundings provide an overwhelming amount of information. In contrast, our processing resources are limited. Thus, it is necessary to prioritize important information while inhibiting distracting information. This prioritization process is especially important when encountering a situation or stimulus which is important for survival and feeling emotional arousal. However, there is s...
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Tropical Atlantic climate recently experienced pronounced shifts of great socio-economic importance. The oceanic changes were largest in the eastern boundary upwelling systems. African countries bordering the Atlantic strongly depend upon their ocean - societal development, fisheries, and tourism. They were strongly affected by these climatic changes and will face important adaptation challenges a...
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