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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Dusting for the Fingerprints of Planet Formation (DustPrints)

Start date: Mar 1, 2017, End date: Feb 28, 2022,

With close to 2000 detected planets, it is striking that we still do not understand how planets form. Their building blocks form in gas disks around young stars, where colliding dust grains form ever-larger aggregates. But this growth is not without limits: larger particles quickly drift towards the star and collide at speeds that shatter them to pieces, long before gravity can bind them together....
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Halogenated arenes and heteroarenes have become essential structural motifs of the pharmaceutical industry to create novel drugs against bacterial infections and cancer, and constitute highly valuable functional units in chemistry. Current methods for the installation of carbon-halogen bonds lack efficiency, selectivity, and practicability within the complex molecular setting of drug development p...
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Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health (LIFECYCLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Early life is an important window of opportunity to improve health across the full lifecycle. European pregnancy and child cohort studies together offer an unique opportunity to identify a wide range of early life stressors linked with individual biological, developmental and health trajectory variations, and to the onset and evolution of non-communicable diseases. LIFECYCLE will establish the Eur...
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Chronic aortic aneurysms are permanent and localized dilations of the aorta that remain asymptomatic for long periods of time but continue to increase in diameter before they eventually rupture. Left untreated, the patients’ prognosis is dismal, since the internal bleeding of the rupture brings about sudden death. Although successful treatment cures the disease, the risky procedures can result in ...
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Pathophysiology of Primary Aldosteronism (PAPA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Arterial hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor that affects between 10-40% of the population. Primary aldosteronism (PA) due to adrenal excess production of aldosterone is the most common secondary form of hypertension affecting 4-12% of hypertensives. Given the severe cardiovascular adverse effects of aldosterone excess early detection and individualized treatment of PA has important...
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The goal of BrainCom is to develop a new generation of neuroprosthetic devices for large-scale and high density recording and stimulation of the human cortex, suitable to explore and repair high-level cognitive functions. Since one of the most invalidating neurospychological conditions is arguably the impossibility to communicate with others, BrainCom primarily focuses on the restoration of speech...
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This research project proposes a fundamental re-examination of the historiography of theatre in emerging countries after 1945 . It investigates the institutional factors that led to the emergence of professional theatre in the post-war period throughout the decolonizing world. The particular focus will be on the massive involvement of internationally coordinated ‘development’ and ‘modernization’ p...
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Bounded Rationality in Sensorimotor Coordination (BRISC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Despite their many successes and great computational power and speed, why are machines still so blatantly outperformed by humans in uncertain environments that require flexible sensorimotor behavior like playing football or navigating a disaster zone? Answering this question requires understanding the mathematical principles of biological sensorimotor control and learning. Over the recent years Ba...
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Cell-specific vascular protection by CXCL12/CXCR4 (PROVASC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Atherosclerosis as the underlying pathology is a lipid-driven inflammatory disease of arteries giving rise to vulnerable lesions prone to rupture and thrombotic occlusion. Lesions develop at predilection sites with disturbed flow, where endothelial damage promotes intimal retention of lipoproteins...
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Unravelling the moral self (MORALSELF)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

Philosophers and social scientists have emphasized that our moral self-concept, the degree to which being moral is central for us, plays a pivotal role in explaining humans’ tendency to act prosocially. Clarifying the development of the moral self-concept and discovering the functional mechanisms is thus central for clarifying the basis of human morality. Despite a set of perennial questions that ...
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In Europe, around two million individuals die from cancer each year. Cancer is a genetic disease and each patient's tumour contains several genetic lesions which are identified by next generation sequencing (NGS) and influence patient's outcome. A global current challenge lies in translating NGS data into benefit of cancer patients.As attractive novel therapeutic concept, precision medicine addres...
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Mediterranean cuisine has long been perceived as a timeless constant, already linking the different societies around the sea by the 2nd mill. BC. The geographic frame was considered to be essential, whereas intercultural entanglements as transformative factors were neglected. By integrating archaeological, textual and scientific research, we will shed new light on the transformative power of cultu...
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The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe (SACRIMA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2021,

What is a sacred image? This is a crucial question for multicultural Europe – today as well as in the past. Between 1450-1650 Europe underwent, at the same time, an impressive artistic development and a dramatic religious crisis during which the status of the sacred image was repeatedly contested. Focusing on a comparison between five major areas that, remaining inside Catholicism, responded diffe...
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Fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool for exploring biomolecules in cells and tissues, especially with the advent of super-resolution techniques. To better understand key processes such as cell differentiation and disease progression, it is crucial to investigate the abundance, localization and mutual interactions of crucial cellular components such as nucleic acids and proteins. Unraveling t...
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Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially when embedded in long-term observations, theoretical models and experiments conducted at other scales. AQUACOSM builds on an established European network of mesocosm research infrastructures (RI), the FP...
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Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur...
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Stroke and dementia rank among the most pressing health issues in Europe. Cerebral small vessel diseases (SVDs) have emerged as a central link between these two major co-morbidities. SVDs account for more than 30% of strokes and at least 40% of dementia cases. They encounter multiple distinct diseases that can be separated based on their underlying genetic defects, risk factors, and clinical prese...
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Children’s Liver Tumour European Research Network (ChiLTERN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Liver cancer in the paediatric population is rare with an incidence approximately 1-1.5 per million population. The commonest tumour seen in the childhood population is hepatoblastoma (HB), usually seen in young children and infants. Much rarer (about 10% of paediatric liver cancers) is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), usually seen in the teenage population and sometimes associated with underlying ...
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The management of febrile patients is one of the most common and important problems facing healthcare providers. Distinction between bacterial infections and trivial viral infection on clinical grounds is unreliable, and as a result innumerable patients worldwide undergo hospitalization, invasive investigation and are treated with antibiotics for presumed bacterial infection when, in fact, they ar...
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Common mechanisms and pathways in Stroke and Alzheimer's disease.It has long been recognized that stroke and (Alzheimer’s Disease) AD often co-occur and have an overlapping pathogenesis. As such, these two diseases are not considered fellow travelers, but rather partners in crime. This multidisciplinary consortium includes epidemiologists, geneticists, radiologists, neurologists with a longstandin...
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Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation (DASMT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

Rapid translation between European languages is a cornerstone of good governance in the EU, and of great academic and commercial interest. Statistical approaches to machine translation constitute the state-of-the-art. The basic knowledge source is a parallel corpus, texts and their translations. For domains where large parallel corpora are available, such as the proceedings of the European Parliam...
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CRESCENDO brings together seven Earth System Modelling (ESM) groups with three Integrated Assessment Modelling teams, as well as experts in ESM evaluation, ESM projection and feedback analysis, climate impacts and science communication to address the following goals; (i) improve the process-realism and simulation-quality of European ESMs in order to increase the reliability of future Earth system ...
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Aerosols (i.e. tiny particles suspended in the air) are regularly transported in huge amounts over long distances impacting air quality, health, weather and climate thousands of kilometers downwind of the source. Aerosols affect the atmospheric radiation budget through scattering and absorption of solar radiation and through their role as cloud/ice nuclei.In particular, light absorption by aerosol...
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The aim of this proposal is to engineer biocompatible nanoparticles that deliver short interfering RNA (siRNA) to activated T cells (ATCs) for the downregulation of the Type 2 T helper cell (Th2) transcription factor GATA-3. By downregulating GATA-3 with siRNA, which regulates the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines in chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma, the activation of their downst...
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GENEtic DiSsection of Innate Immune Sensing and Signalling (GENESIS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

In vertebrates, a receptor-based, innate sensing machinery is used to detect the presence of microbederived molecules or the perturbation microbial infection causes within the host. In the context of viral infection, non-self nucleic acids are sensed by a set of intracellular receptors that upon activation initiate broad antiviral effector responses to eliminate the imminent threat. Over the past ...
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Leukocytes are the key components of the immune system that fight infections and provide tissue repair, yet their migration patterns throughout the body over the course of a day are completely unknown. Circadian, ~24 hour rhythms are emerging as important novel regulators of immune cell migration and function, which impacts inflammatory diseases such as myocardial infarction and sepsis. Altering l...
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Electronics is rapidly speeding up. Ultimately, miniaturization will reach atomic dimensions and the switching speed will reach optical frequencies. This ultimate regime of lightwave electronics, where atomic-scale charges are controlled by few-cycle laser fields, holds promise to advance information processing technology from today’s microwave frequencies to the thousand times faster regime of op...
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Accurate chromosome segregation in eukaryotes requires the assembly of the macromolecular kinetochore complex at centromeres to attach chromosomes to the mitotic spindle. The kinetochore proteins are organized in stable subcomplexes that bind to dynamic microtubules and ensure fidelity of sister chromatid separation through feedback control. Characterizing the kinetochore structure will significan...
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RELENT is multidisciplinary group of scientists and clinical investigators whose goal is to develop individualized treatment for chronic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and vasculitis, that cause considerable mortality and morbidity, both from uncontrolled disease and treatment associated co-morbidities, like infection and malignancy. This requires the need to stratify patients b...
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Arterial hypertension affects up to 45% of the general population and is responsible for 7.1 million deaths per year worldwide. Although a large therapeutic arsenal exists, blood pressure control is sub-optimal in up to two thirds of patients. Yet, even small increments in blood pressure are associated with increased cardiovascular risk, with 62% of cerebrovascular disease and 49% of ischemic hear...
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Asian highlands from the Afghan Pamir to Kashmir, Tibet and Northeast India are of great geopolitical concern. Remote, yet thoroughly connected to the outside world, they figure in public debate alternately as sanctuaries for transnational insurgents, as trafficking routes in the global drug and wildlife trade, and as realms of authentic tribal culture. Though making headlines around the globe as ...
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EVOluTION, a pioneering network within EU in view of its focus on endogenous protective mechanisms, is formed to provide training for 11 young researchers in innovative therapeutic strategies, integrating early detection and prevention, to yield novel approaches to the management of chronic vascular and metabolic diseases that affect the increasing ageing population of Western societies. Fully ali...
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"The project intends addresses safety assessment in pharmacology with a view on philosophical work on causality and causal inference from statistical data ((Pearl 2000; Spirtes, Glymour, Scheines 2000, Woodward 2003, Cartwright, 2007b). This interest is motivated by the fact that current evidence standards emphasize internal validity of studies and hence randomization, disregarding alternative rou...
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Metabolic disorders are at pandemic levels. Based on recent estimates, ~50% of Europeans are overweight, 20% are obese and 10% have type II diabetes. Obesity and insulin resistance impact European health to the tune of €110 billion per year. These disorders have genetic, nutritional and lifestyle causes. However, the molecular mechanisms that link nutrients and lifestyle to gene activity and chrom...
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Colloidal Nanomaterials for Smart Applications (COMPASS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

"The COMPASS project unites key players in Europe and the US with the aim to advance the field of colloidal nanocrystal (NC) synthesis and assembly and their exploitation in photonics, sensing, energy conversion and medicine. COMPASS aims to (i) develop colloidal NCs with desired properties by controlling their size, shape and composition, and to demonstrate routes allowing for large production vo...
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European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 (ENSAR2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

ENSAR2 is the integrating activity for European nuclear scientists who are performing research in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications. It proposes an optimised ensemble of Networking (NAs), Joint Research (JRAs) and Transnational Access Activities (TAs), which will ensure qualitative and qua...
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Optimization of Medical Accelerators (OMA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

Cancer is a major social problem, and it is the main cause of death between the ages 45-65 years. In the treatment of cancer, radio therapy (RT) plays an essential role. RT with hadrons (protons and light ions), due to their unique physical and radiobiological properties, offers several advantages over photons for specific cancer types. In particular, they penetrate the patient with minimal diffus...
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"The incidence of paediatric onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (PIBD) has risen dramatically in recent decades. Compared to adult forms, PIBD reflects a more severe disease, more often requiring aggressive treatment with immunomodulators, and thereby exposing children to a life-long risk of serious disease and treatment-related adverse events, such as infections and malignancies. Therefore, there ...
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The revolution of biotechnology has led to the creation of various types of therapeutic biologics with the potential to provide treatment for new chronic and malignant diseases. Though the potential advantages of biologics lay in their high specificity and potency combined with few side effects, their formulation still remains a large challenge to pharmaceutical scientists. This is in part due to ...
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Up to 70% of cardiovascular events are not prevented by current therapeutic regimens. In search for additional, innovative strategies, immune cells have been recognized as key players contributing to atherosclerotic plaque progression and destabilization. Particularly the role of innate immune cells is of major interest, following the recent paradigm shift that innate immunity, considered to be in...
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