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10 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Financial support for Eurostudent

Start date: Jan 7, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

The main goals of the Eurostudent VI project are: a) to deliver valid, high-quality data on the socio-economic background and living conditions of European higher education students, in order to contribute to understanding and furthering the social dimension in the European Higher Education Area at institutional, national and European level; b) to provide a broad policy-relevant cross-country comp...
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3D PRInting Skills for Manufacturing

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

BACKGROUND & CHALLENGES 3D printing is a cornerstone of the industrial shift towards advanced manufacturing, creating opportunities for employment, value creation, and reallocation of manufacturing production back to Europe. As is the case with any disruptive technology, new needs for skills and qualifications are emerging; 3D printing requires skilled blue-collar employees in manufacturing (i.e. ...
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A. REASON FOR THE APPSKIL PROJECTAppSkil aims to form an ICT Sector Skills Alliance focused on the mobile apps field that will: a) act as a collaboration platform that will link VET providers, sector representatives, and VET authorities, b) identify skills needs & mismatches, and c) develop and deliver an appropriate training programme connected with qualification frameworks. AppSkil faces the cha...
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Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The objective of the Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition (FAIR) project is to improve European recognition as practiced by higher education institutions by implementing elements of automatic recognition.Experimentation measureThe measure to be tested is the introduction of automatic recognition in institutional recognition procedures. Automatic recognition is a fairly new concept that is ...
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The aim of RecoNow project is to favour and to increase the quality of vertical and horizontal student mobility within Middle East and European higher education systems. Partners intend to improve competencies and skills of credential evaluators by defining common practices and realising common tools among European and Middle East national bodies and HE institutions, starting from the experience o...
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ENIC/NARIC WEB - Development of the joint ENIC-NARIC websiteProject descriptionThe main purpose of the project is to develop and manage the joint website of the ENIC and NARIC networks (, in compliance with theinstructions of the representatives of the two networks and of the ELCORE Working Group. The Italian NARIC Centre – CIMEA – is going to take theresponsibility to input dat...
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Project title:The use or potential use of qualifications frameworks as a toot of mobility by HEIs and other stakeholders - "QFs-UHSE"Background:This project follows "The use of the EQF in the recognition procedures of the NARIC centres" project which highlighted the importance of EQFreferencing in credential evaluation. Today only 4 countries have officially submitted their referencing to the EQF....
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Expected outputs/productsThe desired result of the INTER-HED project is to create a training course targeted at the administrative staff who are interestedin managing international programmes and projects and in collecting information about the Higher Education Systems andinternationalisation policies, with focus on Erasmus Mundus. The contents of the course will be published on-line and will bema...
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