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360 Degrees Entrepreneurship
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The economic changes, technologies, globalization and society development have a big impact on the labour market. Nowadays the “job for life” does not exist anymore as it was 50 years ago. In turn it influences on the youth unemployment. At this stage entrepreneurship and in particular social entrepreneurship can become an effective way to confront the problem. It is how young people can get needed experience, become responsible and create their own jobs. NGOs can help young people to develop employability skills and involve them into entrepreneurship. At the same time NGOs also can benefit a lot from learning social entrepreneurship as they also face different problems regarding sustainability. But there are not many NGOs which are competent in this topic. The project "360 Degrees Entrepreneurship" aims to develop youth workers skills on entrepreneurship and in particular social entrepreneurship, creativity, financial management, strategic planning, employability and entrepreneurial skills in order to overcome the youth unemployment and to make NGOs sustainable. They will have the opportunity to not only learn these skills, but also to implement them in starting up their business, collaborate with other startups and be mentored through the business incubator model. The main objectives of the project are: 1) To develop creative thinking, innovation, employability (soft) skills, financial management, strategic planning and entrepreneurial skills of youth workers. 2) To share knowledge on the establishment and sustainability of business incubators as a sustainable measure of supporting entrepreneurship on a long term basis. 2) To create a training module on how to develop, validate and implement social entrepreneurial projects and enterprises. 3) To work with and train mentors in how they can support young people in developing entrepreneurial paths. 4) To explore practical ways of supporting young people and NGO set up social enterprises, taking into consideration legal, financial, management and social requirements. 5) To create new tools and methods designed to develop entrepreneurial skills among young people. 6) To provide young people with a platform where they can exchange experience and expertise in the field of social entrepreneurship. 7) To develop solidarity, promote tolerance and foster mutual understanding between generations and cultures by creating a common platform for development that includes a wide variety of generations and cultures The final result of the project will be the business incubator, fully set up to support new businesses from idea to reality. The training methods will be based on non-formal education as well as methods and tools chosen/developed specifically for this topic. The project will consist of 3 main parts. 1. Trainings and meetings which focus on discussing and developing the theoretical side of social entrepreneurship. 2. Implementation of the businesses, setting up the business incubator, implementing training for trainers and creating training modules. 3. Gathering the results of the project, showcasing the different developing businesses, sharing best practices and making the business incubator sustainable.

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