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22nd Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival
Start date: Jan 20, 2016, End date: Jan 20, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2016 Encounters Festivals Ltd. will present a culturally and geographically diverse programme of short films and animations from Europe and around the world as part of its annual six day showcase at the 22nd Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival in Bristol, UK. The main focus of the festival will be our 25 competition programmes however additional activity will feature alongside these screenings and will include country focusses on the Ukraine and Ireland, filmmaker focusses and case studies on emerging talent from across Europe and Gala Events paying tribute to new and legendary film makers. Additionally there will be an increased number of feature film screenings from first and second time feature film directors as part of the Shorts2Features strand providing case studies of filmmakers journeys from the short to long form, and a more extensive education programme for local and national children and young people aimed at growing film literacy within this audience sector. This activity will sit alongside our intensive programme of sessions, masterclasses, panels and workshops for participating film makers and industry delegates that form our Industry Forum which this year will focus on the use of digital technologies to increase audience engagement. In addition to the festival, Encounters will continue to run year round and satellite activity in locally, nationally and internationally through online screenings, touring programmes and new festival collaborations in order to promote new talent and expose new audiences to the content showcased and championed by the festival.
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