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21st Century Teachers. (21. gadsimta skolotāji)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project is meant as a learning process for educational institution in its broadest meaning – for teachers, school stuff, students and their parents. There will be the possibility for everybody to develop their personal and professional growth. The process of preparing, realization, evaluation and dissemination of project results will provide teachers’ professional knowledge and develop students’ basic knowledge. As it is stated in the title of the project, we want to become modern 21st century teachers – to acquire new teaching methods, to share good practice, to find out the needs of students and their parents, as well as the possibility to realize and strengthen interdisciplinary learning, to improve curriculum, and to practice ICT tools.English Matters' as a project partner was chosen due to the fact it offers structured course 21st Century Approach for English Teachers. They will give an insight into both alternative and innovative teaching methods, give an opportunity to improve new ICT tools; offer good practice and study and school visits. EM has a great fifteen-year experience in organizing such professional development courses and this reflex their competence and professionalism. EM offers courses in Ireland, England, Germany and Spain, this programme is a good example of European cooperation because effective and innovative methods are used in order to create positive atmosphere so that the participants could share their good practice and experience and take part in new international projects. EM can offer experience and skills, that each modern teacher should learn, know and use (competences like English as a foreign language for European and international communication in variety of contexts, learning to learn and critical thinking competences, digital competences for teaching and learning, social, cultural and collaborative competences, competences of planning and evaluation.We will not exaggerate, but it is presumed that the whole school can participate- students will take part in different activities according to their age group (ebooklet with young learners drawings : 21st Century Teachers; Video or movie night: 20th and 21st Century Teachers, Public Speech competition"If I were a teacher....), the role of the teacher would be to monitor and to motivate students to work, be responsible for the posts on Facebook and eTwinning accounts; as well as to communicate with their parents (guardians) and to make questionnaires, to share and disseminate good practice; parents are welcomed to discussions to discuss the issues raised in the project. Activities will provide opportunity to improve the communication among teachers , students and parents (guardians). It will be a great possibility to learn what students and their parents think about the school and the teachers. And the parents will be able to spend time with their children.English language teachers will take part in the main mobility- structured courses Century Approach for English Teachers. This will give an opportunity to improve English knowledge (oral and written communication skills), share good practice and see the cultural background of other English teachers, attend schools and learn about educational system in Spain in order to implement the gained knowledge in their further work.As mentioned in the title of the project, we want to become modern 21st century teachers; to improve the communication between school and parents; to raise the interest in learners to study foreign languages (in a broader sense to attend school and get education, which will improve their competitiveness in labor market in the future); to strengthen interdisciplinary learning (communication between the teachers of different subjects will improve); to improve school/ subject curriculum that will enable a better teaching/ learning process, paying greater attention to students with special needs, and talented students; to focus on individual approach to teaching/learning process; to learn ICT tools, which can be used during the lessons; to involve other teachers into new eTwinning projects and other Erasmus+ activities. The project is appropriate for youngsters to develop their skill in using means of mass media, their critical thinking skills and initiative.
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