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21 - Clean Enterprises of the 21st Century (CleEn)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background One of main challenges that economies face is integrating environmental sustainability with economic growth and social welfare. This requires a move towards an energy and resource efficient economy. Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) maximises the potential of businesses to transform environmental challenges into economic opportunities and provide a better deal for consumers. The challenge is to improve the overall environmental performance of products throughout their life-cycle, to boost the demand for better products and production technologies, and to help consumers to make informed choices. A range of policies at EU and national level are already fostering resource efficient and eco-friendly products and raising consumer awareness. Objectives The CleEn - 21 LIFE project aimed to support wider implementation of SCP tools and methodologies in Danish industries. The overall objective of this project was to ensure that Danish enterprises – and especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) - expand their voluntary environmental efforts in accordance with the European Sustainable Development Strategy and Integrated Product Policy (IPP) approach. The project sought to promote identification, demonstration and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices complementary to those of the EU Competitiveness & Innovation Framework Programme. Specific objectives of the project included: Developing a new integrated digital toolbox for voluntary environmental improvements; Capacity building and training of people in organisations that are designed to facilitate and support industry; Establishing a new national cross-sectoral coordination group for IPP efforts in industry; and Demonstrating the effectiveness of the new concepts and tools through pilot projects in selected companies. Results The CleEn - 21 project made a great effort to create and maintain useful dialogue with its stakeholders to ensure their commitment. Many meetings, seminars, etc. took place and results led to SMEs expressing their interest in testing and using the project outcomes. This online toolbox ( was created and consists of ten digital tools providing assistance that is tailored to the needs of SME's in their efforts to become more resource efficient and sustainable. Toolbox content presents opportunities for companies to introduce voluntary environmental efforts. The toolbox builds on four business opportunities related to: risk minimisation; cost reductions; new markets; and increase in sales. Each of the ten tools relates to one of these four opportunities, which will give long-term benefits both economically and environmentally. These include potential for reducing emissions and making energy or other resource savings. The toolbox is freely available on the Internet to encourage its use and replication. The ten tools are: Sustainable Leadership Environmental Actions Green Procurement Environmental Product Assessment Supply Chain Management Life Cycle Costing Eco-design Transport Climate Calculator Eco-label Environmental CommunicationOther useful results include the establishment of a national working group of SCP experts from public and private organisations. The group met fives times to discuss different SCP topics and outcomes led to the elaboration of an index of ideas presenting proposals for a sustainable future. The index is called ‘Veje til en bæredygtig fremtid’ (Pathways to a Sustainable Future) and it was presented by the Danish Minister for the Environment at a national event on 31 January 2013. A number of seminars in the use of the toolbox have been held during 2012 and 2013 for key environmental personnel from Danish enterprises, environmental inspectors, regional and local business support centres, and students. Material from the training sessions is also freely available through the project website. Proactive dissemination of the project’s environmental approach helped to create a higher user rate of the toolbox than expected. Green networks, municipalities, and companies have expressed good interest and value the integrated digital toolbox for voluntary environmental improvements. An increase in such demand should translate into an increase in sustainable production and consumption. With the facilitation of Danish EPA, a new national SCP working group has been established. It will be able to provide support to national authorities with initiatives towards developing the national efforts for proactive environmental efforts in the business sector. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Communication Plan (see "Read more" section).
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