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2020 researchers: Train To Move (T2M)
Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"2020 researchers: Train To Move (T2M) is a new transnational fellowship programme developed towards European Research Area (ERA) objectives by the University of Torino (UNITO) with the active support of the non-profit foundation Compagnia di San Paolo (CPS). The programme aims at: 1) creating favourable conditions for transnational mobility of high skilled researchers; 2) promoting transectoral mobility between public/academy and industrial/private sector. This will be pursued by providing fellows with high level training in scientific and complementary skills which will match both public and private sector needs. Through T2M programme, UNITO commits itself to become a player of excellence in creating an innovative setting to enhance experienced researchers’ careers. T2M will last overall 60 months, ensuring transnational mobility of researchers up to 7 years since PhD or 10 years since MSc degree through 2 Calls for Proposals (published on M3 and M15), for a total of 28 incoming fellowships.Incoming mobility to Italy (Piemonte) can be of two types, i) from EU Member or Associated Countries or ii) from other Third Countries. Fellowships will last 24 months.Fellows will freely choose research hosts amongst 27 departments whose expertise and research focus encompass Life Sciences, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences. Within these domains, research areas will be openly proposed by each department on the bases of its expertise and resources, in order for applicants to select research areas which their projects will best fit in. The best employment conditions according to the national law will be provided to fellows, along with research allowances. T2M is the first step of an overall strategy intended by UNITO, CPS, other stakeholders and regional authorities to strengthen the competitiveness of the regional research system through the effective implementation of transectoral mobility of experienced researchers. In this frame, T2M represents a truly innovative initiative to attract and retain talents in a context of strong interaction between public and private stakeholders, while training the 2020 generation of researchers to competitiveness in the ERA."

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