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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project's aims are to support the EU policy goals of QA in VET, VET reform in Finland and improvement activities based on national external evaluation of QA systems of VET providers. Challenges are e.g. connected with quality culture, review phase and increase of work-based learning. Main results are:* An updated version of the criteria for self-assessment of the system supporting quality management and continuous improvement of quality at VET provider level and guidelines in Finnish and Swedish. * The report on proposals to enhance QA of the preparation, assessment and certification of qualifications* Dissemination of the main results of Leonardo da Vince project the Q- KULT (coordinated by Austrian QANRP) and modification of them to fit into Finnish VET system based on the results of piloting the main instrument OCAI in Finland. The OCAI tool provides support to deepen the knowledge of quality culture in schools and the possible factors influencing on it and the understanding of relations between quality culture and QA systems.* The report on how to involve teachers/trainers in quality management systems and quality assurance procedures as a joint activity with Austrian QANRP. * To raise awareness of the review phase in EQAVET to promote continuous development culture by looking at the results of WG Complementing EQAVET and the material developed in EQAVET Network. Most relevant material will be translated into Finnish and proposal made on how to integrate the results with the review phase in Finnish VET.* Policy briefing prepared by all participants of the PLA on promoting visibility and raising awareness of VET. The PLA will be organized by Romanian QANRP. The summary report in Finnish on good practices and suggestions how to further promote the activities targeted to visibility and awareness of VET at VET provider level.Main activity as NRP is also to disseminate all results and good practices and cooperate with other QANRPs.

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