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19th century fashion show
Start date: Jun 25, 2013, End date: Oct 24, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Development of better social cohesion through cultural understanding. Establishment of a partnership between schools at rural areas of the CBC region. Performance of folklore, historical cultural traditions and ethnical variety as a mean to provoke young generation. Achievements: The children’s dancing ensemble “Rhythm Glavinitsa”, formed by the project “19th Century Fashion show” MIS ETC 897 of the Municipality of Glavinitsa by the OP “Cross-border cooperation Romania – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013”, proceeded with its activity after the finalization of this project.By the beginning of the new school year from 15.09.2014, the folklore group, formed by students, continued the training in the genre of folk dancing. For the continuation and development of this activity, the team searched and found some financial support by the Public community center “Hristo Botev – 1940” in the town of Glavinitsa and “Vasil Levski” High School, also in the town of Glavinitsa. The lead choreographer and artistic director of the group is Rosen Atanasov – a choreographer by profession, appointed at first to perform this activity by the project “19th Century Fashion show” MIS ETC 897. By the time of the school year 2014-2015, the dancing group of 36 participants-students grew up to 100 dancers, including pupils from 2nd to 9th grade from different populated locations in the municipality of Glavinitsa. The dance team was permanently engaged with participations in school and municipal festivals and celebrations during the whole school year. Here are some of the engagements: a participation to the celebration, in reference to the marking of the 30 years past from the announcement of Glavinitsa for a town, which was marked on 05.09.2014; a participation to the Christmas concert, which was held on 22.12.2014; dancing at the patronal festival of “Vasil Levski” High School in Glavinitsa on 19.02.2015; took part in the Gala concert on the occasion of the National holiday of the Republic of Bulgaria, performed on 03.03.2015; also was an integral part of the program for the marking of the Day of Bulgarian enlightenment and culture on the 24th of May 2015.On 09.05.2015 the dance group was invited and became a participant in the celebration of the “Day of Europe” in Calarasi. The festival was organized jointly with the students of “Mihai Eminescu” High School, Calarasi. On 20.05.2015 the pedagogical teams of the two partnering schools signed an agreement for a joint activity, which would be a subject of a future work between “Mihai Eminescu” High School, Calarasi and “Vasil Levski” High School, Glavinitsa. And the dance group of the partnering Romanian school took part in the concert for 24th of May – the Day of Bulgarian enlightenment and culture, organized in the town of Glavinitsa.Accompanied by its own history, the dance ensemble “Rhythm Glavinitsa” also participated in the International children festival in the town of Iznik, Turkey, conducted from the 20th to 24.04.2015.The dance group from the Republic of Turkey returns the visit to the municipality of Glavinitsa, by visiting and participating in the celebrations for the 24th of May in the town this year.Let us summarize – the spring of 2015 and the Day of Slavonic Alphabet – 24th May turned the everyday life of the population of the municipality of Glavinitsa into a “Colorful, motley world, thanks to the performances of the dance teams from Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.The project “19th Century Fashion Show” achieved and overreached its goals, gave a European vision to the small municipality in Dobrudzha, which was contributed by the visits of the Romanian and Turkish project partners. All of them arrived for the holiday in Glavinitsa on a voluntary basis, which gave the project a sustainable character.The children from the municipality of Glavinitsa became good dancers, gained some confidence as a part of Europe. A good friendship and a promising cooperation with the Romanian and Turkish children arose too. “Vasil Levski” High School /Glavinitsa/ became an attractive place for the students, their life became more interesting, full of incredible emotions. Thanks to the friendship with the Romanian children, the learning of English language became a necessity for the growing ups in “Vasil Levski” High School, Glavinitsa.
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  • 84.9%   211 999,74
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania - Bulgaria (RO-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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3 Partners Participants