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1.RSMPV audzēkņu konkurētspējas veicināšana ES darba tirgū. 2.RSMPV skolotāji apgūst jaunas mācību metodes ārzemēs.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Riga Style and fashion vocational school (RSFVS) participated in EU program Erasmus+ Mobility with project “The improvement of competitiveness in the Labour market of the EU among students of RSFVS” and "RSFVS’s teachers learn new teaching methods abroad" (Agr. Nr. 2015-1-LV01-KA102-013285). Starting from the October 18, year 2015 up till the May 17, year 2016 RSFVS organised 8 flows or learning mobilities in cooperation with partner organizations in Estonia, Lithuania, Finland and Former Yugoslavia republic of Macedonia. In total amount 35 participants of project got experience abroad. Duration of learning mobility for students was 23 day, with their accompanying person stayed with them one week, but for teachers it was 9 days. There were 8 students from beauty services and hairdresser programs, who went to Estonia, Tartu Vocational Educational Centre during the 1st mobility. Also 3 teachers each representing one of RSFVS programs – multimedia, SPA specialists, Hairdressers stylists - took part at the Tartu VEC during the 2nd mobility. In the framework of the 3rd mobility 8 students from Photo service program learned in Lithuania, Vilnius Vocational training center for service and business specialists. So does our photography teacher took part in the 4th mobility and went to Vilnius for to get acquainted with teaching methods and materials in neighboring country. Prospective 3 clothes designer specialists participated in the 5th mobility in Finland, at Jyväskylä college, but 2 teachers from the same program visited and shadowed colleagues from Kotka-Hamina region in Finland at Southern-Kumenlaakso Vocational College. It was the 6th mobility. Last two mobilities were carried out at Academy Leontic in Skopje, Former Yugoslavia republic of Macedonia. Our 4 students from Visual image stylist program took part at the 7th mobility there, as well as 2 teachers from beautician and hairdressers programs discovered program and methods used in Academy Leontic during the last 8th mobility. The main purpose of the mobility was to enhance students’ practical skills development at their chosen profession, to give possibility to get acquainted with new technologies and tendencies, as well as to develop their ability to speak foreign language and to improve communication. The objectives of the project were fulfilled as it was verified by reports and presentations of participants. For example, students at Tartu acquired new technologies in body care beauty services. Students, practicing at Skopje got acquainted with mentality of Balkan region at its reflection at professional work, too in both colour combination and hairdressers practical work techniques. Students highly appreciate the possibility to practice at schools' salons, as it gave possibility to develop professional skills in work with clients and to rise up awareness of own talent and capacity. Photography students were excited about the lectures and practical works in photo laboratory at Vilnuis, where they could acquire to prepare the chemical consistence for development of photos. Also our students future clothe designers enjoyed learning computer designing program (despite of lacking finish language knowledge) for to construct patterns of dress they model. The participation in mobilities left positive footprint also in students’ personality and developed their independence. Regarding the mobility for teachers, the main purpose was to get introduced with an overview of the working and teaching methods used by foreign colleagues, new programs and materials, to participate in practical classes, as well as to build a network of contacts and cooperation among EU vocational schools. All teachers, who participated at the mobilities, did get introduced with foreign colleagues’ everyday working process, teaching programs, materials and methods, plus they got great inspiration and fresh ideas for to operate with in their practical classes with our students. For example, multimedia teacher was already used the model adapted from Estonian colleague. It helps students to acquire new themes. Also SPA specialist teacher got ascertained of the methods used for teaching beauty services program are topical and respective. The teachers shadowing colleague in Skopje privet educational center got possibility to compere the programs, materials and approach to study process. Our photography teacher besides pedagogical information got positive surprise of creativeness included in the practical studies. Also teachers got information on materials and system how dressmaker to be gets qualification in Finland, and got introduced with new student knowledge evaluation system, which excludes final examinations. Important to note that all participants of mobilities made acquaintance of the county, its traditions and historical heritage, as well as got new friends and contacts, also those have important role in both students’ and teachers’ professional life.

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