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1.Καινοτόμες δράσεις στη Β/θμια ΕΕΚ πρόληψης της ενδοσχολικής βίας & της μαθητικής διαρροής που απορρέει από αυτήν 2.Νέες μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας στη β/βάθμια ΕΕΚ με σκοπό τη συνέχιση των σπουδών στη Γ/βάθμια εκπ/ση παράλληλα με την επαγγ/κή αποκατάσταση
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Action 1: In the suggested project, the sending organization is Sivitanidios School & the host organization is Wisamar Edu. Inst. The participant members will be: •teachers, executives in the vocational education at Sivitanidios School, who are confronting such phenomena in their school environment •executives of the E.U. programs Department, who have participated in the design and implementation of counseling programs and projects of national and regional range, as well as representatives of Career Services Office The implementation of the project corresponds to the strategic policy “Europe 2020” and the priorities of European Conference of Utrecht in 1997, with the main purpose for: •the adoption of effective ways to confront the with-in school conflicts with the parallel motivation of students in the community or students-teachers •the upgrade of the teachers’ roles in planning and handling of school crisis in the classroom & the school community •the adoption of new strategies & innovative approaches, which would include appropriate measures for the group of students who face great risk of premature school abandonment or constitute real or potential victims /abusers of school violence outbreaks •the improvement of precaution measures & intervention aiming to the incorporation of students, immigrants or working force from 18-50 years old, having a low training level, quite a lot of them are premature school abandoners or have come up with various forms of school violence. The subjects of the program will be focus on: •presentation and analysis of the prevention programmes concerning both, bullying and early school leaving projects at schools in Leipzig. •presentation of the extra-curricular crisis management/bulling project “Streitschlichter” & of the “productive learning” project, which prevents students from early school leaving. •study visits to the G.Schumann-Middleschool, the vocational school BSZ 12 Leipzig, to the Diakonie Leipzig association for social work & to the Saxon Agency for Education This specific project will provide its participants the following potentials: •to incorporate in the school community contemporary advisory strategies and systems for the handling of school crisis and premature school abandonment •to acquire special training and skills on school failure issues and drop-out issues Action 2: Sending organization is Sivitanidios School. Participants will be 12 teachers of various specializations who have experience in digital learning and use of new educational tools and 3 training executives with experience in the operation of the Liaison Office. Host organization will be the S.I.C., a company which specializes in vocational rehabilitation of the graduates of Technical-Vocational Education of Andalusia and in their parallel education through modern methods of learning. Aims of the project are: -To support teachers in acquisition and exploitation of knowledge, skills, qualifications related to their personal and professional development. -To support improvements in quality and innovation to vocational education and practical training by transferring their experience. -The acquisition of skills in relation to the E-learning so as to educate students in the way of continuous contact with education both inside and outside of the school alongside with their vocational rehabilitation. So, it is expected that the teacher or the executive who will attend the program to be able: - To implement new innovative teaching methods in the laboratory of his specialty, - To improve his capacity to organize a more secure and attractive lesson - To focus on improving his skills in relation to the E-learning and using digital platform - To support innovations and improvements in practices in vocational education. The outline of activities is as follows: - Presentation of the Spanish educational system and its differences with the self-managed educational system of Andalusia. - Implementation of digital learning in schools in Malaga - Visits to educational institutions of IES Romero Esteo, IES Canovas , FORMAN where will be presented: ♦ The innovative way of using digital platform Moodle 2.0 ♦ The adaptation model and the method of use of digital technology for project management (Project Management) ♦ The virtual learning of asynchronous teaching and presentation of PCPI (assistant administrative management) ♦ Virtual classrooms ♦ Education at CEP (teaching centre) to innovative tools and modern methods of learning (training school ITC 2.O, Aula Virtual) ♦Visit to the technological park RETA The long-term results could be mainly focus on: -Understanding of the use made of new teaching methods in relevant vocational institutions of Andalusia and their adoption by the participants in Greece. - Comparison of the way of use and application of digital school and adjustment in the Greek vocational training. - To parallel vocational rehabilitation with continuing studies at tertiary level.
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