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1.- e-learning Authoring Tools ΔΡΑΣΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΟΜΕΝΩΝ Α1 - ροή 1 2.- e-learning Authoring Tools ΔΡΑΣΗ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟΥ Α2 3.- Υβριδικά αυτοκίνητα ΔΡΑΣΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΟΜΕΝΩΝ A1 - ροή 2
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project involves three actions, two (2) for trainees (1. e-learning Authoring Tools_Learners, 2. hybrid cars_Learners) and one (1) for staff (e-learning Authoring Tools_Staff). The joint action of learners and staff is about E-LEARNING AUTHORING TOOLS, which is software that enables the design and development of interactive educational digital material and creates an increased incentive for trainees and trainers to build part of learning. The creative involvement of teachers in the same training field as students, will have immediate positive results applicable to school, giving an opportunity for teachers and students to acquire the right skills, and also for students to get prepared for the huge market that is developing in the field of e-learning. The aim, is, that electronic courses should be structured so that the "student can identify information, understand it, interpret it and use it in new situations" (Michaelides, 2008). Action E-LEARNING AUTHORING TOOLS_LEARNERS is a program of Initial Vocational Training of 15 students of all specialties from 1st EPAL of Stavroupolis, and two escorting teachers in Riga, Latvia, in a 40 hours program, and professional visits to companies and organizations that use e-learning. Accordingly, the action for teachers concerns training of 14 teachers of all school specialities, including teachers of general education courses, for 30 hours, on the same subject, with professional visits, too. The main objectives of the two above actions are: - The study of international methods and established tools, used for the production of digital educational material - Creating increased incentives for students to build their own piece of learning - The acquisition of valuable experience on practices used in organizations of another European country that has one of the best infrastructures in the internet, such as Latvia The third action concerns training of 15 students of the Vehicle Division and two accompanying teachers, in hybrid cars, attendind a program that includes 50 hours of theoritical and practical training in Barcelona, Spain. The main objectives of this program are: the acquisition of knowledge and skills (construction, operation, maintenance and repair) of hybrid vehicles, which are the evolution of vehicle technology and focus on the protection of the environment Specific objectives of all three actions are: • to provide initial vocational training • the connection of Vocational Education with the labor market through professional visits to companies and organizations • Dealing with new technologies and innovative measures • growing team spirit, acquiring useful experience, strengthening confidence and creativity of students • improve their language skills in English • acquaintance with the cultures of Spain and Latvia • certification of acquired knowledge in Spain and Latvia • the transfer of know-how and good practices in our country The expected impact for participating students - teachers, concerns mainly the application to the class of new objects that they will be taught. It also strengthens the European dimension of education, knowledge of new educational systems , which will give impulses and reflections on new perspectives in the provision of education . The expected results of this activity are summarized as follows : • as far as students are concerned, to widen their knowledge horizons , to educate them to cutting - edge technology followed by the presentation of its application in enterprises and organizations, in obtaining the Europass and Youthpass certificates of the acquired new knowledge • concerning social knowledge and skills of students, by developing their socialization, acquisition experience, participation in educational and cultural activities • concerning the teachers, the opportunity to participate in an innovative educational process and bring them in contact with education and entrepreneurship in a foreign country. The products of mobility, both intellectually and materially: - will be directly applied to the learning process - will contribute to improve the quality and innovation of the provided educational materials to students - will support the learning process both in school but also in future-life, and thus will achieve the school's goal of supporting lifelong learning The activity of "e-learning Authoring Tools_Learners" will be held in Riga, Latvia, in November 2015 and will last 16 days. The activity of "e-learning Authoring Tools_Staff" will be held in Riga, in April 2016 for 10 days and EHV_Learners activity will be held in Barcelona in October 2016, for 16 days.
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