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1+2 Language Development
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

South Ayrshire Council are applying for 12 members of staff for the LFEE Immersion course, including 9 primary teachers, one secondary teacher, one Development Officer and one primary Head Teacher. These participants are looking to embed the target language into schools across the authority. In line with Scottish Government's policy to develop language learning, this Immersion course will aid schools and the authority to improve confidence of teaching staff as well as improving the language skills of pupils, in order to allow the national curriculum to develop further. The participants will establish partnerships with schools within the UK and Europe and will develop links with other schools through various ICT approaches. This exciting opportunity will allow staff to develop their confidence and fluency in French, which is a significant area for development within the authority. As a result of increased confidence and knowledge of resources, participants who have attended the course will be able to pass their newly learned teaching methodologies and approaches on to their colleagues, not just within their own school but also within their cluster and authority. We are certain that this project will have a positive impact on all 44 of our schools.Following the project, training courses will continue to be developed to support teaching staff, encompassing the new approaches, skills and resources gained on the course. In addition to the above, the L1+2 initiative's expectations include a cultural as well as linguistic focus. The LFEE Immersion course will provide participants with an deeper understanding and awareness of life in Central Europe, French culture and an insight in to the French education system, with a focus on the teaching of languages to younger learners.

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