Viera Zuborova
I'm a political scientist by background. I focus my interests on issues of populism, extremism, social movements, civil society, political communication and marketing, intolerance, and hate speech. Furthermore, I worked for ten years on various levels in the academic sphere. Besides, I also worked as a senior research fellow at the think-tank Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs (CENAA). In 2017, I was a scholar-in-residence in the ISGAP at Oxford University, and in 2010 a visiting Ph.D. scholar at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. I have been a regular columnist at the online newspaper Aktuality.SK since 2015 and co-funder of three non-profit organizations in human rights, education, youth, and social issues. My last work position was at IOTA Foundation, focusing on the crypto industry and blockchain and their social impact.