Martina Thominet
Human Rights
Minority groups
Oct 10, 2018
About Me
I am a research consultant with more than 8 years’ experience in the area of human rights (focusing on children’s rights, such as violence against children with disabilities in the EU and the right to education of Roma children in central Europe). I have been working for several international organizations, such as the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, Amnesty International Slovakia and European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
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Ideas in Progress
Disadvantaged People
Minority groups
Aid to Refugees
Legal Writing
Academic Writing
Migrants and Refugees
Human Rights
I am a research consultant with more than 8 years’ experience in the area of human rights (focusing on children’s rights, such as violence against children with disabilities in the EU and the right to education of Roma children in central Europe). I have been working for several international organizations, such as the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, Amnesty Inte...
Belehradská 7, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
6 years ago
6 years ago
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