EC - Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) logo

Deadline: Sep 11, 2025  
- 182 days

 Energy Efficiency
 Renewable Energy
 Social Housing
 Waste Management
 Industrial Manufacturing
 Education and Training
 Climate Sciences


This topic targets projects addressing serious social, economic and environmental challenges deriving from the transition towards the EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets and the objective of climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 at the latest, for the benefit of the EU territories identified in the Territorial Just Transition Plans.

The projects must also qualify for a loan by the EIB (or one of its financial intermediaries).


Projects related to a wide range of sustainable investments may be funded, such as:

  • investments in renewable energy and green and sustainable mobility, including the promotion of green hydrogen
  • efficient district heating networks
  • public research
  • digitalisation
  • environmental infrastructure for smart waste and water management
  • sustainable energy, energy efficiency and integration measures, including renovations and conversions of buildings
  • urban renewal and regeneration
  • the transition to a circular economy
  • land and ecosystem restoration and decontamination, taking into account the ‘polluter pays’ principle
  • biodiversity, as well as
  • up-skilling and re-skilling, training, and
  • social infrastructure, including care facilities and social housing.

Infrastructure development may also include cross-border projects and solutions leading to enhanced resilience to withstand ecological disasters, in particular those accentuated by climate change. A comprehensive investment approach should be favoured, in particular for territories with important transition needs.

Investments in other sectors may also be supported, if they are consistent with the approved Territorial Just Transition Plans.

The following sectors are clearly excluded from the scope of the JTM PSLF support:

  • decommissioning or the construction of nuclear power stations
  • manufacturing, processing and marketing of tobacco and tobacco products
  • help to undertakings in difficulty, as defined in point (18) of Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 (18), unless authorised under temporary State aid rules established to address exceptional circumstances or under de minimis aid to support investments reducing energy costs in the context of the energy transition process
  • investments related to the production, processing, transport, distribution, storage or combustion of fossil fuel.

The project activities must benefit a territory covered by an approved Territorial Just Transition Plan and must be consistent with this Plan and the sectors and thematic areas it sets out.

Expected Impact:

Proposals should include indicators evidencing that the project will achieve a measurable impact in addressing serious social, economic and environmental challenges deriving from the transition towards the EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets and the objective of climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 at the latest.

Public link:   Only for registered users

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The project idea (called SMART FAÇADE) is the adaptive facade which is integrated with HVAC system. The façade utilize small openings on the skin constructions for a continuou ...