Looking for ONE KA2 Small Scale Project Partner

7 months ago

Erkan Akar

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Are you passionate about art, culture, and European values?

We are embarking on an exciting journey to explore the intersection of creativity and citizenship. Our Erasmus+ KA2 small-scale project aims to bring together local artists, educators, and community members to celebrate EU Values Through Art.

Project Overview:  Topic: EU Values Through Art  Objective: Collaborate with talented local artists to create captivating art installations or thought-provoking exhibitions that vividly depict European values such as democracy, human rights, solidarity, and cultural diversity. Audience: People of all ages – from curious kids to wise seniors – will actively participate in the creation process.  Dialogue: Let’s ignite meaningful conversations about what it means to be European, bridging generations and backgrounds.

Why Join? nspiration: Immerse yourself in the creative process, drawing inspiration from European heritage and contemporary issues.  Impact: Your art will serve as a powerful medium for dialogue, encouraging reflection and understanding.  Networking: Connect with fellow artists, educators, and change-makers across borders.  Fun: Because art is meant to be enjoyed!

Partner Search: We’re particularly interested in partners from Germany, France, or the Netherlands who share our enthusiasm for art, education, and European values. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

Interested? Drop us a message to akarerkan(at)gmail.com or tag potential partners in the comments. Let’s turn creativity into a force for positive change!

#ErasmusPlus #ArtForChange #EuropeanValues #EducationThroughArt

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Digital Society

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