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Job-shadowing for School Evaluation
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at conducting a research on the procedures used by different schools in Europe, with regards to School Self-Assessment and external Evaluation. The issue of School Self-assessment and external Evaluation is particularly relevant in Italy at the moment since the Ministry of Education is defining a general procedure that should be introduced in every school in order to evaluate the educational service offered by each school. The six schools that take part in the Consortium, five Comprehensive Schools and a Secondary School, supervised by the Regional School Board for Abruzzo, are located in the Provinces of Pescara and Chieti. They are all committed in a wide process of improvement and modernization of the school service. To comply with the latest Italian legislation they have set as medium targets the implementation of systemic and effective tools for School Self-assessment and Improvement Plans in order to supply all the stakeholders with exhaustive aaccountability reports on the educational service offered by their schools. The Erasmus Plus KA01, School Staff Mobility, offers the opportunity to widen the comparison of best practises experienced in the European countries with a strong tradition of School autonomy and self-assessment procedures aimed at improving the educational service through the development of a "leadership for learning" and middle management. Since the Italian School system lacks of a clear definition of duties and responsibilities within the School staff, a direct observation of School management procedures and Evaluation systems in other european countries would turn useful to outline effective procedures for School Self-Assessment and Evaluation. The experience could produce effects on a regional and national scale. The Headteachers of the schools involved in the project and the teachers committed in the school organization will take part in a job-shadowing activity in partner schools in Portugal, Spain, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland that have a proven experience in Self-assessment, external evalutation, Improvement Plans and the development of a "leadership for learning". The project is focused on the analysis of the school organization procedures and on the assessment and evaluation systems aimed at improving the learning outcomes of the students. The activities should be organized as follows: The aim of the activity focus on management and on the assessment system, through: 1 . DIRECT OBSERVATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE HOST SCHOOL : - to participate in activities of supporting the Headteacher and the middle management staff ; - to assist the administration of national testing and inspections ; - to take part in the drafting of the improvement plan based on the results of the assessment; - to participate in the activities of the governing bodies . 2 . EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES with foreign colleagues : - Participating in their activities - Discussion about the strengths and weaknesses in the local assessment strategies. Among the particularly relevant results we include : - knowledge and experience gained by the participants; - improved cultural awareness; - better language skills ; - improved management skills and internationalization strategies; - reinforced co-operation with partners from other countries. The expected impact on individual participants and on the Institute will be identified in the following: > DEVELOP AND MANAGE A TOOL FOR SELF-ASSESSMENT OF INSTITUTE > BUILD AN IMPROVEMENT PLAN to reduce drift and improve student learning (with particular emphasis on key skills). May be considered as long-term benefits : - the quality of an evaluation culture in the schools associated on the Net work with the Comprehensive Institute; - the contribution to the debate for the identification of new forms of organization and evaluation in school autonomy; - motivating other public or private organisations to participate in European Programmes.

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